Meetings and Events
Pacific Northwest Mennonite Historical Society has an annual meeting each year and an occasional special event. This page is a list of these events with links to the program, audio and video recordings when available. Scroll down page for earlier events.
2023 Annual Meeting
The PNMHS annual meeting and program on February 11th featured a presentation from Austin and Cherilyn Smucker who shared their experience of being held as hostages in Haiti for 62 days in 2021. They were two of the seventeen Christian missionaries who were kidnapped by the 400 Mawozo Gang after visiting a local orphanage in Port-au-Prince on October 16.
They shared a powerful story of God’s faithfulness through the many miracles that occurred during their captivity despite being held in spartan conditions. The groups’ constant reliance on prayer, scripture, and song sustained them until they were delivered and reunited with their families. Their presentation begins at the 13-minute mark of the recording at the link below.
PNMHS Annual Meeting Recording
Voices of Conscience
Photos from the exhibit at Lewis and Clark College are at Voice of Conscience | Flickr

Historical Society honors Margaret Shetler
At its annual meeting on February 5, 2022, the Pacific Northwest Mennonite Historical Society announced that longtime volunteer archivist, Margaret Shetler, will be honored by naming the archives file room at the Ivan & Pearl Kropf Heritage Center in Hubbard, OR, the “Margaret Shetler Archives.” She was part of the formation of the Oregon Mennonite Historical and Genealogical Society in 1988. For over twenty-five years, Margaret committed both time and energy to organize the archives, first at its location at Western Mennonite School, and later at its current location. Her passion for preserving the history of Mennonites in the area ensures that future historians will benefit from her efforts to obtain and preserve historical records of churches, pastors, and individuals who represented the Pacific Northwest Mennonites. Margaret also served for many years as the Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference historian, encouraging congregations to appoint a church historian to preserve and gather their churches records. View larger image.

The 2022 PNMHS Annual Meeting and Program was held via ZOOM at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, February 5.
Our theme will be “God Provides in the Midst of Disaster.” The guest speaker will be Edwin Bontrager. Edwin is the Bishop of Porter Mennonite Church in Estacada, Oregon. He will share the story of how the Mennonites in the Estacada area lived through the forest fires that destroyed the surrounding area in September 2020. Thanks to the hard work of Mennonites and other community members in the area and God’s protective hand, extreme damage and loss were avoided.
You may view the recording at this link.
2021 Annual Meeting – Saturday, March 20
The Pacific Northwest Mennonite Historical Society’s annual meeting was held virtually Saturday, March 20, at 1:30 PM via Zoom; the recording is streamed at this link and on Facebook at this link. Resources shared in the chat may be found at this link.
The meeting’s theme was “The Path to Acknowledgement: Mennonite Settlement in the Pacific Northwest” with presenters Sarah Augustine of Yakima, WA and Jonathan Neufeld, from Seattle Mennonite sharing about the indigenous peoples who lived on the land before Mennonites arrived. Click this link for bios of the presenters.
2020 Annual Meeting – Saturday, February 8, 2020
A Woman is Our Shepherd
video recording | audio recording | photo album | NW Mennonite Women in Leadership | President’s Report
We invite you to attend our Annual Meeting and Fundraiser Luncheon, Saturday, February 8, 2020, at Zion Mennonite Church in Hubbard, OR.
Our theme this year is “A Woman is Our Shepherd” and features a panel of women pastors from Mennonite churches in the Pacific Northwest:
The panel members are;
• Jeannie Hershey, retired, Payette, ID,
• Kathy Bilderback, Evergreen Heights, Caldwell. ID;
• Megan Ramer, Seattle Mennonite, Seattle, WA.
Marlene Kropf, Port Townsend, WA, will moderate and explore the journey of each woman in her call to pastoral ministry within the context of the local congregation and the conference. We will also hear of the challenges, fulfillments, and joys faced by these women as they pastored congregations in the conference.
Lunch is at 12 Noon. The cost is $15/person. Payable by cash or check at the luncheon. RSVP for lunch to Gloria Nussbaum at or 503-645-0616 by February 3.
Program at will begin at 1:30 and is free, no RSVP required. An offering to support the work of the Historical Society will be taken.
