Code | Category | Title | Publ. Date | Author or Publisher | Donated by | Description |
GB-01 | Bibles | Die Heilige Schrift, Das Alte Testament - 1-3 | 1893 | Clarence & Berdena (Miller) West | The Holy Scriptures, the Old Testament (Genesis - Psalms) | |
GB-02 | Bibles | Die Heilige Schrift, Das Alte Testament - 4 | 1893 | Schmeider, Dr. H. E. | Clarence & Berdena (Miller) West | The Holy Scriptures, the Old Testament (Isaiah-Malachi, Apocrypha) |
GB-03 | Bibles | Die Heilige Schrift, Das Neue Testament | 1890 | Clarence & Berdena (Miller) West | The Holy Scriptures, the New Testament | |
GB-04 | Bibles | Das Neue Testament | 1923 | Clarence & Berdena (Miller) West | The New Testament and Psalms | |
GB-05 | Bibles | Die Bibel, die ganze Heilige Schrift | 1872 | Clarence & Berdena (Miller) West | The Bible, the entire Holy Scriptures | |
GB-06 | Bibles | Die Bibel, oder die ganze Heilige Schrift | Dan Erb | The Bible, or the Entire Holy Scriptures | ||
GB-07 | Bibles | Die Bibel, die ganze Heilige Schrift, Alten und Neue Testaments | 1907 | Edith Fuller | The Bible, the entire Holy Scriptures, Old and New Testaments | |
GB-08 | Bibles | Die Bibel oder die ganze Heiliger Schrift | 1885 | Urie E. Kenagy | The Bible or the entire Holy Scriptures (donated to Western Mennonite School library by Clara Vogt Roth) | |
GB-09 | Bibles | Die Bibel, oder die ganze Heilige Schrift | 1902 | Urie E. Kenagy | The Bible, or the Entire Holy Scriptures | |
GB-10 | Bibles | The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ translated out of the original Greek | 1898 | Urie E. Kenagy | Bilingual New Testament: German and English side-by-side | |
GB-11 | Bibles | Das Neue Testament | 1888 | Urie E. Kenagy | The New Testament | |
GB-12 | Bibles | Das Neue Testament unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi | 1896 | Urie E. Kenagy | The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ | |
GB-13 | Bibles | Das Neue Testament unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi | 1896 | Urie E. Kenagy | The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ | |
GB-14 | Bibles | Das Neue Testament unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi / Die Psalmen Davids | 1901 | Britische und Ausländische Bibelgesellschaft (British and Foreign Bible Society)Britische und Ausländische Bibelgesellschaft (British and Foreign Bible Society) | John Yoder (son of Paul E. Yoder) | The New Testament ofr our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ according t the German translation of Dr. Martin Luther / The Psalms of David according to the German translaction |
GB-15 | Bibles | Die Bibel oder die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments, nach der deutschen Űbersetzimg Dr. Martin Luthers | 1884 | Britische und Ausländische Bibelgesellschaft (British and Foreign Bible Society) | John Yoder (son of Paul E. Yoder) | A. P. Troyer's Bible: The Bible or the complete Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament according to the German translation of Dr. Martin Luther |
GBH-01 | Bible History | Nicodemus: Evangelium Nicodemi, oder historischer Bericht von dem Leben Jesu Christi | Urie E. Kenagy | The Gospel of Nicodemus, or historical account of the life of Jesus Christ (Apocryphal book) | ||
GD-01 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Amerikanisch-Lutherische Epistel Postille | 1882 | Walther, Karl Ferd. Wilh. | Clarence & Berdena (Miller) West | American-Lutheran Book of Prayers and Sermons |
