Personal Collections

The following table is a list of the Personal Collections archived at Pacific Northwest Mennonite Historical Society. You may browse the list, do a keyword search using the search feature or sort the list by clicking on the heading of any column. Once you find a collection you have interest in, just click on the Id # for that collection to take you to the “Finding Aids” [detailed description] for the collection. You are welcome to visit the archives to explore collections of interest.


Id #Collection NameDescription
I-01Birky, Jacob and Mary (Martin)This is a collection of German books including the Amish Hymnbook "Ausbund", New Testament, school books and more.
I-02Birky, LukeThis collection includes records on Pacific Coast Conference congregations: First Mennonite (McMinnville, OR), Evergreen Mennonite (Redmond, WA), Seattle Mennonite (Seatle, WA), Pacific Covenant (Canby, OR), Sweet Home (Sweet Home, OR), Warden (Warden, WA), Grants Pass (Grants Pass, OR), and Peace Mennonite (Portland, OR); documents and reports regarding MC/GC integration, PCC documents and correspondence, and 4 tapes on “God’s High Calling for Women.” In Fall 2013, boxes 3-5 were added containing records of Luke's work recieved from the Goshen Archives.
I-03Dyck, LaVernaeA small collection of photographs of Pacific Conference churches and persons, some identified, others not.
I-04Groh, DavidA collection of reports and correspondence from the Christian Education Commissions, both PCC and national; papers on church related topics; and minutes of Mennonite Board of Congregational Ministries meetings.
I-05Headings, RichardA collection of documents related to his service to Pacific Coast Conference including some personal papers.
I-06Hostetler, ClaudThis extensive collection [10 archives boxes] contains minutes, reports, photos, etc. related to Claud's work in the Portland Mission and Portland Mennonite Church.
I-07Kehler, KatieA small collection including a bibliography of Mennonite History, numerous articles on church issues, and a few newsletters.
I-08Kenagy, Ray and UrieThis small collection includes an assortment of Kenagy family and church related records, reports and correspondence.
I-09Kropf, FrankThis collection includes a variety of religious periodicals, tracts and articles; miscellaneous brochures; reports from several church-related organizations; and some personal papers.
I-10Lind, Hope K.This extensive collection includes the research, correspondence, resources, interviews, outlines, manuscripts and drafts and copyrights related to the writing of her book Apart and Together.
I-11Lind, Katie YoderThis collection includes the research notes, manuscript drafts, page proof and final manuscript for Katie's book "From Hazelbrush to Cornfields"; materials for "The Yoder Family Cookbook" and "Jacob K. Yoder Family Story"; notes and script for talks given; a personal collection of books and cook books; and materials used in the writing of the Yoder and Swartzendruber Family histories.
I-12Lind, Norman ArthurThis is a small collection of diaries and calender date books and includes an autograph collection.
I-13Mann, DavidReports, papers and notes from Pacific Coast Conference meetings and events.
I-14Osborne, MillardThis small collection includes documents and pictures from Lebanon Community hospital, Pacific Coast Conference mission board, and papers from several PCC congregations.
I-15Oyer, JohnThis small collection includes documents and pictures from Lebanon Community hospital, Pacific Coast Conference mission board, and papers from several PCC congregations.
I-16Peterson, DavidThis collection includes World War I conscientious objector profiles, interviews and correspondence; World War II Draft census, correspondence and Civilian Public Service papers; Pacific Coast Conference Sunday School statistics; and a few sermon notes.
I-17Snyder, ChrisA diverse collection of personal and family records, church congregation and conference reports and publications.
I-18Steiner, C. B.This small collection is a set of letters in German some of which have been translated into English.
I-19Stutzman, DavidThis very small collection includes papers and correspondence related to his work with the Mennonite church in Boise, Idaho.
I-20Yoder, Edward (E. Z.)This collection includes personal papers, correspondence and songs; records of church organizations and meetings; and a Bible with numerous sermon notes.
I-21Yoder, Paul E.This collection of personal papers includes an extensive list of of papers by Western Mennonite School students on congregations, programs, organizations and church leaders of the Pacific Coast Conference; official papers and reports on the PCC, its congregations, programs, related organizations, events and activities, including reports on the 1-W program, agencies served and personal listings of participants.
I-22Martha Eicher, Marshall Gingrich and Freda Gahler PapersThis small collection contains clippings, note cards, letters and church periodicals from the 1920s and 1930s.
I-23Sommers, AdaThis collection is an assortment of clippings, photos, letters and genealogical information related to the Biery, Hofstetter and Neuschwander families.
