
We have an extensive collection of periodicals related to Mennonite organizations and programs. They are organized by title in small shelf boxes arranged alphabetically on the library shelves.
You may search for a periodical using the search feature andĀ find an online description and/or archive for the periodicals which have links available.

ADN: Algemeen Doopsgezind Week BablNetherlands1992,1993,1994,1996,1997, incompletearchives, vertical files
Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission Intl.- Messengernewsletter2001, 2003
archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Agapethe Voice of Mennonite Voluntary Service1967 - 1978Vol. 14, 18, 23, 24 (incomplete)linklibrary periodical shelf
Albany Mennonite Home of Albany, quarterly newsnewsletter1989-Mar;1994-Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Sep,Oct,11,12; 1995-Jan,Feb,Apr,May,Oct,Dec; 1997-summer, 1998-summer,winter; 1999-winter.incompletearchives, vertical files
Albany Mennonite Home: The Village Update1997: June 27, July 3.1998: Feb 6. mmmmarchives, vertical files, periodicals
AliveMennonite Broadcast pamphlet1968- 1975incompletearchives, periodical files
Allegany Conference Newsmonthly news letter1968-Mar,Aprmonthlyarchives, vertical files
Almanac #1, Pennsylvania Kalendar1856-1918 (incomplete)annuallylibrary office german coll
Almanac #2, Familian Calendar (German)1875-1929 (incomplete)annuallylibrary office german
Almanac, Agricultural (German)1897,1902,1905,1943annuallylibrary office
german coll
Almanac, Bundesbole Kalandar (German)1888,1896,1908annuallylibrary office german coll
Almanac, Family (English)Mennonite Publishing House1887-1955 (incomplete)1887, 1890, 1894, 1897, 1899, 1891, 1901-1904, 1906, 1907, 1909 -1955
annuallylibrary periodical shelves
American Association for State and Local History2012-quarterlylinklibrary periodical shelves
American Historical Society of Germans from Russia: Journals1982: Spr, Fall, Wint. 1983: Sum, Fall, Wint. 1984: Spr, Wint. ; Spr.1985, 1986: all . 1992: Spring, Fall.Vol. 1 - 37 (1978-2014); missing Vols. 1, #1; 22, #2,3; 25 #4; 30 #1,2; 31 #2,3,4; 32 #1,2; 33 #1,2,3,4; 34 #1,2,3,4; 35 #1,2,3,4; 36, #1,2; 37 #3,4quarterlyAHSGR WebsiteJournals Onlinelibrary periodical shelves
American Historical Society of Germans from Russia: Newsletter.1981: Mar, Jun, Aug, Dec. 1982: Mar, Dec. 1983: Mar, Dec. 1984: Feb, May, Oct. 1985: Mar, Jun, Nov. 1986: Feb, Dec. 1987: Mar. 1988: Mar, Jun. 1989: Jan, Aug.library periodical shelves
American Historical Society of Germans from Russia: Work Papers1970: Feb, 1971: Feb, 1972: May, Oct,
Dec. 1973: Dec. 1981: Spr, Fall, Win.
No. 1 - 25 (1969-1977)
3 per yearAHSGR Websitelibrary periodical shelves
American Society of Germans from Russia, Convention 1982-1987
Amish and Mennonite Heritage Center: the FlameBerlin Ohio1997-2008 (incomplete)archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Amish Mennonite Conservative Conference Reports1925-1937Archives North Wall
Anabaptist Disabilities Network: Dialogue and Connections2004:Spr & Sum, 2006: Spr, Sum, Fal, 2007: Win, Sep, Dec,2008- Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec, 2009- Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec, 2011: Novquarterlyarchives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Anabaptist TimesJune 1992archives, vertical files, periodicals
Anabaptist Voice2017: winter spring, summer. 2020: fall.2021. 2022: winter, spring, fall. 2023: spr.summ, fall
Issue 4-6, 20-22, 25
Anabaptist WitnessA global Anabaptist and Mennonite dialogue on key issues facing the church in missionOctober 2014 ->no print copies, except belowbi-annuallyAbout Anabaptist WitnessAnabaptist Witness ArchiveOnline only
Anabaptist Witnessmission in conflict zones2019: AprVol 6, no 1archives, vertical files

Anabaptist Worldtakes the place of The Mennonite and Mennonite World Review2021-2024, 2025: Jan,Feb, Marmonthlylibrary, periodical
Ancestry1994-Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep. 1995- May, Jul; 1997- Janarchives vertical files
Beams of LightChildrens home and Sunday School paper from 1905-1957. Mennonite1935: Oct 27. 1936: Sep 6. 1943-1944 (incomplete) ; 1948-1957( complete) Vol. 38-39, 43-48, 49-52weeklylinklibrary periodical shelves
Behind the HammerNewsletter of the Mennonite Disaster Service.2002; Jun,Dec. 2003-2005. 2006: sep, dec. 2007-2013. 2016: winter. 2022: winterweeklylinklibrary periodical shelves
Being in TouchInformation about the General Conference Mennonite Church1985- 1994Vol. 1-9
missing 1987: winter, summer
quarterlylibrary periodical shelves
Bethel College BulletinAlumni News of Bethel College1934: Mar,, 1943:Jun, Oct, Dec. 1944: May, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec. 1945: Jan 1, Jan 15, Feb, Mar, Apr, Jun 1, Jun 15, Jul 1, Aug 1, Aug 15, Sep 1, Sep 15, Oct, 1, Nov 1, Dec 1, Dec 15. 1947:(missing #5,9,10,12,14,18,19,22. 1948: # 1,3,5,7, 8, 9, 10, 13,15,17. 1949: # 2 8, 22. 1950: # 9. 1960: #3. 1980: 4, 12. 1981: 4.5. 1982:3. 1990:3. 1992: SUM, 1994: SUM. (incomplete)monthlylibrary periodical shelves
Bethel College: Gleanings from the Threshing Floornewsletter of the Mennonite Library and Archives Mennonite Church USA1998-2009vol 1,2,5,7, 8,9archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Beyond Ourselves/Beyond/ Extending BeyondMennonite Mission Network200
-2016, incomplete, 2017-May
Vol. 1 - 15, incompleteweeklylinklibrary periodical shelves
Blackboard Bulletinfor teachers, from Pathway Publishers in Aylmer, Ontario, Canada1957-1990
monthly, except June & Julylinklibrary periodical shelves
BMF: Mission UpdateApr 1997archives vertical files
Brethren in Christ Historical Societynewsletter2003- Spring, 2004- Summer. archives vertical files
Brethren In Christ, History and Lifepublication of the Brethren in Christ Historical Society1978,1983,1986-7,1989-90,1996-2007Vol. 1,6,9,10,12,13,19-30 (incomplete)weeklylibrary periodical shelves
Brotherhood Ministries of Mexiconewsletter2006: Jul, Dec.Vol. 1weeklyarchives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Builder1960 - 2003monthlylinkarchive shelves
Bulletin of the Genealogical Forum of Oregon1991-Vol. 40-62quarterlylinklibrary periodical shelves
California Mennonite Historical Society Bulletin1991-2013, incompletesemi-annuallylibrary periodical shelves
Center on Conscience and War, the: The Reporter for Conscience Sake1993-1999 (incomplete)archives: vertical files
Christian Aid Ministriesnewsletter1990-2018,2019- jan 7,feb 4,mar3, mar25, Apr 22, jun 10, July 8, nov 11.(etc. oregonian newspaper article 4-14-96)archives vertical files
