by John Gingerich | Jan 30, 2019 | Events
Pacific Northwest Mennonite Historical Society’s Annual Meeting and program was Saturday, January 19, at Zion Mennonite Church. Guest speaker and Oregon native, Jessie Gingrich Hostetler from Portland Mennonite Church, shared her experiences as an MCC volunteer in...
by John Gingerich | Nov 7, 2018 | Blog, Events
View our 2019 Annual Meeting Flyer Saturday, January 19 at Zion Mennonite Church “MCC Service in Vietnam, A Personal Story: From War to Forgiveness” Pacific Northwest Mennonite Historical Society’s Annual Meeting and program will be Saturday, January 19, at Zion...
by John Gingerich | Nov 2, 2018 | Blog, Events
November 2018— I am looking back a little here, less than two months to be exact which is fairly short-term for historians! I am remembering a Saturday afternoon in September with Dr. John D. Roth director of the Institute for study of Global Anabaptism was guest at...
by John Gingerich | Jul 11, 2018 | Blog, Events
A photo album sharing photos taken by Ken Pitts from the 2018 Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference held in Boise, Idaho June 21-23 have been archived in an album at this link.
by John Gingerich | Jan 24, 2018 | Events
Pacific Northwest Mennonite Historical Society held its Annual Meeting hosting a luncheon, business meeting and program “Conscience over Convenience” on Saturday, January 20, at Zion Mennonite Church focusing on the Civilian Public Service Program during...
by John Gingerich | Feb 8, 2017 | Events
It may have been cool and rainy outside on Saturday, January 21, but inside Zion Mennonite Church there was warm fellowship, a delicious lunch of homemade rolls, soup and pie and amazing stories! About 35 persons attended the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Pacific...