I-24Lind, MarcusThis collection includes personal correspondence, papers, articles, sermons and diaries; conference programs, correspondence, papers, minutes and reports; and Western Mennonite School programs, publications, articles and yearbooks.
I-25Snyder, EthelThis small set of personal papers primarily document Snyder’s work with the women’s organizations of the Portland Mennonite Church (Portland, Or.) and the Zion Mennonite Church (Hubbard, Or.). Materials include reports, correspondence, and committee records. Other materials are genealogical and focused on Chris Snyder (father in-law) and various Zion Mennonite Church families.
I-26Kropf, MerleThis collection includes a variety of programs, newsletters, periodicals and pamphlets from church and conference related groups and some personal photos and documents.
I-27Schrock, FannieThis collection includes passports, diaries, maps, photos, travel notebooks and letters home from Fannie's extensive travels around the world; an outline of her life by her nephew Perry Schrock and excerpts from private letters by her nephew Paul Schrock; some of her legal documents and a collections of birthday and Christmas cards, wedding, baby, shower and graduation announcements, and funeral cards and obituaries.
I-28Bender, Christina and Fahnderich, LuellaThis set includes a collection of small booklets and pamphlets and funeral programs, cards and obituaries.
I-29Lind, Lloyd L.This collection includes many family documents and photographs beginning with the 284 page autobiography of his father Norman Arthur Lind and including personal legal documents and photographs of his extended family; records and programs from his participation in church conference and related organizations; and pamphlets and booklets on church related issues of his time.
I-30Kenagy, BerthaThis small collections includes photographs of the Fairview Church, Mennonite Home and tent revival; program for General Conference in 1969; a Story Friends story about Bertha: a book about the Mennonite Home; newspaper clippings and scrapbook.
I-31Gerig, HenryThis small collections contains four commentaries used by Henry Gerig.
I-32Becker, HenryThis set includes 2 tapes from Mennonite Board of Missions; a collection of books, mostly song books; and a collection of pamphlets.
I-33Yoder, MaxThis small collection includes a PCC conference report and executive committee minutes, Mexico mission correspondence, and miscellaneous Western Mennonite School breezes.
I-34Weaver, LukeThis is a collection of books and reference materials used by Luke in his ministry
I-35Widmer, DanielA small collection of pamphlets, books and a video.
I-36Lind, Norman A. Jr.This collection includes many family documents and photographs beginning with the 284 page autobiography of his father Norman Arthur Lind and including personal legal documents and photographs of his extended family; records and programs from his participation in church conference and related organizations; and pamphlets and booklets on church related issues of his time.
I-37Reeser, HarveyA very small collection including 3 pamphlets and a book.
I-38Roth, RosanaThis small collection includes a broad assortment of Mennonite Church related publications and a collection of photographs of Hesston College students from 1921-1922.
I-39West, BerdenaThis small collections includes Promary Bible Study Leaflets, assorted small booklets and miscellaneous clippings.
I-40Hostetler, Leslie and EdnaCollections of music and programs for Pacific Northwest concerts.
I-41Headings, NonaThis small collection includes an index and 3 scrapbooks of funeral cards and 2 hymn books.
I-42Barnick, Ronald E.This collection includes Brethern in Christ papers, programs and missions listings; an obituary and family activities calendar.
I-43Shellenberg, VivianThis small collection includes the history of the Pacific District Conference and documents and papers related to its congregations; and a collection of books and booklets.
I-44Miller, OmarThis collection includes three generations of family records, stories, geneology and correspondence.
I-45Gingerich, Frederick J.Three notebooks containing sermon outlines and notes.
I-46Nofziger, Alfred and MarjorieIncludes a collection of photographs of Mennonite churches featured in the Gospel Herald in the 1960's; sermons by Richard Headings, 1976-1983; and PCC reports from 1977 and 1985.
I-47Lederach, John and NaomiThis collection includes photographs taken during the John Lederach's pastorate at Zion Mennonite Church.
I-48Lais, Daniel J. and Ella (Egli)This collections includes items from WWII and CPS, a family German Bible and other personal items.
I-49Miller, John M(elvin)This collection includes records of the mission work in Mexico by the Pacific Coast Conference related mostly to the work done by John and Doris Miller.
I-50Kropf, CharityTwo photo albums from Charity's nursing school days in LaJunta, CO and personal travels.
I-51Roth, Samuel E (S.E.)This collection contains a single item, a book in which Sam Roth pasted samples of his printing press work, including business cards, church programs, etc.
