Circles of Sisterhood

A recent addition to our library Collection, check-it-out: Circles of Sisterhood: A History of Mission, Service, and Fellowship in Mennonite Women’s Organizations This description from MennoMedia… The saga of Mennonite women’s organizations is a story of...

Anabaptist and Mennonite Videos & Movies

We have added this new page to our website listing Videos and Movies that are in our collection or available online. If you are aware of additional titles that you think should be included, we would be pleased to hear from you.

Conscientious objectors and Smoke Jumping

This recent addition to our library collection “Smoke Jumping on the Western Fire Line: Conscientious Objectors During World War II” by Mark Matthews, forward by George S. McGovern, tells the story of an alternative to fighting in the war chosen by some of...

Timely Stories in our Library

In the context of daily news from Standing Rock, these two books in our library tell stories which help to shed some light on the struggles of native people we did not learn about in our public schools. •  Magpie’s Blanket by Kimberly D. Schmidt, and •...