Christian Example, Thenewsletter published by "Mennonite Publishers with a conservative emphasis."1961-Aug. 1962-Feb2,Apr13,Apr27, May11, May25. 1963- Apr26,Jun 21. 1964- Jan3,17,31,Mar13, 27, Apr 24, May 8, Jun 5. 1966-May 6. 1967-Jun 16,30, Jul 14, Oct 6, Nov 3, Nov 17, Dec 1, 15, 29. 1968-Jan 26, Feb 9, 23, Mar 8, 22, May 31. 1969-Mar 7,May 2,16,30, Jun 13,27, Jul 11,25, Aug 8,22,Sep 5,19, Oct 3, 17, Nov 14, 28, Dec, 12, 26. 1970-Jan 9, 23,Feb 20, Mar 6, 20, Apr 3, 17, May 1, 15, 29, Jun 12, 26, Jul 10, 24, Aug 7, Sep 18, Oct 2, 16, 30, Nov 27, Dec 11- 25. 1971-(missing-Aug 20, Dec 25). 1972- Jan 7,21, Feb 4,18, Mar 17,Jul 21, Aug 4, 18, Sep 29, Oct 27, Nov 24, Dec 8 ,22,1973-Jan 5, 19, Feb 16,Mar 2, 16, 30, Apr 27, May 11 Aug 17, Sep 14. 2001-Feb 11,bi-weeklylibrary periodical shelves
Christian LeaderJournal of the Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Church of North America.1939-1991Vol. 1-54semi-monthlylinklibrary periodical shelves
Christian Light Publicationsnews release, Adult SS 1976APR,NOV 1991 incompletearchives vertical file
Christian Light Publications: Mennonite Church Information1999archives, north wall
Christian Light Publications: PartnersApr, Jul 1978archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Christian Livingperiodical of mennonite family, community, and culture1954-2002Vol. 1-488 times yearlylinklinklibrary periodical shelves
Christian Ministrymagazine for ministers from the mennonite publishing house1950-1958Vol. 1-11linklinklibrary periodical shelves
Christian Monitormagazine for the home from the Mennonite Publishing House1913-1953Vol. 1-45 (missing 4-5)linklinklibrary periodical shelves
Christlicher BundesboteGerman Language "the Mennonite" (General Conference)1933-1950 (incomplete)many are just coverslinkoffice
CMBS NewsletterCenter for Mennonite Brethren Studies at Tabor College2002-2005. 2006: Spr. 2011. 2012. 2013: Spr. 2014: Spr. 2015. - 2020. 2021: summer . 2023: Summer. 2024: Summer.Vol 14-51bi-annuallylibrary periodical shelves
Coming Together: a Journal about Christian CommunityA Journal about Christian Community
(mennonite related)
1984-Feb, 1985- Aug.archives vertical files
Community /Christian Peacemaker Teams, For Such a time as This, previously and including Signs of the Timesnewspaper of /Community Christian Peacemaking Teams1991 - 2012, Sept 2015 ,2019-2023, 2024: Jan
, Sept-Nov.
Vol. 1 - 22, 26,27quarterlylibrary periodical shelves
CompanionsA Bible-Centered paper for Youth-Adult.1973-1976, 1980, 1989-1994, 2022:Aug 7,14,21;Nov: 13,20.library periodical shelves
Conference Historian Newsletterintermennonite news for the conference historian1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988archives vertical files
Conococheague MennonistMenn Hist. Assn. Cumberland Valley1993-2018, 2019: Winter/Spring,summer.
Vol. 1-27(incomplete)quarterlylibrary periodical shelves
Conrad Grebel Review, the1985, 1990 (incomplete)archives vertical files
Courier, Mennonite World Conference NewsletterPublication of the Mennonite World Conference1982- (years 2013,-14,-15,-16 . incomplete),oct 2015,Oct 2016; 2017-2019, 2020: Oct.2021, 2022.2023; apr,oct. 2024: 39/4Vol 2-31bi-annuallylinklinklibrary periodical shelves
Herald Press: Foundation Series
Youth: year 3, quarter 1, unit A; y3,q2,uA; y3,q2,uB; Y3 q3 uB; y3,q3,uB; y4,q1,UB (Teachers packet):
Evangelism: (supplement) , Upon these Doorsteps (resource Workbook) Teaching methods and Related Skills (Resource Workbook)
Leader's Guide (1977)
Guide to teacher training(1977)
Resource Book for Teacher's (1977), Leader's Packet 1979,Year 3, Quarter 1, Unit A;yr3,qt2,u A; 3,2,B; 3,3,B;evangelism; upon these doorposts resource workbook; resource book for teachers1977; Guide to teacher training 1977: Leaders Guide1977; teaching methods and related skills 1979; High School Believers Baptism 1984; God's Grace worship ideas1980; God's Providence Worship ideas 1918, Adult Bible Study 1981, Primary SS Lesson Quarterly 1924; God and His People 1969 , Upon These Doorsteps leader's guide and, resource workbook.
Youth elective: the church's service in the world.
library office
Herald Press: Sunday School
Kindergarten Year I 1946, Happy Times with Nursery Children 1957, Primary Sunday School Lesson Quarterly 1924, Bible Lessons for Kindergarten Children Year 1, Happy Times with Nursery Children, library office
Herald Press: Uniform Series, Adult Bible Study Guide
God and His People (supplement)1969, 1981- March, April, May. 1993: Mar,Apr,May. library office
Curriculum ; Herald Press: Program Guide1965,1966, 1970library office
Herald Teacher (Succeeded by the Builder)
1956 - 1960Vol. 6 - 10library office curriculum
Herald Press: Bible School
Grade 7 1953
Grade 6 pupils 1954
Grade 5 1947, 1956, Bible Lessons for Kindergarten Children Year 1, Happy Times with Nursery Children,
Grade 4 1957
Grade 3 pupils 1957
Grade 1 pupils 1947
Kindergarten II pupils & teachers 1948
Nursery Book 1948

Kindergarten II pupils
library office
Curriculum: Christian Light Press, Adult SS2022: July. 2023: March, Jun, Seplibrary office
Curriculum: Faith and Life Publishing: Adult Bible Study1988-Mar, 1994-J,F, 1995-J,J,A,1998-Spr, 1999-Sum, Fall, 2001: vol 4:4.2003 Summer (teacher), Fall; 2004: Summer, Winter 2008: Wint, 2014-2016, 2017 thru summerLibrary office
Curriculum: Menno Media, Adult Bible Study2012
Der Boteauf deutsche Steinbach, Manitoba1979archives, periodical vertical files
Devotional Guide, Family WorshipWorship Guide based on the Sunday School Curriculum, MPH1961 - 1975Vol. 1 - 15Curriculum, Library Office
DialogueBrethren/Mennonite Council for Gay and Lesbian Concerns1978 - 1994Vol. 1 - 16library periodical shelves
Diary, Thea church newsletter serving the Old Order Society1969 - 1988library periodical shelves
Directory of Mennonite Missions1995, 1998/9, 2000/1, 2003archives, north wall
Drift Creek Currents1970 - 2011 (incomplete)Archives, Drift Creek Boxes
Eastern Mennonite Board of Missions and Charitiesyearbook and annual reports, newsletter July 1948,1951, 1953, 1954, 1956, 1959archives, missions, north wall
Eastern Mennonite College Bulletin1957 - 1994Vol. 36 - 75library periodical shelves
Eastern Mennonite College, Alumnae UpdateEMC1978-1987library periodical shelves
Eastern Mennonite Seminary: SeminarianNewsletter1980 - 1994Vol. 11 - 25library periodical shelves
Eastern Mennonite Testimony1977 - 1990Vol. 9 - 22library periodical shelves
Eastern Mennonite University; Crossroadsmagazine1990 - 1996, (incomplete)quarterlylibrary periodical shelves
Elliott Prairie School: Echoesschool paperJan 1983, Dec 12 1984,archives, vertical files
EmpoweredNewsletter of the Mennonite Empowered Ministries1987, 1991 (incomplete)archives, vertical files
Evangel (formerly the Missionary Evangel)copy #1 for PNMC archives1994 - 2016 (complete)PNMC archives
EVANGEL: formerly Missionary Evangel, PNMC News, PNMC EvangelPacific Coast and PNBMC Conference Newspaper1944-2016, incomplete1950-1954; 1955-jan, jul, oct; 1961-apr; 1966 -Winter,

summer, fall; 1974-spr,sum,fall; 1976-win,fall; 1977, 1978-winter; 1979-summer; 1980-May, Sep,Dec; 1985; 1982; 1983; 1984-Apr, Jul, Sep,Dec; 1985- 1987; 1988-jun,sep,dec; 1989; 1990; 1991-feb,may,sep; 1992-mar, may, dec; 1993-mar,jun,oct; 1994; 1995-jan,apr,jul; 1996-1998; 1999-jan, jul, oct; 2000-2015; 2016-spring