GD-02 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Calwer Bibelkonkordanz | 1893 | Clarence & Berdena (Miller) West | Bible Concordance | |
GD-03 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Heilige Worte, Tägliche Andachten von Ernst Modersohn, Pastor | 1910 | Modersohn, Ernst | Urie E. Kenagy | Holy Words, Daily Devotions by Ernst Modersohn, Pastor |
GD-04 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Biblische Hand-Konkordanz | 1901 | Urie E. Kenagy | Bible Hand Concordance or alphabetic word index of the Holy Scriptures | |
GD-05 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Suchet in der Schrift. Tägliche Betrachtungen für das ganzxe Jahr mit Anhang | 1890 | Schrenk, E. | Urie E. Kenagy | Search the Scriptures. Daily Observlations for the entire year with Appendix |
GD-06 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Gottes Ackerwerk. Predigten von C. H. Spurgeon | 1883 | Spurgeon, C. H. | Urie E. Kenagy | God's Farmwork. Sermons by C. H. Spurgeon |
GD-07 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Die Bibel Gottes Wort | 1903 | Bettex, F. | Urie E. Kenagy | The Bible, the Word of God |
GD-08 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Die Wandelnde Seele | 1952 | Schabalie, Johann Philipp | Urie E. Kenagy | The Wandering Soul, written in Dutch and translated into High German by B. B. B. |
GD-09 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Unser Beruf und Licht aus der Offenbarung Johannes | 1917 | Hager, Johann F. | Clarence & Berdena (Miller) West | Our Calling and Light from the Revelation of John |
GD-10 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Licht auf den täglichen Pfad | 1877 | Urie E. Kenagy | Light on the Daily Path (daily thoughts) | |
GD-11 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Ganz aus Gnaden | 1899 | Spurgeon, C. H. | Urie E. Kenagy | All by Grace: a serious word to those who are seeking salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ |
GD-12 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Der Weg zu Gott und wie er zu finden ist | 1898 | Moody, D. L. | Urie E. Kenagy | The Way to God and how to find it |
GD-13 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Verborgene Kraft; oder das Geheimniss des Erfolgs im christlichen Leben und christlichen Wirken | 1889 | Moody, D. L. | Urie E. Kenagy | Hidden Power; or the secret of success in the Christian Life and Christian Work |
GD-14 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Der Himmel: von D. L. Moody: wo er ist, seine Bewohner, und wie man hinein kommt | 1884 | Moody, D. L. | Urie E. Kenagy | Heaven: where it is, its occupants, and how to get to it |
GD-15 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Die sechs Stufen zur Ehre, oder wichtige Wahrheiten beleuchtet | 1857 | Andrews, Rev. H. P. | Urie E. Kenagy | The Six Steps to Honor, or Important Truths Illuminated |
GD-16 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Die ernsthafte Christenpflicht, enthaltend Schöne geistreiche Gebete | 1907 | Mennonite Publishing House, Elkhart, Indiana | Urie E. Kenagy | The Serious Duty of the Christian, containing beautiful spiritual prayers |
GD-17 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Heilsame Anweisungen und Regeln Zu einem gottseligen Leben | 1857 | Presented to Alice Rogie by Elias Yoder | Wholesome Instructions and Rules for a Godly life | |