Here is the link to a printable copy of the announcement of this event.
We hope you will join us for this important event.
Zion Mennonite Church
6124 S. Whiskey Hill Rd,
Hubbard, OR 97032
Following the meeting, the archives will be open for tours.
2019 Annual Meeting – Saturday, January 19, 2019
“MCC Service in Vietnam, A Personal Story: From War to Forgiveness”
Photo Album of Event
Text of Jessie’s Presentation
President’s Annual Meeting Report
Video Recording of Jessie Gingrich Hostetler’s Presentation
Pacific Northwest Mennonite Historical Society’s Annual Meeting and program will be Saturday, January 19, at Zion Mennonite Church. Guest speaker and Oregon native, Jessie Gingrich Hostetler from Portland Mennonite Church, will share her experiences as an MCC volunteer in Vietnam (1966-68) which included being caught-up in the TET offensive, a turning point in the Vietnam War. She will also talk about her ongoing family relationship with that country. For some of us this war was lived experience, for others it is distant history. Come hear Jessie’s inspiring story of God’s love and protection and the value of service, particularly during formative years. We extend a special invitation to youth groups to join us to hear history “come alive.”
Lunch at 12 noon, cost is $25/person, free program begins at 1:30.
Please RSVP to Gloria Nussbaum:
email: or tel: 503-645-0616
2018 Annual Meeting and Luncheon
January 20 at Zion Mennonite Church, Hubbard, OR.
Conscience over Convenience
The program highlighted stories from World War II’s Civilian Public Service program. CPS offered a non-violent military alternative, but it involved more than just young male conscientious objectors. It included wives, children, and churches. Perhaps your own parents and grandparents chose to serve through CPS rather than the military? Join us for seldom told personal stories of people who made difficult war-time choices. Panel members include Ruth Goertzen-wife of Adolph Goertzen, Earl Kenagy, and Sterling Roth.
Link to Flyer | Annual Meeting Reports | Photo Album | Video Recording
learn more about the Civilian Public Service Story
PNMHS library books on Civilian Public Service
related information: Earl Kenagy CPS stories | archived CPS Newsletters
March 1993 PNMHS Newsletter on Civilian Public Service
archived Civilian Public Service Records
GAMEO articles: Civilian Public Service | National Service Board for Religious Objectors (USA)
IW-Service (United States) | Alternative Service (USA)
2017 Annual Meeting of Pacific Northwest Mennonite Historical Society
Saturday, January 21 beginning with lunch at 12:00pm at Zion Mennonite Church
program begins at 1:15pm with guest speaker Larry Graber
It may have been cool and rainy outside on Saturday, January 21, but inside Zion Mennonite Church there was warm fellowship, a delicious lunch of homemade rolls, soup and pie and amazing stories! About 35 persons attended the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Pacific Northwest Mennonite Historical Society <a few photos>. The stories came from Larry Graber who exhorted us to remember why it is still important to teach the peace position in our churches and not to lose sight of the different ways we have to work for peace for those who come after us. He then regaled us with stories of his PAX service in the Congo from 1957-59…a time when MCC sent young people, often fresh off the farm to work in remote parts of the world to do challenging work with little supervision. The climax of the event was when he showed us his 60-year-old slides on a real slide projector, concluding with how those very pictures were “stolen” and found again in Germany on his way back to the States. To hear Larry’s stories, and see those slides, click here.
To learn more, read “Crossing the Loange, Congo Pax Service and the Journey Home” that Larry wrote together with John Janzen, his PAX colleague and fellow traveler. The book was written in 2015 after Larry discovered a box in the attic of his parent’s home. He was amazed to learn that his mother had kept all the letters he wrote home while he was serving in the Congo! The book is available for loan from the PNMHS library or can be purchased from Larry by email.
Gloria Nussbaum, PNMHS secretary

Where in The World Did I Come From?
Researching and Writing Your Genealogy
Presented by Jerry Barkman
PNMHS Treasurer
view slideshow
Seminar will be held at the Ivan & Pearl Kropf Heritage Center
6030 S. Whiskey Hill Road, Hubbard Oregon
Adjacent to Zion Mennonite Church
Saturday, October 15, 2016, 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Free Admission and Refreshments will be served
For more information, you may call (503) 266-6447 or
Your Congregation’s Story Matters
This workshop was offered at the 2016 annual gathering of the Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference which was hosted by Zion Mennonite Church. A video recording of the workshop may be viewed at this link.
