Chasing History, part 2

Ralph and Margaret became engaged in July 1942, but decided not to share the news with family or friends right away. Margaret continued with her schooling. She was still taking a full load of classes in pursuit of a teaching degree, working as the secretary to the...

Chasing History

Chasing History A series featuring the people that made PNMHS possible. Margaret Shetler, 94, fulfilling her duty as archivist at Pacific Northwest Mennonite Historical Society as she has done for many years. A desire that could not be ignored By Heather Harney...

George Fox Students Working With PNMHS

During the month of December, students taking a professional writing course at George Fox University have been working diligently to develop projects that will benefit the mission of PNMHS. A group of students worked on helping PNMHS to start gaining funds for future...