Timely Stories in our Library

In the context of daily news from Standing Rock, these two books in our library tell stories which help to shed some light on the struggles of native people we did not learn about in our public schools. •  Magpie’s Blanket by Kimberly D. Schmidt, and •...

Exploring Your Personal History

The February issue of the TourMagination Newsletter “DISCOVERY” features an article “Exploring Your Personal History” by Conrad Stoesz: Where to start, Document your sources, Gather stories and Keep hard copies. Page 2 shares a list of links to...

Wagon Trip to the Coast, 1895

PNMHS Library archives an impressive collection of Anabaptist Periodicals with reports and stories on a wide variety of topics, some of which may surprise you. Here’s an example of a story scanned from The Diary [A monthly correspondent magazine with reports...