Christianity is a history-conscious religion, grounded in a historical account of God’s dealing with humankind. Congregations are one of the main places where God’s story and ours intersect and where history is made. This interactive workshop will focus on the importance and value of preserving and sharing our congregation’s stories and documents along with information about ways to make this happen. Congregational historians and persons interested in taking on this vital role are encouraged to attend but everyone is welcome! Facilitator: Gloria Nussbaum and Ray Kauffman
Find congregational archival resources here.

2016 Annual Meeting
January 16 ~ Noon – 3:00pm
Lunch served at noon in the fellowship hall
Program at 1:00 o’clock in the sanctuary
Tour the PNMHS library and archive
link to full Program and Flyer
Guest Speaker ~ Marlene Kropf: “Full Circle: Leaving Home & Returning”
link to video recording of Marlene’s presentation
link to audio recording of full program

Your Story Matters~Oct. 18, 2015, 2:30
Everyone has a story that matters and is worth sharing. The Pacific Northwest Mennonite Historical Society invites you to join us for an inter-generational, interactive workshop, “Your Story Matters,” as we share stories and discover ways to record/preserve them. And, if possible we’d love to have you come with a member of your family from a generation other than your own . . . a granddaughter, a son, a grandmother . . . you get the idea!
In addition to learning things about your family member, this will also be an opportunity to learn more about the incredible resource that is the Kropf Heritage Center. We’ll meet at the Center from 2:30—4:30pm on Sunday, October 18, 2015. Please RSVP to by October 10, 2015. Refreshments will be served.
2015 Annual gathering of the
Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference
at Lebanon Mennonite Church, June 19-20
Pacific Northwest Mennonite Historical Society provided a Display Table and a
Workshop “Your Story Matters” prepared and presented by Gloria Nussbaum.
The first 35 minutes of this 90 minute workshop were video recorded. You can get a good feel for the workshop by viewing the video at this link and looking at this handout.
30 Years of Faithfulness
Oregon Mennonite Festival for World Relief
April 19, 2015 – Lebanon Mennonite Church
Guest Speaker: Bill Braun
Program | Audio Recording | Pictorial Review: Video | Pictures | pictures of event
Annual Meeting ~ Noon, January 31, 2015
Zion Mennonite Church Hubbard, Oregon
Welcome and Prayer ~ Gloria Nussbaum
Lunch ~ prepared by Von Hershberger & Trish Handrich
Guest Speaker ~ Marisabel Gouverneur “The ‘M’ People“
Fund Raising Appeal ~ Pat Hershberger
Business Meeting ~ Jerry Barkman Board President
Video recordings: Guest Speaker ~ “The ‘M’ People” | Fund Raising Appeal
Audio recordings: Guest Speaker | Fund Appeal | Business Meeting | Closing Comments
Photo Album | slide show
Events from Previous Years
Date/Event: | Description: |
July 6, 2014 Shirley Hershey Showalter visit | On the evening of July 6, 2014, Shirley Hershey Showalter shared from her recent memoir, "Blush, A Mennonite Girl Meets the Glittering World" at Pacific Northwest Mennonite Historical Society near Hubbard, Oregon. She was accompanied by her husband Stuart, this was one of 5 stops on their Pacific Northwest tour. Photo Album | Video Recording | Audio Recording |
March 30, 2014 program Spring Meeting at Albany Mennonite Church | Drift Creek Camp: Thanks for the Memories Lyn and Jeanne Hershey, former camp directors Elvon Kauffman, former camp music director Glen and Lois Oesch, former camp directors and present cooks Seth and Brie Ediger, former camp hosts Merv Kropf, former summer camp director Dave Detweiler, current board chair this program reported in the Fall 2014 Newsletter slide show |