varieslibrary periodicals
complete collection located in the PNMC Archives
Everence: Stewardship2006-2016 (incomplete),2017-spring, summer, fall,2018-spring, summer. 2020:spr
Family Life"dedicated to promotion of Christian living with a special emphasis on the appreciation of our heritage.1973 - 1998Vol. 6 - 3111mo/yearlinklibrary, periodical shelves
Fellowship Messenger, The (formerly Herald of Truth)publication by John Overholt, Uniontown, Ohio1963 - 1968Vol. 1 - 6monthlylibrary, periodical shelves
Fellowship of Concerned Mennonites, the: Informernewsletter1991-2009 (incomplete)archives, vertical file, periodical drawer
Festival QuarterlyExploring the art, faith and culture of Mennonite Peoples1974 - 1996Vol. 1 - 23library periodical shelves
Forumfrom Faith & Life Press and MBM for students and young adultsMar 1977, Apr 1977, Oct 1980archives, vertical files. periodical drawer
Forum InsiderNewsletter of the genealogical Forum of Oregon 1996 - 2012Vol. 7 - 23library, periodical shelves
Foundation Echo, TheUlrich Foundation, Aibonito, Puerto Rico1958: June, Novemberarchives, vertical files
Franklin Mennonite Conference/ The Burning BushnewsletterSept 10, 2000archives vertical files
Fresno Pacific College: Pacific Magazine1992-1996 (incomplete)archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
From Swords to Plowsharesa farmer's newsletter for dialogue on issues of faith and farming1976-1985Vol .1-7library periodical shelves
Galizien German Descendants: Galacian Grapevinesinformal annual newsletter1993- 2002archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
General Conference
General Conference
Mennonite Church: Commission on Home Ministries
1971,1972,1974, 1976, 1961- the Christian Mission of the GCMC, 1996 Prayer directory

archives, north wall
General Conference
General Conference
Mennonite Church: conference reports and minutes
1959, 1962, 1965, 1968, 1974, 1977, 1983, 1986, 1995archives, north wall
General Conference China Mennonite Mission, the1940archives, periodical mission shelves
General Conference Commission on Home Ministries Report1971,1972,1974,1975archives, periodical mission shelves
General Conference Commission on Overseas Mission Directory1994-1996archives, periodical mission shelves
General Conference General Conference Mennonite Church: Conference Minutes and Reports1920, 1923, 1926, 1929, 1933, 1935, 1941, 1945, 1947, 1950, 1953, 1940-the China Mennonite Missionarchives, north wall
General Conference Mennonite Church Historical Committee: General Conference HeritageNewsletter1989-1993Vol 1-8 (final edition)archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
General Conference Mennonite Church: Missionary News and Notes1940- 1945 (incomplete)archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
General Conference Mennonite Conference Yearbook1940-1946archives, archives, periodical mission shelves
General Conference, Conference Reports and Minutes1920(german),1923,1926, 1929, 1933, 1935,1943, 1945, 1947, 1949, 1950, 1953, 1969, 1971, 1995, 1986, 1983, 1977, 1968, 1965, 1962, 1959archives, periodical mission shelves
General Conference, Mission Report 19611961archives, periodical mission shelves
Germans from Russia Heritage Society: Heritage Review1993 - 2005Vol. 23 - 35 (complete); missing Vol. 1-22 and 36 to presentquarterlyGRHS WebsiteGRHS Heritage Reviewlibrary periodical shelves
Germantown Mennonite Church Corp: Friends of Germantownquarterly newsletterSpring 1980, Feb 1981, Jul-Aug-Sep 1981archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Goshen College - Annual Report1989 - 1994library periodical shelves
Goshen College Bulletin1951,1979 - 1995, 2002: Dec 2003: Mar, Jun. 2015-fall/winter. 2016; fall/winter, 2017 spring/summer . 2018. 2019.2020: sp/sumVol. 44, 64 ,99,114library periodical shelves
Goshen College Heritage1980-1995, 2015(fall)library periodical shelves
Goshen College Misc.includes: 50th (1945) anniversary addresses and summary, early brochure, Men's choir tour 2018 1945, ?, 2018archives, vertical files
Goshen College: Family Business Newsletter1992-2001 (incomplete)archives, vertical files, periodicals drawer
Goshen College: the Recordcollege weekly newspaper2012-2017 (Jan-19,26,Feb,Mar, Apr6,13,sep (all), oct5,12112-119weekly during school yearlibrary periodical shelves
Gospel Echos: Sharing Christ in Prisonnewsletter Gospel Echoes Team Prison Ministry1990-2024archives, vertical files, periodicals
Gospel Herald1908 - 1998Vol 1-90linklinklibrary upper shelves
Growing Churches
promoting church planting and growth among mennonitesOct 1990archives, vertical files
Guidelines for Todaynewsletter from Sanford Shetler dedicated to defense of historic Christianity1968-1989Vol. 2 - 24 (vols. 2,10,11,17 incomplete)library periodical shelves
Handbook of Information: General Conference of the Mennonite Church of North America1942, 1947, 1948, 1953,1965, 1966, 1978-1985, 1987-1992, 1994-1996, 1998archives, north wall
Harder Family Review, thethe Children of Peter B and Helena Epp Harder1998: April, Julyarchives, vertical files
Herald der Wahrheit (Herald of Truth)Dec15,1916; Oct 1, 1929; Nov 1, 1938
Jan 1878(photo copy)
Herald Evangalist1970: Octarchives, vertical files
Herald of Truthnewsletter from John Overton, Uniontown, Ohio1957 - 1962Vol. 1 - 6monthlylinklinklibrary periodical shelves
Herald of TruthOrgan of 16 Mennonite Conferences 1864-1908July 1897 (2 pages). 1903: Oct 29. 1904: Jan 7, Feb 11 (partial),18, 25. Jun: 23. 1905: Feb 16, 23.weekly
Herald Press Summer Bible School Seriesmisc worksheets and cutouts, My Book about Bible
Children 1948,
Lessons from Bible Children 1950,Stories about Jesus 1947, Stories about God's Friends 1947, Nursery 1948, kindergarten, 1948, grade 3 1957, grade 4 1957, grade 5 1947& 1966, grade 6 1954, grade 7 1953, grade 8 1963, grade 9 1956, 1981 leaders guide, Herald Omnibus Bible Series Leaders Guide,
Box in Archives marked Herald Press Assorted
Herald Press Tracts: Herald Evangalistnewsletter1969-1971quarterlyarchives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Heritage NewsletterLinn Genealogical Society1999 - 2005Vol. 13 - 19, incompletemonthlylibrary periodical shelves
Hesston College Journal1941 - 1967 (very random)library periodical shelves
Hesston College Jubilee1990 - 1994library periodical shelves
Hesston College This MonthDECEMBER 1956,1959 - 1974Vol. 5(1),7 - 74library periodical shelves
Hesston College Today1976 - 2010,2016-fall,2017, 2018, 2019; fall/winter. 2020: sp/sum
library periodical shelves
Historical Journal, TheEastern Mennonite Publications2006: Aprilarchives: periodicals vertical files
Hochstetler-Hostetler-Hochstedler Family Newsletter The Jacob Hochstetler Family AssociationDec 1987-2024Vol. 5 -38quarterlylinklibrary periodical shelves
Hope Mennonite Missions Newsletteralso report to Hopewell Mennonite Business Mtg 2016, 2017.2013:Jul, Oct. 2014: Jan, Apr. 2015: Nov. archives, vertical files.