GD-18 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Kleinode göttlicher Verheissungen | Spurgeon, C. H. | Urie E. Kenagy | Jewels of Divine Promises | |
GD-19 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Spruchregister über das Alte und Neue Testament | Urie E. Kenagy | Index of Bible Texts about the Old and New Testament | ||
GD-20 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Kommet zu Jesu! Gebetbüchlein für Himmelserben | Urie E. Kenagy | Come to Jesus! Book of prayers for heirs of Heaven | ||
GD-21 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Kleines Hand-Büchlein darinnen Morgen- und Abendgebeter | 1872 | Urie E. Kenagy | Little Handbook with Morning and Evening Prayers also for baptism and communion | |
GD-22 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Ohne Fühlen will ich trauen! | Urie E. Kenagy | Not Seeing, I Will Trust | ||
GD-23.1 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Die Angenehmen Stunden in Zion, der Stillen Ruhe | 1869 | Steiner, Ulrich | The Pleasant Hours in Zion, of Quiet Peace (in slipcover) | |
GD-23,2 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Die Angenehmen Stunden in Zion, der Stillen Ruhe | 1869 | Steiner, Ulrich | The Pleasant Hours in Zion, of Quiet Peace | |
GD-24 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Ein Fundamentalbuch der Christlichen Lehre | 1893 | Mennonite Publishing House, Elkhart, Indiana | Urie E. Kenagy | A Book of Fundamentals of Christian Teaching |
GD-25 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Die Bildschilderung vom 1. Buch Mose bis zur Offenbarung Johannis | 1900 | Clarence & Berdena (Miller) West | The Pictorial Portrayal of the First Book of Moses to the Revelation of John | |
GD-26 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Taegliches Hand-Buch in guten und boesen Tagen | 1813 | Johann Friedrich Stark | Mrs. Catherine Smith, Salem, OR | Daily Handbuch in Good and Bad Days |
GD-27 | Devotional/ Bible Studies | Die Glaubenslehre der Mennoniten oder Taufgesinnten nach deren oeffentlichen Glaubensbekenntnissen | 1906 | Mennonite Book Concern, Berne, IN | Previously coded in our collection: German 238.7 RIS | The Doctrine of the Mennonites or Baptismal Believers according to their Public Confessions of Faith |
GHC-01 | Church History | Täufertum und Reformation im Gespräch | 1968 | Yoder, John Howard | Previously coded in our collection: German 284.3 YOD | Anabaptism and Reformation in Conversation |
GHC-02 | Church History | Die soziale Herkunft der Schweizer Täufer in der Reformationszeit | 1954 | Peachey, Paul | The Social Origins of the Swiss Baptists in the Time of the Reformation | |
GHC-03 | Church History | Lebens- und Leidensbilder evangelischer Märtyrer Italiens | 1869 | Christoffel, Raget, Pastor | Life and Suffering Picture of Evangelical Italiian Martyrs | |
GHC-04 | Church History | Ein Bote des Königs, Baedekers Leben und Wirken | 1907 | R. S. Latimer | An Ambassador of the King | |
GHC-05 | Church History | Die Mennoniten-Gemeinden in Russland waehrend der Kriegs- und Revolutionsjahre 1914 bis 1920 | 1921 | Kommissionsverlag der Mennon. Fluechtlingsfuersorge, Heilbronn a. Neckar | Previously coded in our collection: German 289.747 MRCO | The Mennonite Communities in Russia during the War and Revolution Years, 1914-1920 |
GHL-01 | History, Local | Zur Geschichte des Warndts 1974-82 | Margaret Shetler | |||