September 15, 2013 program Fall Meeting at Albany Mennonite Church | History in the Kitchen: What Mennonite Cooking tells us about our past audio recording Prepared remarks: Melanie Springer Mock-Moderator Notes; Judy Bacher: "I am Born and Raised Mennonite"; Related article: "The Kitchenhood of all Believers: A Journey into the Discourse of Mennonite Cookbooks", by Matthew Bailey-Dick |
April 14, 2013 Spring Meeting Zion Mennonite Church | Elder Jacob A. Wiebe and the Formation of the Krimmer Mennonite Brethren - Church Presented by Jerry Barkman April 14, 2013, 2:30 p.m. presentation printed in the Fall, 2013 Newsletter |
September 16, 2012 program Fall Meeting at Lebanon Mennonite Church | Tina Kauffman, of Albany, OR, will share stories from her new book, Immigrant Daughter, A monument to poverty. audio recording "The book is about my family's journey in 1925 from Russia to Canada where my younger sister and I were born. My parents and older siblings had been living well in a small Mennonite village in Ukraine until World War I when the Communist Revolution turned their world upside down" explained Tina. |
April 22, 2012 program Dedication: Ivan and Pearl Kropf Heritage Center at Zion Mennonite Church Photos, Thank You Lists | Speaker: Hope Lind, "Building on our Heritage" audio recording |
March 18, 2012 program Spring Meeting at Calvary Mennonite Church | Economical with the Truth: Swearing and Lying — An Anabaptist Perspective, by Alan and Eleanor Kreider [document] |
September 18, 2011 program Fall Meeting at Zion Mennonite Church | Speaker: Charlene Epp audio recording |
March 20, 2011 program Spring Meeting at Salem Mennonite Church | Everyday Mysteries by Lee Snyder presentation printed in the Fall 2011 newsletter |
September 19, 2010 program Fall Meeting at Zion Mennonite Church | Common Threads: Anabaptist and African American Songs and Stories of Suffering and Hope - Tony Brown, John Sharp & Ken Rogers presentation printed in the Spring 2011 newsletter |
March 14, 2010 program Spring Meeting at Albany Mennonite Church | Writing Against the Old Lie: Mennonite Objectors and the Great War, by Melanie Springer Mock audio recording |
September 20, 2009 program Fall Meeting at Salem Mennonite Church | Indian Cove Mennonite Church History: The story of Indian Cove by Ivan D Snyder audio recording |
March 15, 2009 program Spring Meeting at Zion Mennonite Church | DNA Testing, Dr. Tim Janzen audio recording |
October 19, 2008 program Fall Meeting at Western Mennonite Church | Plucking Mystic Chords of Memory: Historian as Miser, Musician and Evangelist by John Sharp author and history professor at Hesston College |
April 6, 2008 program Spring Meeting at Zion Mennonite Church | A Heritage of Hymns in Pacific Northwest Congregations, Mary K. Oyer audio recording |
October 21, 2007 program Fall Meeting at Albany Mennonite Church | A Visit to the Ukraine by Jerry Barkman |
March 25, 2007 program Spring Meeting at Zion Mennonite Church | An Overview of the Beginnings of the Anabaptist Movement, John Ruth audio recordings: Saturday, Sunday |
March 24, 2007 program Dinner Meeting at Zion Mennonite Church | A Contemporary tour of Anabaptist-related sites in Europe by John L. Ruth; a digital presentation. |
September 17, 2006 program Fall Meeting at Albany Mennonite Church | Mennonites & Democracy, What Shaped Us?, Jim Juhnke |
March 19, 2006 program Spring Meeting at Prince of Peace Community Church | Eileen & Harold Weaver, "History of the Firdale Congregation" |
September 25, 2005 program Fall Meeting at New Hope Mennonite Church | The Camping Program of the Portland Mennonite Mission, Margaret Shetler; Camping at White Branch, Audience Sharing; Drift Creek Camp, Larry & Mary Jane Eby |
May 1, 2005 program Spring Meeting at Albany Mennonite Church | John D. Roth, "How Stories Shape our Future" |
September 19, 2004 program Fall Meeting at Zion Mennonite Church | What Drew the Birky and Troyer Families West, Neil Birky & Christian Good Yoder |