Hope Village: the Village VoiceDec 1995archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
House Church, theApril 1981vol. 4:2 &3archives, vertical files, periodicals
Hursch-Horst-Hurst Family QuarterlyOct 1992, April/July 1993archives, vertical files, periodicals
Illinois Mennonite Heritage1990-1999 (missing; spring 1999), 2000-2009.Library, periodical shelves
Illinois Mennonite Heritage NewsPublication of Illinois Mennonite Historical and Genealogical Society2003-2006varieslibrary periodical shelves
Illinois Mennonite Heritage Newsletter1976-2016
Illinois Mennonite Heritage Periodical2018,
Illinois Mennonite Heritage QuarterlyPublication of Illinois Mennonite Historical and Genealogical Society2004-2019, 2020: winter, spr.fall 2021: 2022: Spring, sum, fall. 2023: winter, summer, fall;2024:spring,summ, fall

Impact North Ministriesnewslettersspring 2003, Feb 2005archives, vertical files.
Indiana -Michigan Mennonite Conference:Gospel EvangelJune 1985archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
La Junta Mennonite School of Nursing: Alumnae NewsAlumnae Association of Lajunta School of Nursing1974-2004
( missing: 1976,
1978 oct, 1980 apr,
1987 apr, 1989 apr./
Vol 37-68Library periodical shelves
Leader: Equipping the Missional CongregationFaith and Life Press2003/4: Winter. 2008: Fall, Winter. 2009 :Spring. 2017/18: Winter.
archives, vertical files, periodicals
Lebanon Community Hospital: Employee Handbook archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Lebanon Community Hospital: Heart to Hearthospital community newspaper1998 winter /spring,spring/ summer, 1999spring/ summerVol. 1,2archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Lebanon Community Hospital: Pulsehospital community newspaperAug 1985-May 1997 (incomplete)archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Leinbach Family ResearcherFall 1988; Spring,Summer/Fall,Winter 1989archives, vertical files, periodicals
Living EchoesMennonite Archives, Kalona, Iowa1983: Nov.archives, vertical files, periodicals
Market Place,
started as and including MIBA
A Magazine for Christians in business published by the Mennonite Economic Development Assn.1997 - 1989 ,(incomplete) 1996: nov/dec. 2011: Sepr/Octbimonthlylibrary periodical shelves
Mennohof: ReunionMennohof Newsletter1992-2007 (incomplete)archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Mennonite (Illinois) Heritage Publication of Illinois Mennonite Historical and Genealogical Society1975: Mar, 1976: Jun, Sep, Dec. 1976-19892-16quarterlylibrary periodical shelves
Mennonite and the Christian Evangel, theGC and Central Conference of Mennonites1934-1935Vol 1-2 (incomplete)library periodical shelves
Mennonite Association of Retired Persons : Pages1985-2010archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Mennonite Biblical Seminary Bulletin, the1946/7archives, vertical file, periodicals
Mennonite Board of Education Report1930/31Archives, North Wall
Mennonite Board of Education: Mennonite Educator1974- 1976Vol 1-3archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Mennonite Board of Missions Annual Reports1923-1926, 1930, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1936, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1942, 1945-1971annuallylinkarchives, periodical mission shelves
Mennonite Board of Missions Directory1995,1997,1998-99archives, periodical mission shelves
Mennonite Board of Missions Partners1979archives, periodical mission shelves
Mennonite Board of Missions, Misc: fiftieth anniversary report 1906-1956, 1976 VS, 1945/46 booklet of prayer
variousarchives, vertical files, periodicals
Mennonite Board of Missions: Circling the Globe1990-1991archives, vertical files, periodicals
Mennonite Board of Missions: Growing Churchespromoting church planting and growth1989-1991archives, vertical files, periodicals
Mennonite Board of Missions: Mission Q Oct 1977, Oct 1997-Aug 1998archives, vertical files, periodicals
Mennonite Board of Missions: Mosaicprayer directory2008-10/ 2011-12archives, vertical files, periodicals
Mennonite Board of Missions: Sent1980-1990 (incomplete)archives, vertical files, periodicals
Mennonite Board of Missions: SOOPService Opportunities for older people2011-2015 incompletearchives, vertical files, periodicals
Mennonite Board of Missions: Tapestry
Mennonite Board of Missions: the Christian Nursenewsletter1965-1967archives, vertical files, periodicals
Mennonite Board of Missions: Urban ConnectionsSep 1989, Winter 1999-2000, Apr 1990archives, vertical files, periodicals
Mennonite Brethren Churches Pacific District Yearbook1939-1963archives, periodical mission shelves
Mennonite Brethren Herald1967 - 1991Vol. 6 - 30 (vols. 8,9,14,17,19,26-9 incomplete)weekly publicationlinklibrary periodical shelves
Mennonite Brethren in World Mission: Witness1992 all issuesarchives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Mennonite Brethren: Board of Foreign Missions1954/6
Mennonite Broadcasts, VA: Heart to Heart lettermonthly newsletter for women1958-1970archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Mennonite CC Common Place, A a publication of MCC1995-summer,fall , 2015- spring, 2016-2018. 2021: fall. 2020; winterquarterlylinklibrary periodical shelves
Mennonite CC Conciliation Quarterly1985 - 1991Vol. 4 - 14library periodical shelves
Mennonite CC Contact1986 - 1994Vol. 10 - 17library periodical shelves
Mennonite CC Dialogue on Disabilities1985 - 1996Vol. 6 - 14, 16library periodical shelves
Mennonite CC Food and Hunger1986 - 1994Vol. 35 - 43library, periodical shelves
Mennonite CC Peace Office Newsletter1982 - 1994Vol. 12 - 24 (vols. 15-6 incomplete)library periodical shelves
Mennonite CC Peace Section Washington-Memo1977 - 2000, 2001-2005 incompleteVol. 9 - 29library Periodical Shelves
Mennonite CC: West Coast Memo1978 -2003 incompleteVol. 2 - 13library periodical shelves
Mennonite CC: Brotherhood Ministries of Mexico2006-Declibrary periodical shelves
Mennonite CC: Farm Newsletter1985 - 1989library, periodical shelves
Mennonite CC: miscincludes "jottings", annual reports, intercoms and
updates, includes media
library periodical shelves
Mennonite CC: Peace Section Task Force on Women in Church & Society Report. Becomes MCC Committee on Women's Concerns REPORT1973- 1982. Reports # 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44.The complete collection of MCC's Committee on Women's Concerns Reports, 1973-2004 are archived as pdf documents at this link:
Mennonite CC: Reports1958-1965quarterlylibrary, periodical shelves
Mennonite CC: Women's Activity Letters1957-1960 incompletelibrary periodical shelves
Mennonite CC: Women's Concerns REPORT1982-2005 Reports # 45-127, 139,145,146, 147, 148, 150, 152, 155, 156, 158, 159, 161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176. library periodical shelves