GHL-02 | History, Local | Geschichte der Gemeinde Wiebelsheim | Henn, Armin | Margaret Shetler | History of the Wiebelsheim Municipality Vol. 2 | |
GHL-03 | History, Local | Lindenfelser Hefte | 1979 | Weber, Hans H. | Margaret Shetler | Lindenfels Booklets--past and present |
GHL-04 | History, Local | Guntersblumen Geschichte(n) | 1997 | Margaret Shetler | Guntersblumer History(ies)--past and present | |
GHL-05 | History, Local | Schweizer Einwanderer in den Kraichgau nach dem Dreissigjaehrigen Krieg, mit ausgewaehlter Ortsliteratur | 1983 | Karl Diefenbacher | Previously coded in our collection: 929.343 DIE | Swiss immigrants to the Kraichgau after the Thirty Years' War, with selected local literature |
GHW-01 | History, World | Der Deutsch-franzosische Krieg 1870 und 1871 | 1890 | Köppen, Georg | Clarence & Berdena (Miller) West | The German-French War 1870-1871 |
GL-01 | German Language | Deutsche Fibel | 1901 | Lorenzen, A. F. | Urie E. Kenagy | German Primer |
GL-02 | German Language | Deutsche Fibel Nach der analytisch-synthetischen Schreiblesemethode | 1886 | Weick, W. H. und C. Grebner | Urie E. Kenagy | German Primer based on the analytical synthetical writing-reading method |
GL-03 | German Language | A B C, Buchstabir- und Lesebuch | T | Eby, Benjamon | Urie E. Kenagy | A B C Spelling and Reading Book |
GL-04 | German Language | A B C, Buchstabir- und Lesebuch | 1896 | Benjamin | Urie E. Kenagy | A B C, Spelling and Reading Book |
GLD-01 | German Language Dictionary | Junior Classic German Dictionary, German-English and English-German | 1947 | Wessely, J. E. | Clarence & Berdena (Miller) West | German-English and English-German dictionary |
GM-01 | Missions | Schreckenstage in Kumase | 1901 | Steiner, P. | Days of Terror in Kumase | |
GM-02 | Missions | Vier Jahre gefangen in Asante. | 1905 | Steiner, P. | Four Years imprisoned in Asante | |
GP-01 | Periodicals | Christlicher Bundesbote | 6 Mar 1919- 12 Dec 1929; 27 Jun 1933- 10 Dec 1946 | Berne, IN (1919-1929) Newton, KS (1933-1946) | German language periodical for Mennonites (both periods very incomplete) | |
GP-02 | Periodicals | Die Rundshau (1882-1883)/ Mennonitische Rundschau (1890-) | 1 May 1882- 24 Jan 1883, 15 Oct 1890- 14 Dec 1898; 11 Dec 1918 | Menn. Verlags- handlung (1882-83)/Mennonite Publishing Co. (1890-1908) Elkhart, IN; Mennonite Publishing House, Scottsdale, PA (1908-1923) | German language periodical for news of Mennonites. Except for the 1918 issue, what we have is partial photo- copies featuring news from Oregon and adjacent columns. |
GPA-01 | Periodicals, Almanac type | Pennsylvanischer Calender (Neuer Gemeinnuessiger Pennsylvanischer Calender) Bundesbote Kalender Adler Calender Peruna Glucks-Tag Almanach | 1856-1918 1888 1896 1908 | Johann Baer & Soehnen, etc., Lancaster PA Welty & Sprunger, Berne, IN Milford N. Ritter, Reading, PA Peruna Drug Mfg Co, Columbus, OH | German language yearly almanacs | |
GPA-02 | Periodicals, Almanac type | Familien Kalender | 1875-1929 (incomplete) | Mennoniten Buchdruckerei, etc. | German language yearly almanacs | |
GPA-03 | Periodicals, Almanac type | Familien Kalender The People's Almanac Agricultural Almanac | 1931-1939 1858 1894-1967 | Mennonite Publishing Hse, Scottsdale, PA Louden & Co., Philadelphia, PA John Baer's Sons, Lancaster, PA | German language yearly almanacs and English language yearly almanacs |