March 21, 2004 program Spring Meeting at Sweet Home Mennonite Church | Opal Brubaker, History of the Sweet Home Church; Don Emmert, History of the Emmert Family |
September 14, 2003 program Fall Meeting at Western Mennonite School | Mission Activities of Mennonites in the Northwest, Wilbert Shenk |
March 23, 2003 program Spring Meeting at Fairview Mennonite Church | History of Singing in the Mennonite Church: Our Published Musical Heritage: A Brief Look at Various Songbooks Published by the Mennonite Publishing House, Merlin Aeschliman Mose Hostetler and Singing Schools, a paper prepared by Edward Kenagy |
September 28-9, 2002 program Fall Meeting at Zion Mennonite Church | Featuring the MCC PAX Program The Story Behind PAX, Cal Redekop The Impact of PAX on the Church and the World, Cal Redekop The PAX Legacy and What's Next - PAX II, Cal Redekop |
March 17, 2002 program Spring Meeting at Albany Mennonite Church | Lead Kindly Light by Helen Grace Leisched. The story of the journey from the Ukraine during WW II and immigration to Canada. |
September 23, 2001 program Fall Meeting at Smyrna United Church of Christ | The Yoders of Yoder, Oregon and their Amish Connections: Amish Roots in Pennsylvania and Illinois, James Grant Yoder Life on the Prairie in Illinois and Missouri, Joel Daniels The Promised Land - Yoder, Oregon, Muriel van Veen |
March 18, 2001 program Spring Meeting at Tangent Mennonite Church | A History of the Tangent Mennonite Church, by Paul Zehr |
September 17, 2000 program Fall Meeting at Lebanon Mennonite Church | The Life and Ministry of N. A. Lind, by Cliff Lind , Ethel Yoder & Opal Brubaker |
March 19, 2000 program Spring Meeting at Salem Mennonite Church | Historical Research and the Mennonite Experience in South Russia, Peggy Goertzen |
September 19, 1999 program Fall Meeting at Zion Mennonite Church | A Brief History of the Holderman People by Caleb Heppner One Family's Roots by Agnes Becker |
March 21, 1999 program Spring Meeting at Albany Mennonite Church | Oregon Mennonites' Involvement in Hospital Work: Salem Deaconess Hospital bu Lorraine Kauffman Lebanon Community Hospital by Gene Kenagy Dallas Hospital by Jerry Barkman |
September 19, 1998 program Fall Meeting at Salem Mennonite Church | Workshop and dinner meeting by C. J. Dyck: Mennonites from Europe to America Mennonites from Prussia/Russia North American Mennonites: Where to Now? |
March 15, 1998 program Spring Meeting at Salem Mennonite Church | Panel discussion on the Great Depression: Richard Regier (leader), Katie Lind, Mary Belle Reiff, Wilbert Regier and Roy Kenagy |
September 21, 1997 program Fall Meeting at Kingwood Bible Church | From Crimea to Kansas: A Mennonite Pilgrimage by Jerry Barkman |
March 16, 1997 program Spring Meeting at Lebanon Mennonite Church | Lebanon Mennonite Church History by John Willems, Ike Kauffman, Mike Baker and Leslie Jensen George Kauffman Family History by Jeanne Hershey |
September 15, 1996 program Fall Meeting at Grace Mennonite Church | Menno Simons by Tim Epp Pacific District Conference by Vivian Schellenberg Pacific Coast Conference by Margaret Shetler |
March 17, 1996 program Spring Meeting at Salem Mennonite Church | The History of Salem Mennonite Church by Beulah Fretz Daniel B. Kauffman family history by Bernice Kauffman Yoder |
September 17, 1995 program Fall Meeting at Living Water Christian Assembly in Albany | "The History of Grace Mennonite Church" by Leon Widmer and "The Emmanuel Kenagy Family History" by Edward Kenagy |
August 10, 1995 OMHGS Dinner Meeting at Albany Mennonite Church | Phenomenon of Mennonite Immigration in the American West During the Late 19th Century and Early 20th Century by Kevin Enns-Rempel |
March 19, 1995 program Spring Meeting at Zion Mennonite Church | The History of Bethel Mennonite Church near Canby by John Miller The History of the Christian and Catherine (Rich) Roth Family by Milo and Martha Schultz |