Mennonite Church DirectoryChristian Light Published Directory2005-2022archives, North Wall
Mennonite Church InformationChristian Light Publications1999, 2003, 2011archives, North wall
Mennonite Church Information 1999"yearbook" Christian Light Ministries1999-2004archives, periodical mission shelves
Mennonite Church Mennonite Church Peace and Justice Committee: Keep the Faith Share the Peacenewsletter1995-2000 (incomplete)quarterlyarchives, vertical files, periodicals
Mennonite Church miscellaniousMennonite Church News and Notes Apr 1985, SW Conf Messenger Oct 1991,vertical files periodicals
Mennonite Church USA convention2017archives, vertical files, periodicals
Mennonite Communitypublication of the Mennonite Community Assn.1947 - 1953Vol 1-53monthlylinklibrary periodical shelves
Mennonite DirectoryMPH1999, 2001Library Office
Mennonite Directory/ Mennonite Church USA Directoryformerly Mennonite Yearbook1999, 2000, 2001, 2003archives north wall
Mennonite Family History1982 - 2021, 2022: Jan,apr,oct. 2023, 2024,2025:Jan,Vol. 1 - 40quarterlylibrary periodical shelves
Mennonite General Conference Reports1915, 1943, 1949, 1969, 1971archives, N wall
Mennonite Health and Welfare Publications1950 - 1962Vol. 1 - 13archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Mennonite Health Assembly1998,1999archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Mennonite Heritage Center QuarterlyHarleysville, PA
Prior Mennonite Hist. of East. PA
Jun. 2008-2021. 2022: spr, summ. 2023: Win, spr, winvol 11-24quarterlylibrary: periodical shelves
Mennonite HistorianA publication of the Mennonite Heritage Centre and the Centre for MB Studies in Canada1975 -2022
Index 1975-1986. 1976; Sep. 1977. 1978-1982. 1983: Jun, Sep, Dec. 1984: Mar, Jun, Dec.
1985: Jun,Sep, Dec. 1986: Mar, Sep, Dec. 1987-2006.
2007: Mar, Sep, Dec.
2008: Mar, Jun, Dec.
2009: Mar, Jun, Dec.
2013: Jun, Sep.
2013: Jun, Sep.
vol 2-48library, periodical shelveslibrary periodical shelves
Mennonite Historians of Eastern PA (MHEP)changed to Mennonite Heritage Center Quarterly1990-97, 2002-10library, periodical shelves
Mennonite Historical Mennonite Historical BulletinMennonite Church USA Historical Committee1972 - 2012 (publication ended)library, periodical shelves
Mennonite Historical Society Newsletter1996: Feb, Aug, 1997, 1998. 1999:Feb, 2000- 2005, 2006 Aug, 2007-2012. 2013: jun, sep. 2014 -2022.2023: Sepbiyearly, then yearly.archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta (MHSA) Newsletter1999 - 2013(missing No 1), 2014, 2015 (missing No2), 2016, 2017-oct
(Missing No 1), 2017-2024
Vol. 1 -17library periodical shelves
Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario: Mennogesprach1983- 1989, March 1990, 1191, March 1992Vol 1-10semi-annuallyarchives, vertical files, periodicals
Mennonite Hospital NewsMennonite Health and Sanitarium, La Junta Colorado1950-1954Vol 1-5, incompletevarieslibrary periodical shelf
Mennonite Hospital News, Mennonite Hospitals and Homes, Mennonite Health and Welfare HorizansMennonite Board of Missions and Charities1955-1960Vol 6-13varieslibrary periodical shelves (shares box with above
Mennonite Librarian and Archivist, the1984-1997Vol 1-10archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Mennonite Lifean illustrated quarterly list of Bethel College, English and German language1946 - 1999Vol. 1 - 54quarterlylinklibrary periodical shelves
Mennonite Media
Media Links
2005: spr, fall. 2006: spring, fall. 2008: spring, fall, wntr.
Mennonite Medical MessengerMennonite Medical Assn, Mennonite Nurses Association, Mennonite Chaplains Assn, Canadian Mennonite Health Ass,1962 - 1997Vol. 14 - 48quarterlylinklibrary periodical shelves
Mennonite MenDec 1998archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Mennonite MirrorMennonite Literary Society of Manitoba German and English language1971 - 1991, 1995-6,2005Vol. 1 - 26 plus a few10 times yearlylibrary periodical shelves
Mennonite Mission Network Annual Report2005-2006archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Mennonite Mission Network: Dove TalesMennonite Mission Network, Peace and Justice, Mennonite Church uSA2003:no.1; 2004: no.1,2; 2005: no.1,2; 2006: no.1,2; 2007: no.1,2,3; 2008:no. 1,2,3; 2009: no1; 2011: Feb; 2012: Feb, Jun, Sep. archives, vertical files
Mennonite Missions Network: Prayer Vine2017, thru Sept
Mennonite Mutual Aid: Courierbecomes Everence1988, 1989archives vertical files
Mennonite Mutual Aid: Sharingbecomes Everence1969 - 2005Vol. 3 - 39library periodical shelves
Mennonite Mutual Aide Miscinto view:fall 1992archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Mennonite Nurses Association1996 oct, 1998 apr, 2001 fall, 2003 fallVol 6, 8, 11, 13archives, periodical vertical file
Mennonite Publishing House:
God's Grace: worship ideas (1980)
God's Providence; on the line (aug 1973, mar 1974, apr 1976) worship ideas (1981)
Mennonite Publishing House: Heritage Keeperoccasional newsletter to those interested in heritage education in the anabaptist tradition1989-1993archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Mennonite Publishing Services: Mennonite ReporterJune 1996Vol 26, Num 12archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Mennonite Quarterly ReviewA Journal devoted to Anabaptist-Mennonite History, Thought, Life, and Affairs. from the Mennonite Historical Society1937: Jan. 1946-47. 1950: Jan. 1951-52. 1962: Jul, Oct. 1963-66. 1967: 1968-70. 1971: Apr, Jul, Oct. 1972-1986. 1987: Jan, Jul, Oct. 1988: Jul. 1989 . 1992: Apr, 2006: Oct. 2024: July.Vol. 20 - 72 (incomplete)quarterlylinklinklibrary periodical shelves
Mennonite Research Journal1960 - 1977Vol. 1 - 18library periodical shelves
Mennonite World ReviewMay 21, 2018-Nov 19,Dec 3, 17. 2019-jan,feb4, feb18,mar4,18,apr15,29, may 13, 27, June 10,24July 8,22,aug 5.19sep 2,sep 16,sep 30,oct14,28,nov 26, dec923. 2020: Jan 13,27.feb 10,24mar 9, 20, apr 6,20,may 4, 18, jun: 1,15,29 jul: 13, 27,Aug: 10also Mennonite Weekly Review May 4, 1994
Mennonite Year Book & Almanac [GC]Eastern Mennonite Conference(-1924), then the General Conference Publication Board
1911, 1913, 1915-1946archives periodical shelves
Mennonite Year-Book and DirectoryMennonite Board of Charitable Homes and Missions(1906,7) then Mennonite Publishing House1906,1907,1930,1939-40,1944-1997archives periodical shelves
Mennonite Yearbookmennonite yearbook and directory1906, 1940- 1997, 1999, 2001, 1946, 1953-1997archives north wall
Mennonite Your WayHospitality Travel Directory1979/80 - 2005Vols III,IV,V,VI,7,8,9library shelves-periodicals
Mennonite-Polish Studies Association NewsletterBethel College Mennonite Library and Archives2012:Jan, 2024:janarchives, vertical files
Mennonite-Polish Studies Association newsletterFeb 2019, 2022: Jan. 2025: Jan.