GSO-00 | Song Books | Additional Information on the German Songbooks at Pacific Northwest Mennonite Historical Society Archives | 2024 | Martin, Tace | Martin, Tace | Brief overall history of North American Amish & Mennonite groups and their use of German songbooks, followed by detailed descriptions of the songbooks in this collection, some including English translations of their forewords. |
GSO-01 | Song Books | Deutsche Harmonie oder Mehrstimmige Gesänge für Deutsche Singschulen und Kirchen | 1875 | Schmauk, J. G. | Urie E. Kenagy | German Harmonies or Songs arranged for mixed voices for German singing schools and churches |
GSO-02.1 | Song Books | Lieder und Melodien | 1895 | Urie E. Kenagy | Songs and Melodies with an appendix of songs in English | |
GSO-02.2 | Song Books | Lieder und Melodien | 1895 | Urie E. Kenagy | Songs and Melodies with an appendix of songs in English | |
GSO-03 | Song Books | Lieder und Melodien | 1895 | Urie E. Kenagy | Songs and Melodies with an appendix of songs in English | |
GSO-04 | Song Books | Lieder und Melodien | 1895 | Urie E. Kenagy | Songs and Melodies with an appendix of songs in English | |
GSO-05 | Song Books | Evangeliums-Lieder 1 und 2 | 1897 | Rauschenbusch, Walter and Ira D. Sankey | Urie E. Kenagy | Gospel Hymns 1 and 2 |
GSO-06 | Song Books | Evangeliums-Lieder 1 und 2 | c 1897 | Rauschenbusch, Walter and Ira D. Sankey | Urie E. Kenagy | Gospel Hymns |
GSO-07 | Song Books | Evangeliums Lieder 1 und 2 (Gospel Hymns) | 1897 | Rauschenbusch, Walter and Ira D. Sankey | Urie E. Kenagy | Gospel Hymns 1 and 2 |
GSO-08 | Song Books | Evangeliums-Lieder | 1890 | Rauschenbusch, Walter and Ira D. Sankey | Urie E. Kenagy | Gospel Hymns |
GSO-09 | Song Books | Evangeliums-Lieder | 1890 | Rauschenbusch, Walter and Ira D. Sankey | Urie E. Kenagy | Gospel Hymns |
GSO-10 | Song Books | Evangelliums Lieder 1 und 2 Die Kleine Palme Silberklänge Die Perle | 1897 | Rauschenbusch, Walter and Ira D. Sankey | Urie E. Kenagy | Four song books in one volume |
GSO-11 | Song Books | Die Kleine Palme | 1895 | Urie E. Kenagy | The Little Palm Tree, a sampler of songs | |
GSO-12 | Song Books | Die Kleine Palme | 1895 | Magaret, E. G. & Meyer, Geo. J. | Urie E. Kenagy | The Little Palm Tree, a sampler of songs |
GSO-13 | Song Books | Hosianna für Sonntagschulen | 1888 | Horn, W. and J. M. Biermann | Urie E. Kenagy | Hosanna, a Songbook for Sunday School, devotional hour, and the Christian family |
GSO-14 | Song Books | Hosianna, ein Liederbuch für Sonntagschulen, Erbauungsstunden und die christliche familie | 1876 | Horn, W. and J. M. Biermann | Urie E. Kenagy | Hosanna, a Songbook for Sunday School, devotional hour, and the Christian family |
GSO-15 | Song Books | Kleiner Liederschatz für Schule und Familienkreis | 1914 | Herold Book & Publishing Co. | Clara M. Vogt | Little Treasury of Songs for School and Family Circle |
GSO-16 | Song Books | Jubeltöne | 1889 | Lauer & Mattill | Song book: Notes of Rejoicing, used for Sunday School and Family Circle | |
GSO-17 | Song Books | Heimatklänge, Liederbuch der Mennoniten-Brüdergemeinde | Sounds of Home, Songbook of the Mennonite Brethren Churchj | |||
GSO-18.A | Song Books | Eine Sammlung von Schönen Liedern zum Gebrauch bei dem Gottesdienst | 1901 | Printed by Christian K. Schmucker, Belleville, PA | A Collection of Beautiful Songs for use in church services | |