November 19, 1994 OMHGS Genealogy Workshop at Western Mennonite School | Beginning Your Research by Marjorie Nofziger Computers and Genealogy by Robert Snyder Stories Behind Your Stories by Melva Lloyd |
September 18, 1994 program Fall Meeting at Grace Brethren Church, Dallas | The History of Dallas Mennonite Brethren Church by Erma Neufeld The G. J. Rempel Family History by Vivian Shellenberg |
March 20, 1994 program Spring Meeting at Portland Mennonite Church | History of the Portland Mennonite Church by Philip Hostetler Chris Snyder Family History by Phyllis (Snyder) Miller |
September 19, 1993 program Fall Meeting at Zion Mennonite Church | The Amish of Clackamas County and Jonas K. Kauffman family by Beulah Fretz The Isaac Miller Family history by Elizabeth Kennedy |
June 22, 1993 Dinner Meeting at Albany Mennonite Church | Early Pennsylvania Connections with Oregon Mennonites by John L. Ruth |
March 21, 1993 program Spring Meeting at Sheridan Mennonite Church | History of the Sheridan Mennonite Congregation by Hazel Yoder Shenk Family History by Wilma Nisley |
October 31, 1992 OMHGS Genealogy Workshop at Western Mennonite School | Beginning Genealogy Search by Doris Yoder Preserving Photos, Records and Artifacts by Edna Kennel |
September 20, 1992 program Fall Meeting at Albany Mennonite Church | World War I CO Remembrances by Amos Conrad Introduction to Civilian Public Service by Luke Birky Other CPS Camps by Clarence Hartzler Other CPS Experiences by Lester Kropf, Frank Morris & John Fretz CPS wives by Jeanne Roth |
March 15, 1992 program Spring Meeting at Calvary Mennonite Church, Aurora, Oregon | History of the Calvary Mennonite Church by Harold Yoder Jacob Roth family history by Gloria Hostetler (written by Marjorie Nofziger) |
September 15, 1991 program Fall Meeting at Emanuel Bible Church, Salem, Oregon | The History of the Early C.B. Steiner Church by Hope K. Lind The Heyerly Family History by Ron Heyerly |
April 14, 1991 program Spring Meeting at Plainview Mennonite Church | The History of Mennonite Congregation by Eldon Birky Dan Kropf Family History by Arzalea Hostetler |
October 14, 1990 program Fall Meeting at Zion Mennonite Church | History of the Hopewell Congregation by Allen Schlabach Mishler Family History by Melva Lloyd |
May 20, 1990 program Spring Meeting at Albany Mennonite Church | The History of the Albany Congregation by Jerry Brenneman The Widmer Family History by Viola Kropf and Dan Widmer |
October 22, 1989 program Fall Meeting at Bethany Mennonite Church | History of the Oak Hill Mennonite Congregation in the Elmira Area, Viola Nisly "The History of the Evers Family by Nancy Widmer |
April 23, 1989 program Spring Meeting at Grace Mennonite Church, Dallas, OR | The Zion-Grace Mennonite Church (Dallas) History by Vivian Shellenberg The Bekker/Becker Family History by Erma Neufeld |
October 30, 1988 program Fall Meeting at Salem Mennonite Church | Fairview Mennonite Church History by Irvin Gerig The Joseph Schrock (1852-1943) family History by Perry Schrock |
April 24, 1988 program Spring Meeting at Bethany Mennonite Church | Early History of the Zion Mennonite Church by Margaret Shetler The Joseph Roth Family by Beulah Fretz |
2018 Annual Meeting and Luncheon
January 20 at Zion Mennonite Church, Hubbard, OR.
Conscience over Convenience
The program highlighted stories from World War II’s Civilian Public Service program. CPS offered a non-violent military alternative, but it involved more than just young male conscientious objectors. It included wives, children, and churches. Perhaps your own parents and grandparents chose to serve through CPS rather than the military? Join us for seldom told personal stories of people who made difficult war-time choices. Panel members include Ruth Goertzen-wife of Adolph Goertzen, Earl Kenagy, and Sterling Roth.
Link to Flyer | Photo Album | Video Recording
learn more about the Civilian Public Service Story
PNMHS library books on Civilian Public Service
related information: Earl Kenagy stories