archives, vertical files
Mennonite, the Mennonite Church USA1998 -2019 (missing 2006:Jan24 & 2013: aug, sep,oct) 2020:Jan-Jul.

Vol. 1 - 19

years 1998-2005 bound
linklinkperiodical shelves bottom, under story collections
Mennonite, The (original)General Conference Mennonite Church1917 - 1998Vol. 32 - 113linklinklibrary periodical shelves
Mennonitische RundschauWinnipeg, ManitobaJuly 18, 1990archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Meribaha pro-file newsletter for Mennonites1992-1996 (incomplete)Vol 1- Vol2archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Messanger, The Pacific District Conference of the General Conference Mennonite Church1962: April, July, 1966: Decemberarchives, periodical
MessengerChurch of the BrethrenDec 1989, Jan 1993archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Messiah College: BridgeOct 1980archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Mifflin County Mennonite Historical Society Newsletter2009: Dec. 2010-2023
2024: Dec
missing Dec 2013
volume 24- 39four times a yeararchives, vertical files
Mirror, theLancaster Mennonite Historical Society1979: Jun, 1982: Dec, 1984: Oct, 1986-
periodical shelves
Misc Newsletters: Faith Builders- Apr 1986, We Care - Nov 1984, The Conference Messenger- Apr 1968, Missionary Messenger- Apr 1986, Olive Branch Mennonite Missions Dec 1993, Belize Newsletter Jan 1994, Ohio Evangel Mar/Apr 1968, Gospel Evangel Mar/Apr 1968, EMMC Recorder Sep 1988, Kidron Community Historical Newsletter Jul 1996, The Quiet in the Land Jun 1995archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Mission Focus Annual Review1998-2001, 2003 supplementarchives north wall
Mission MosaicMennonite Mission Network prayer directory2018, 2019, 2021, 2022archives, North wall
Missionary Evangel (becomes PNMC News)Pacific Coast Mennonite Conference, 1947: Num 1. 1949: July, 1950: Jan, Ap, Jul. 1951-1954; 1955: Jan, Jul,Oct. 1957: Jan. 1978: fall. 1961:Apr;Vol. 6- 49, incompleteComplete set in archives.Periodical Shelves, Library
Missionary Messengerreport of Eastern Mennonite Board of MissionsJune 1945vertical files, periodicals
Missions NowMennonite Board of Missions2001quarterlyarchives, vertical files
Nature FriendChristian Children's Nature magazine2021: Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec. 2022: Jan, Feb, Dec. 2023: complete. 2024: June missing. 2025; Jan, children's shelves
Nazareth Project, the1998, 1999Vol 8, 9archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Nebraska Mennonite Historical Newsletter1991-2002 (incomplete)Vol 1 -10archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Networka newsletter for the members of Provident Library Ass Network1985-1995 (incomplete)archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
New Call to PeacemakingEugene/ Springfield chapter, Brethren, Friends, Mennonite1980-1985 (incomplete)archives vertical files
Nexusconference of Mennonites in CanadaApr, Jun 1996archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
North Dakota Historical Society of Germans from Russia: Genealogical Research1975 - 1979No. 4 - 7annually?
Northern Light Gospel Missions: In Contextfrom Loman MinnesotaJun/ July 1991, Apr/ May 1992, Dec /Jan 1993archives, vertical files, periodicals
Northwest Mennonite Conference1985-1999 (incomplete)archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
OMHGS-PNMHS NewsletterOregon Mennonite Historical Genealogical
Northwest Mennonite Historical Society
1988 - 2012Vol. 1 - 25linklibrary periodical shelves,
On the Linefor Jr age1971-1979
(1971 missing Nov 21.)1980: Feb, Apr, Oct. 1981:Apr 5, May 3, Aug 2. 1982: Feb 7. 1991: missing Sep 22, Dec 22.1992: 1993: missing Dec 26. 1994: missing May 15, 1995, 1996, 1997: missing May. 1998, 1999: missing May, Sep, Nov. 2000: jan, Feb Mar, Apr. 2001: July. 2002: Jan. @003: Jan, Mar
Library Periodical Shelves
Ontario Mennonite EvangelMennonite Mission Board of Ontario and Western Ontario Mennonite Mission BoardApril 1968, November 1969archives, periodicals, vertical files
Ontario Mennonite HistoryNewsletter for the Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario1990- 2017 2018-jun, 2019-Oct. 2020: Oct.2021. 2022. 2023. 2024: jun.1-35biyearly
library periodical shelves
Oregon Centennial NewsJanuary 1976archives, vertical file periodicals
Oregon Genealogical Society Newsletter - Lane County1988 -2017, 2018-springVol. 26 - 55library periodical shelves
Oregon Historical
Oregon Historical Society1981: Winter, 1992; Summer
Yoder Community, Mennonites, quiet pacifistsarchives, vertical files
Oregon Mennonite Festival for World Reliefnews and notes2002-2015archives, vertical files
Oregon Mennonite Historical and Genealogical Societyprograms1987-1994 (incomplete)archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Our Faith2001 - 2009library, periodical shelves
Pacific Coast WMSA NewsletterApril,October 1959; April 1960; April, November 1961
Pacific District Conference Annual Report1988Archives mission and conference shelves north wall
Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conferencee-bulletinAutumn 2013, 2017, 2018archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference Evangalism and Mission Committee: Praise and Petition1996: July, Nov. 1997: Feb, May. 1998: Jan, Apr, Jul, Aug.1998archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference Handbook/ Directory/Reports1916(Western District Amish MC),1953, 1989, 1991,1992,1993,1995, 1997,2000,2002,2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,-2019,2020, 2022, 2024

archives north wall
Partnersfor junior/intermediate readers from, Christian Light Publishing2022: Feb, Nov, Dec. 2023: Jan, March- Sep
Pearl of Great Price, theRod and Staff Publishers1963-1967, incompletearchives, vertical files, periodicals
Pennsylvania Mennonite HeritageMagazine of the Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society1978 - 2018Vol. 1 - 41library shelves
PeriodicalDescriptionYear(s)Volume(s)frequencyOnline DescriptionOnline ArchiveLocation
Ploughmagazine of the Bruderhof1983 - 2004library shelves
PNMC: Praise and PetitionEvangelism and Mission Committee1996: July, Nov. 1997: Feb, May. 1998: Jan, Apr, Jul, Augarchives, vertical files
Portland Mission Newssmall newsprint newsletter1947/48Vol1, #1-4vertical files, periodicals
Preserving Our HeritageMennonite Heritage Village1996: Apr, July. 1997: Jan, Apr, Jul.archives, vertical files
PreservingsNewsletter of Hanover Steinbach Historical Society1995,1996,1997: June, 1998: Jun. 2024: , fall
library periodical shelves
Preview: Film and Video Sources and Resources1986, 1987 (incomplete)archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Program Builder1945 - 1957Vol. 1 - 13library office
Purposeperiodical of Menno Media1968 - 2017 ,2018 -missing JanVol. 1 - 50monthlylibrary periodical shelves
Reflections (Missionary Church Historical Society)1993-2023
Reflections, Mennonite Historical Society of IowaMennonite Historical Society of Iowa1987 -2024
(missing: 1996: July.