GSO-18.B | Song Books | Eine Sammlung von Schönen Liedern zum Gebrauch bei dem Gottesdienst | 1901 | Printed by Christian K. Schmucker, Belleville, PA | A Collection of Beautiful Songs for use in church services | |
GSO-18.C | Song Books | Eine Sammlung von Schönen Liedern zum Gebrauch bei dem Gottesdienst | 1912 | Mennonite Publishing House | Lois Kenagy | A Collection of Beautiful Songs for use in church services |
GSO-19 | Song Books | Evangeliums Lieder (Gospel Hymns) | 1890 | Rauschenbusch, Walter and Ira D. Sankey | Urie E. Kenagy | Gospel Hymns |
GSO-20 | Song Books | Gesang-Buch, Enthaltend Geistreiche Lieder und Psalmen | 1841 | Bär, Johann, printer & publisher | Song Book containing Spiritual Songs and Psalms | |
GSO-21 | Song Books | Gesang-Buch, Enthaltend Geistreiche Lieder und Psalmen | 1854 | Bär, Johann, printer & publisher | Song Book containing Spiritual Songs and Psalms | |
GSO-22 | Song Books | (no cover) | Clarence & Berdena (Miller) West | Song Book and Psalms | ||
GSO-23 | Song Books | a song book; title not available | Urie E. Kenagy | a song book; title not available | ||
GSO-24 / GSO-25 | Song Books | Eine Sammlung von Schöne Lieder zum Gebrauch bei dem Gottesdienst | 1901 | Printer: Christian K. Schmucker (Smoker) | John Yoder (son of Paul E. Yoder) | Song Book used by Zion Mennonite Church: A Collection of Beautiful Songs for use in Divine Worship |
GSO-26 | Song Books | Gesangbuch mit Noten | 1913 | Mennonite Book Concern, Berne, IN | Previously coded in our collection: MUSIC 245.31 MBC | Songbook with Notes |
GSO-27 | Song Books | Deutsche Kinderlieder (Cover title: Liederbuch fuer Kinder) | 1946 | Board of Publication of the GCMC, NA | Previously coded in our collection: Music 784.624 GCM | German Children's Songs |
GST-01 | Story Books/ Bible Stories | Haus und Herd, Ein Familien-Magazin für Jung und Alt | 1875 | Liebhart, H. | House and Hearth, a family magazine for young and old | |
GST-02 | Story Books/ Bible Stories | Das Leben Christi | Daniel M. Widmer | The Life of Christ (title page is missing) | ||
GST-03 | Story Books/ Bible Stories | ,,Himmelsblumen." Neue Erzählungen für Jung und Alt | Sirsch, Carl | Heaven's Flowers. New Stories for Young and Old | ||
GST-04 | Story Books/ Bible Stories | Himmelsblumen, Erzählungen für Jung & Alt; Zwei Glückstage von M. Rüdiger, No. 2 | Rüdiger, M. | Urie E. Kenagy | Flowers of Heaven, New stories for young and old: Two red letter days by M. Rüdiger | |
GST-05 | Story Books/ Bible Stories | Himmelsblumen, Neue Erzählungen für Jung und Alt: Einer Mutter lieber Sohn, No. 4 | Winger, G. | Urie E. Kenagy | Flowers of Heave, New stories for young and old: A Mother's Dear Son | |
GST-06 | Story Books/ Bible Stories | Himmelsblumen, Neue Erzählungen für Jung und Alt: Nani's Aufgaben, No. 8 | Liebrecht, Maria | Urie E. Kenagy | Flowers of Heaven, New stories for young and old: Nani's Tasks | |
GST-07 | Story Books/ Bible Stories | Himmelsblumen, Neue Erzählungen für Jung und Alt, No. 36: Gotteswunder | von Kronoff, Frida | Urie E. Kenagy | Flowers of Heaven, New stories for young and old, No. 36: God's Miracles | |
GST-08 | Story Books/ Bible Stories | Treu bis in den Tod | Kaufman, Ernst | Urie E. Kenagy | Faithful Unto Death, a Bible picture book, stories of Biblical martyrs | |
GST-09 | Story Books/ Bible Stories | Das Schönste in Leben | 1908 | Drummond, Henry | Urie E. Kenagy | The Most Beautiful Thing in Life |
GST-10 | Story Books/ Bible Stories | Die Schönsten Erzählugen | Urie E. Kenagy | The Most Beautiful Stories | ||
