Power, Authority, and the Anabaptist Tradition

Power, Authority, and the Anabaptist Tradition, edited by Benjamin W. Redekop and Calvin W. Redekop.Contributors: Stephen C. Ainlay, College of the Holy Cross • J. Lawrence Burkholder, President Emeritus, Goshen College • Lydia Neufeld Harder, Toronto School of...

A School on the Prairie

Living The Vision; Hesston College 1909-2009 This week a Visual Supplement to John E. Sharp’s book on Hesston College’s Centennial Celebration was added to the Archival Collection. The Book and DVD are available for checkout at the library. The DVD is...

2019 Annual Meeting and Program

View our 2019 Annual Meeting Flyer Saturday, January 19 at Zion Mennonite Church “MCC Service in Vietnam, A Personal Story: From War to Forgiveness” Pacific Northwest Mennonite Historical Society’s Annual Meeting and program will be Saturday, January 19, at Zion...

Global Anabaptist Profile

Global Anabaptist Profile The Global Anabaptist Profile, a joint effort of the Institute for the Study of Global Anabaptism and Mennonite World Conference (MWC), provides a snapshot of the diversity of MWC member churches and invites them into conversation on...