2009: Jan. 2014: Jan. 2016:Jul. 2018: Oct.
2015: Feb.
Vol. 1 - 30library periodical shelves
Rejoice, formerly Family Worship1975 - 1997, 2006-13, 2014- Mar- Nov,2015-2016, 2017 thru aug, Vol. 10 - 32, 42-3library periodical shelves
Reports of the Sessions of the Conference of the Mennonite Churchfirst one in German, General Conference1920, 1923, 1926, 1929, 1933, 1935,1941, 1945,1947,1950library office
RhizomeInstitute for the study of Global Anabaptism newsletter2017-march, 2018- 2023.2024:Jul, 2025: janlibrary periodical shelves
Rocky Mt. Mennonite Conference: Echonewsletter of the RMMCApril 196832archives, vertical files periodicals
Roots and Branches, Mennonite Historical Society of BC Newsletter2001: Fall/Winter. 2002-2006. 2007: Mar,Aug. 2008: Jan. Aug. 2009-2012. 2013: Feb, Jul. 2013-2023 2024: feb, jun. 2025: Vol. 7 -28library periodical shelves
Senior Christian Fellowshipmeeting minutes1992-1996archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
SharingMMA1984-2005, 2016-winterlibrary periodical shelves
Shining Light Children's Homenewsletter, Photo DVD2012-2019, 2020: July, oct , 2021: q3,q4. 2022,2023.2024 , q3.archives, vertical files, periodicals
Shunthe Society to Preserve Mennonite Traditions. humor1979-1983 (incomplete)archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Society of Germans from Russia: Clues1978 - 1990 (incomplete)Missing: 1979-part 2, 1980, 1984-part2, 1985, 1986, 1997, 1998, 2001-2014annuallyAHSGR WebsiteClues onlinelibrary office
Society of Germans from Russia: Newsletters1976-2014 (incomplete)Missing Numbers: 1-16, 21, 25-31, 34-37, 44-49, 51-52, 54-58, 74, 90-95, 97, 100-107, 109-128, 130-136, 138-140, quarterlyAHSGR Websitelibrary office
Sophianewsletter of the Covenant Fellowship of McIvor Ave. M.B. Church1992 fall, spring/summerarchives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Stark Co. Mennonite & Amish Society: Heritagequarterly publicationJuly 1994-Oct 2003
(missing #5,15,16,28)
archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Story Friends1958 - 1970; 1974:mar,apr; 1976: Jan parts 1-3.feb 1,2,4,5.mar all; apr may:1,2. jun:all. jul:all.aug 4,5. sep all. oct all; 1977: jan all. feb all. mar 1,3,4. apr 2,3,4. mar all. jun all. jul 1,2,4. aug all. nov 2,3. dec 2; 1978: feb 2,3. mar 3,4. apr 2,5. july all. aug all. sep 3,4. oct 1,5. nov 2,3. 1979: jan 1-3.jun 1. aug 1. sep 1-4. dec 2; 1980: feb 3. jul 4; 1981: aug 5, nov 1; 1982: oct 5. nov 2; 1983: jan 2. feb 3. mar 2. apr 3,4. may 1, jun 1,3,4. jul 1. dec 4; 1984: jn 1. aug all. nov 2,3;1985: jaj 2,3. feb 1. jun 1,3,4,5. jul all. sep 4, oct 1,2. nov 3,4; 1987: jan 4 ;feb 4; apr 4; oct 4: 1991: jan 2. feb all. mar 1-5. apr all. may 1,2,4.may 1,2,4. jun all. jul 2,3,4. aug 2,3m4. sept all.oct all; 1992: complete; 1993: complete; 1994:complete. : 1995: jan-aug complete. sep 2,3,4. oct all, nov all, dec all. 1996: complete; Vol. 53 - 58, 62library periodical shelves
Story Mates1978 - 1979?
Story MatesChristian Light Publ. Preschool and Primary2023, 2024: Sep, Octlibrary periodical shelves
Sunday School Herald1943 - 1958Vol. 7 - 22library periodical shelves
Sword and Trumpet, The1929 - 1964, Sept 1967, Aug 1975,Sept 1976, May, Nov 1978, April 1983, Nov 1988, May 1989, Dec 2005, Jun 2006Vol. 1 - 62 (missing 11-19)linklinklibrary periodical shelves
Tabor College: the Tabor College Connectionalumni and friends magazine2012 winter, 2014 fall,2016-2019, 2020: sum,2021: spr. 2022: spr, sum2024:summarchives, vertical files, periodical drawers
The Parish PaperOffice of Ministerial Leadership Mennonite Church USA2002, 2003, 2004:Jan-Aprarchives, vertical files
Third Way Media: Links @ Mennno mediaJuly, Nov 2009archives, vertical files, periodicals
Timbrel1998 - 2018Vol. 1 - 21library periodical shelves
Timely Truth, Thefrom Hardin County (TN) Mennonite Brotherhood Congregation1977 - 1984Vol. 4 - 10monthlylibrary periodical shelves
Together and Shinefrom multiple areas1985-2000 (incomplete)archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
TourMagination: Discovery1996-2009 (incomplete)quarterlyarchives vertical files
United Native Ministries Newsletterspring 2001archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Voices NewsletterNetworking Christian House Churches and International CommunitiesNum 1-6archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Voluntary Service ReportMCC and other Mennonites for relief.....1958: summer, 1959: summer, winter, 1960,1961:autumn,winter, 1962, 1963: spr,sum, 1964: sum, win, 1965: win quarterlyMission Shelves in Archives north Wall
Way, themonthly, Herald PressFeb 1941-Dec 1954, Feb 1961 archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
Western Breezes1946:Feb, 1947-Feb, 1948: Jan, May, Dec, 1949: May, Sep, Oct, 1950- May, Sep, Oct, Nov, 1953: Apr, 1954: Oct(?)1-8library periodical shelves
Western Fellowship and Belize NewsWestern Fellowship (and Belize) Newsletter1993:Mar-Dec.1994: Feb,apr. 2000: jun-nov. 2011-2024 25: Feb
1-35bi-monthlylibrary periodical shelves
Western Mennonite School: Contact, In Touchlinking alumni and friendsnov/dec 1966,summer 1968, 1969, Dec :1971,