GST-10 | Story Books/ Bible Stories | Das Schönste in Leben | ||||
GST-11 | Story Books/ Bible Stories | Edelweiss, Erzählungen für Jung und Alt: Es ist noch Raum, No. 17 | Urie E. Kenagy | Edelweiss, stories for young and old: There is still room | ||
GST-12 | Story Books/ Bible Stories | Edelweiss, Erzählungen für Jung und Alt: Zwei Königskinder, No. 26 | Urie E. Kenagy | Edelweiss, stories for young and old: Two Royal Children | ||
GST-13 | Story Books/ Bible Stories | Edelweiss, Erzählungen für Jung unt Alt: Rotkelchen, No. 44 | Urie E. Kenagy | Edelweiss, stories for young and old: Robins | ||
GST-14 | Story Books/ Bible Stories | Edelweiss, Erzählungen für Jung unt Alt: Aus Nürnbergs vergangenen Tagen, No 82 | Urie E. Kenagy | Edelweiss, stories for young and old: From Nuremberg's Past Days | ||
GST-15 | Story Books/ Bible Stories | Edelweiss, Erzählungen für Jung unt Alt: Unter seinem sanften Stab, No 87 | Urie E. Kenagy | Edelweiss, stories for young and old: Under His Gentle Rod | ||
GST-16 | Story Books/ Bible Stories | Jerry Creed. Eine Erzählung für Christenkinder | Barth., Dr. Chr. G. | Urie E. Kenagy | Jerry Creed, a story for Christian Children | |
GST-17 | Story Books/ Bible Stories | Der erste Christbaum in Dakota und andere Weihnachtsgeschichten für Kinder | Urie E. Kenagy | The First Christmas Tree in Dakota and other Christmas stories for children | ||
GST-18 | Story Books/ Bible Stories | Blumen und Sterne, Eine Weihnachstfeier | Urie E. Kenagy | Flowers and Stars, a Christmas celebration (in leather envelope) | ||
GST-19 | Story Books/ Bible Stories | Biblische Geschichten für Schulen und Familien | 1893 | Mennonite Publishing House, Elkhart, Indiana | . | Bible Stories for Schools and Families |
GST-20 | Story Books/ Bible Stories | Pilgerreise zur selige Ewigkeit von Johann Bunyan (red cover) | Bunyan, John | Urie E. Kenagy | Pilgrim's Progress to the blessed Eternity | |
GST-21 | Story Books/ Bible Stories | Pilgerreise zur selige Ewigkeit von Johann Bunyan (green cover) | Bunyan, John | Urie E. Kenagy | Pilgrim's Progress to the blessed Eternity | |
GST-22 | Story Books/ Bible Stories | Aus Kinderland | Frohnmeyer, Ida | Urie E. Kenagy | From Chrildren's Land | |
GST-23 | Story Books/ Bible Stories | Biblische Geschichte, Illustrirte Kinderbibel | 1882 | Jennings & Graham | Bible Stories, Illustrated Children's Bible, with 182 beautiful wood engravings | |
GST-24 | Story Books/ Bible Stories | Biblische Geschichte, Illustrirte Kinderbibel | 1882 | Cranston & Stowe | Urie E. Kenagy | 126 Bible Stories, Illustrated Children's Bible, with 128 beautiful wood engravings |
GT-01 | Travelogue | Auf Wanderwegen | 1935 | Frieda, Sister | . | On Hiking Trails (Conversations about a Europe trip) |
GT-02 | Travelogue | Reisebilder und Heimatklänge | 1869 | Funcke, O. | Urie E. Kenagy | Travel pictures and sounds of home |
GT-03 | Travelogue | Eine Deputationsreise von Russland nach Amerika vor vierundzwanzig Jahren | 1897 | Mennonite Publishing House, Elkhart, Indiana | . | A Deputation Trip from Russia to America |
GV-01 | Veterinary--Animal Services | Der Hausthier-Arzt für den amerikanischen Farmer unt Viehzüchter | 1881 | Urie E. Kenagy | The Housepet Doctor for the American Farmer and Livestock Raiser | |
GZ-01 | Miscellany | Der Fertiger Rechner | Clarence & Berdena (Miller) West | The Ready Mathematician | ||