I-52Burkhalter, SheldonRecords collected and organized by Sheldon Burkhalter during his service as Conference Minister for Pacific Coast Mennonite Conference, 2003 - 2009.
I-53Shenk, Daniel F. and Fannie (Schrag)This very small collection includes sermon outlines and notes, stories, obituaries and a videocassette.
I-54Swartzentruber, Faye (Hooley) Byers, TaylorA collection of records related to the many years of mission work in Mexico started in the 1950's by Cecil and Fay (Hooley) Byers.
I-55Evers, Mose and Nancy (Culp) ClanA small collection of family history, legal papers and other information.
I-56Smucker, MarcusA collection of Marcus Smucker's sermon outlines, mostly from his term of service at Portland Mennonite Church in Portland, Oregon in the 1960s and 1970s.
In addition, you will find a collection of scanned documents from his years of Mennonite Church service at this link.
I-57Kennel, Willard and Mae EttaA collection of documents related to Willard and Mae Etta's participation and leadership in Pacific Coast Conference organizations and activities in the 1960s through 1990s.
I-58Duncan SmithThis collection includes the documents related to Duncan's service as Missions Minister and Conference Minister for the Pacific Coast Mennonite Conference 1996-2007. Duncan Smith came to the conference where he was involved with the Spokane WA fellowship, 1996-1997. He served the conference as Missions Minister 1999-2000. He was Conference Minister with Larry Hauder, 2001-2003. He became lead Conference Minister on May 1, 2003. Through 2006, Sheldon Burkhalter served with him.
I-59Krehbiel, Olin A.This collection includes the documents related to Olin's service as pastor at Grace Mennonite Church in Dallas, Oregon, 1967-70 and Pacific District Conference President, 1970-71.
I-60Hauder, LarryThis collection includes correcpondence, reports and related documents from Larry Hauder's service as PNMC Conference Minister, 1990-2003.
I-61Shetler, Margaret and RalphThis collection of family records of the Margaret and Ralph Shetler family, organized and described by Margaret, includes their family history, reunions, travels and related materials.
I-62Miller, EdThis collections includes Sermon Tapes, Prayer Journals, Desk Diaries, Reports and 35mm Slides from Ed Miller's service as Pastor at Glennon Heights Mennonite Church, Lakewood Colorado and Prince of Peace Mennonite Church, Corvallis, Oregon.
I-63Miller, Isaac S.This small collection includes personal and business items for Isaac S. Miller.
I-64Gingrich, MarshallMarshall Henry Gingrich & Jessie Mae Hoylman Family History Archives researched and prepared by Graham Parker for their September 2019 Family Reunion.
I-65Yoder, AbrahamPersonal and family papers of Abraham Yoder and children, including correspondence, business records, deeds, estate records, photos, school exercises, church-related records, etc.
I-66Troyer, Amos P.One 2-in. box, containing a 1-in. binder containing 43 apparently original Oregon marriage licenses and one 2-page article.
I-67Kauffman, Freeman200+ letters written by Freeman Kauffman to his wife Elizabeth Kinman Kauffman while he served in the US Army in World War II. A 10-page summary by his son John Kauffman describes the letters and provides background. A compact disc containing the text of the collection is included.
I-68Weirich, Anna (Beachy)This small collection contains an album of photos and a folder of newspaper items focused on Anna Weirich as a quilter; miscellaneous papers in Plautdietsch; and miscellaneous other items.
I-69Lind, Norman Peter & Phyllis (Swartz)This collection includes biographical, genealogical and documentary material on the family and ancestry of Norman and Phyllis (Swartz) Lind, who were married 30 Aug 1959 in AuGres, Michigan and later moved to Oregon. It includes correspondence with relatives, personal narratives, vital records, adoption papers, funeral brochures, documents and memorabilia of various kinds. The genealogical material includes many family group records and pedigree charts, especially on Phyllis's Swartz, Sharp, Kauffman, Jantzi and Ramseyer lines, but also on Norman's Lind, Zehr, Jantzi and Boshart lines. The photo album is arranged roughly chronologically beginning with Lind relatives in the 1800s, then Norman's parents and their children, and then follows Norman from his youth to his marriage to Phyllis, to their children and grandchildren. The photos are generally well identified or identifiable, and many are dated.
I-70Eicher, Samuel E., Sr.This collection includes correspondence related to Eicher's involvement with MCC, the Mennonite Board of Missions, & the PCC Mission Board, as well as personal and family correspondence, notes or texts of talks he gave.