Mar-Jun-Oct-Dec 1972, Mar-Jun-Oct-Dec, 1973, May-Jul-1974, Nov-Dec 1975, Oct 1976, Jun-Oct 1977, Jun-Oct-Dec 1978, Jun-Oct 1979, Feb-Jul 1980, 2005-2013 (incomplete)
archives, vertical files, periodical drawers
With1968 - 1998, 1999-oct/nov, 2000-mar,jun,sep, 2001,2002, 2003-mar-dec, 2007-summer,fall, 2008-springVol. 1 - 36 (incomplete)library periodical shelves
WMSC PulseWomens articles from the pacific northwest conference Missionary Evangel/ Evangel1959-1998 incompletelibrary, periodical shelves
Women-Mennonite Women Missionary Groups: Missionary Sewing Circle Letters/Monthly1938-1961(incomplete)monthlylibrary periodical shelves
Women's Mennonite Missionary groups: MWMS: Monthly Letter1922-1928 (incomplete)library periodical shelves
Women's Mennonite Service Alliance/Commission: Voice1961-1982monthlylibrary, periodical shelves
Words of Cheer1898: Jan8; 1899: jan15,22,29, feb5,Mar-Nov complete,Dec 3,10,24. 1901: Dec complete, 1902: missing Jul27, Dec 21,28; 1909: Dec 19; 1910: Apr10,Jun 24, nov 27; 1911: Fev 12, Apr 2; 1912: apr 7, may 12, Aug11; 1913:
feb 12, Jun 15,29. jul 6, Aug 3, Sep 28, Oct 12, Dec 28; 1914: Feb22, Mar 8,22. Apr 19, May17, Jun7, jul 5, Sep 20, Oct 4,11,23. Nov15, Dec 13,27; 1915: Jan 24,31. Mar 28, may 2,30. Jun 6, Aug 15,22. Sep 12,19,26. Dec 12; 1916: Mar 19, Apr 2,23. may 28, June 6,20,27. Jul2,16. Sep3, Oct15,29; 1917: Mar4, May20, Jul 15, Oct 21, Nov4,11,18;1918; Feb 3,24. Aug 25, Oct 13,20; 1919: Jan 26, Feb 2, 19. Mar 23, Apr 27, May 4. Jun 22,19. Aug 24,31. Sep 7, 28. Oct 19; 1920: May, Jul18, Aug 8,15,22. Oct 10,17,25,31. Nov 7,14. Dec 5,12,26; 1921: Jan 16,23. Mar 13,20,27. Apr, May, Jun 5,12 26. Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec. 1922: Complete except for Jan 1. 1923: Jan. Feb 11,18. Mar 11, 18, 25. Apr, May 20,27. Jun, Jul 1,15,22,29. Aug, Sept 2,9,23. Oct 23. Nov 4,11,25. Dec 2,16,23,30. 1924: jan 6,20. Feb 10,17,24, Mar. Apr 6,13,20. May . Jun 1, Jul 24, Aug 17. 1927: Jan 23. 1928 Sep 30. Oct 14,21,28. Nov, Dec 2,9,16,23. 29: Jan 6,13,20. Feb 3,17,24. Mar 3,10. Apr . May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec. 1930: missing Mar 9, Aug 3,10. 1931: missing Jun 7,14. Oct 4,11,18. 1933: Sept 10, 17, 24; Oct, Nov , Dec. 1934: May 6, 13. Jun 17, 24. July 6, 15, 22 29. Aug, Sept 23, 20. October. 1935: Mar, Apr 7, 14. jul 28, August, Sep: 1, 8, 15. Oct 6,13 ,20. Nov 3, 10. Dec 15. 1937: Apr 18, 25. May 2, 9. Aug 8. Nov 21, 28. Dec 5,19,26. ; 1939: Missing Dec 24 . 1940: Jan 21, Feb 11,18, Mar, Apr 7,21, May, 5,12,19, June, july, Aug 4,18,25, Sep, Oct, Nov 10,17,24, Dec 1,8,22,29. 1941: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 13,20,27. May, Jun 1,22,29. Jul 6, 13, 20. Aug 10, 31. Sept 21, 28, Oct 5,12, 26 Nov, Dec 7,14,21. 1942: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May 17,24, 31. Jun, jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 6. 1943: Jan 3, 10, 17, 31, Feb, Mar 14,21, 28, Apr, May, jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct 10, 17, 28, Dec 5,12,19. 1944: missing Jan 23,30. 1945: missing March 11. 1946: missing May 26, June 2, July 21. 1947: missing Jan, Feb 2, July 27. 1948: missing May 16,23, June 27. 1949: missing Mar 6, Sept 11,18. 1950: missing May 14. 1951: jan 7, 28. feb 4,11,18. Mar 11,18,25. Apr 22,29. May 13,20,27. jun 10,17, 24. July 1, 15,22,29. Aug 5,12,26, Sep. Oct 17,24. Nov 11,18,25. Dec. 1952: missing- Feb 24. Mar 9, 16, 30. May 11. Nov 9. Dec 21. 1953; jan 11. Feb 15. Apr 12,19. May 24. Jun 21, 28. Aug 2, 9, 23. Sep :27, Oct. Nov 8, 15, 22. Dec 6, 13, 20. 1954. 1955. 1956. 1957. 1958: missing- May 11, Jul 27, Aug 3, Aug 10, Dec 21. 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965: missing Dec19. 1966, 1967, 1968: missing July 14, Nov 3. 1969, 1970.

1939 - 1970
linklibrary, periodical shelves
Workers Exchange, thePacific District Conference to the GCMCApril 1952, May 1954archives, periodical files
YearBook: Bethany Christian, IN1986archives, yearbook
Yearbook: Bethel College1978
YearBook: Beulah College1935, 1937-41, 1948archives, yearbook shelves
Yearbook: Columbia Bible Institute, Clearbrook BC1973-1974archives, shelves
YearBook: Denver IW1952-54archives, yearbook shelves
YearBook: Eastern Mennonite University1947-53, 1955, 1957-60, 1974-75archives, yearbook shelves
YearBook: Goshen College1913, 1914, 1915, 1920,1923,1930, 1954, ,1955, 961-64, 1966-69,1971-77,1983,1987,1993archives, yearbook shelves
YearBook: Hesston College1922-24,1926-30,1932,1938-40,1942-45,1948-53,1955-63,1977-78archives, yearbook shelves
YearBook: LaJunta School of Nursing1930-32 1936, 2w,1938,1941,1944,1`947, 1950, 1953archives, yearbook shelves
Yearbook: MEI Evergreen1981-82archives shelves
YearBook: Pioneer, Western Mennonite School1950-1995, 2001archives,yearbook shelves
Yearbook: Portal,
Elliot Prairie Christian School
1963-2024.archives, yearbook shelves
Yearbook: Rural Dell1970,?,1992
YearBook: University of Colorado Medical Center1952-54archives, yearbook shelves
Yearbooks, Mennonite Brethren1939-1980,1986archives, north wall
Yearbooks, Mennonite General Conference1911, 1913, 1915-1946archives, north wall
Yearbooks, Miscconference of Mennonites in Canada 1987,Eastern Mennonite BMC 1955, 1957-61, The Northwest Fellowship of Congregations 1999.archives north wall