We have 6 drawers of vertical files containing an assortment of documents related to Mennonite organizations, programs and issues. They are organized by file name and subject in the file cabinet drawer indicated.
You may search for a file name or subject using the search feature and you may sort the collection by any column by clicking on the column heading. Refreshing the page will return it to its original state.

File NameSubjectLocationDescription
Amish Articles, Booklets, Clippings, Stories, etc.AmishDrawer 1"Appreciating 15 Values of our Amish-Mennonite Heritage; Notes, Quotes, and Songs from A Historical Tour Program" by William R. McGrath
"Among the Amish, A Pictorial Presentation"
"The Amish Answer, Environmentalism and Spirituality, Part IV"
"The Amish Way" by Wendell Berry
Rockome Review, Amish Country Magazine, Spring-Fall 1992
"Amish Boundary Maintenance", by Nancy McKaughan, 1981AmishDrawer 1An Ethnic Geography research paper by Nancy McKaughan, 1981
Amish in ColoradoAmishDrawer 1Rocky Mountain News, Thursday, November 28, 2002
Sunny Breeze Farm - The Petre Family Craig, Colorado
Amish population by state, USA Today 9/14/2010
[The] Amish Mennonites of Lane County, Oregon including Anabaptist origins - by Regina FreyAmishDrawer 1"The Amish Mennonites of Lane County, Oregon", 31 page paper by Regina Frey, Eugene, Oregon; includes digital copy, CD
Amish Move Barn by Hand, Kalona, Iowa, 2003AmishDrawer 1by Mike McWilliams Iowa City Press-Citizen 5/27/2003
Amish of Needy, OregonAmishDrawer 1"The Amish of Clackamas County Near Needy" by Beulah Roth Fretz, Salem, Oregon
Beachy AmishAmishDrawer 1"The Beachy Amish, Who They Are, What They Believe"
"What Makes A Beachy?" Mennonite World Review, June 23, 2008
Nickel Mines School Tragedy, 2006AmishDrawer 1Numerous articles related to the Nickel Mines Tragedy
Three Somerset County, PA Amish Settlements; the Amish in Butler County, Ohio - by David Luthy AmishDrawer 1Two articles from "Yesterdays and Years" in 1982
"Tradition and Transition"AmishDrawer 1"Tradition and Transition; An Amish Mennonite Heritage Of Obedience, 1693-1993"
"Tradition and Transition; Varied Program Marking Amish Tercentenary Brings 300 to Central Illinois" by Neil Ann Stuckey Levine
Tricentennial Amish Tour in 1993AmishDrawer 1published by J. Lemar and Lois Ann Mast, Olde Springfield Shoppe, 10 West Main Street, Elverson, PA 19520
Apostolic Christian ChurchAnabaptist Related GroupsDrawer 1Historical Presentation on The Apostolic Christian Church by Perry A. Klopfenstein
Brethren in ChristAnabaptist Related GroupsDrawer 1Brethren in Christ Pacific Regional Conference Bylaws, revised July 1999
"Who Are the Brethren in Christ" by E. Morris Sider
"Pilgrimage: A Pageant About the Brethren in Christ" by Norman A. Bert
Program of the Thirty-Seventh Annual Bible Conference of the Brethren in Christ Church, 1950
Church of God in Christ (Holdeman)Anabaptist Related GroupsDrawer 1"A Brief History of the Holdeman People," by Caleb F. Heppner; Yearbook, 1976; tracts; 1993 Eugene, OR & 1996 Albany, OR newspaper items
Church of the BrethrenAnabaptist Related Groups
Drawer 1Guide to research in Brethren History
Church Ordinances; Are They Touchstones or Trinkets by Russell D. Barnard
Oregon State Archives: Echoes of History Learning Guide - Church of The Brethren Petition 11/13/12
Evangelical Mennonite ChurchAnabaptist Related GroupsDrawer 1EMC Today, Aug-Sep 1993
General Conference MennoniteAnabaptist Related GroupsDrawer 1Missionary News and Notes, May 1942; misc. fliers, articles, etc.
German Baptist BrethrenAnabaptist Related GroupsDrawer 1Minutes of Annual Meeting of the German Baptist Brethren, Bristol, TN June 6-7, 1905
HutteritesAnabaptist Related GroupsDrawer 1The Bruderhof A Christian Community
"The Hutterites, Plain People of the West" by William Albert Allard, National Geographic
"The Challenge of True Brotherhood" by Barbara R. Thompson a reprint from Christianity Today March 15, 1985
"Hutterites' Story Finally Chronicled" Albany Democrat Herald
"Hutterites Translate their Heartfelt History" Southtown Economist Newspapers, December 16, 1987
Mennonite Brethren ChurchAnabaptist Related GroupsDrawer 1Mission Principles and Policies; Overseas Worker Directory, 1979, MB Audiovisual Catalog, 1980; misc. items
Mennonite Diversity in Oregon, 2005 newspaper articleAnabaptist Related GroupsDrawer 1"Mennonites Follow Diverse Ways," Corvallis Gazette-Times, 10 Oct 2005
Mennonites in Oregon, Centennial CelebrationAnabaptist Related GroupsDrawer 1Oregon Mennonite Centennial 1876-1976 News; Myron Augsberger program flier; "A Festival of Praise" program
"Mennonites in the Northwest, 1976-2000," by Margaret ShetlerAnabaptist Related GroupsDrawer 1Mennonites in the Northwest, 1976-2000," by Margaret Shetler
MoraviansAnabaptist Related Groups
Drawer 1Christian History, 250th Anniversary of Protestant Missions, Zinzendorf and the Moravians
The Bethlehem Star: "Moravian Music: A Bethlehem Tradition", Spring/Summer 1983
Old Order MennonitesAnabaptist Related Groups
Drawer 1Old-Order Mennonite Directory, 1976; "Meet the Mennonites," 196?
The Plain People of Oregon" - by Harold Barclay Anabaptist Related GroupsDrawer 1"The Plain People of Oregon" by Harold B. Barclay, University of Alberta
Map of Whiteson area where Amish lived' Yamhill County
"[The] Portland Mennonite Community," by Kay W. ShoemakerAnabaptist Related GroupsDrawer 1"[The] Portland Mennonite Community," by Kay W. Shoemaker, 1989; associated items
River Brethren, Old OrderAnabaptist Related GroupsDrawer 1Directory of the Old Order River Brethren - June 20, 1978
["A] Survey of Mennonites in Oregon," by Deborah K. Beachy, 1975Anabaptist Related GroupsDrawer 1["A] Survey of Mennonites in Oregon," by Deborah K. Beachy, 1975
The WaldensesAnabaptist Related GroupsDrawer 1The Waldenses by Rev. James Gibson, D.D.
"Anabaptist Distinctives" by William HigginsAnabaptist Theology & HistoryDrawer 125 Anabaptist Distinctives & History Overview
Brochures, Other InformationAnabaptist Theology & HistoryDrawer 1misc. brochures, articles describing the Anabaptists and Mennonites; Mennonite Heritage Film Series flier; Chicago Tribune article on Hispanics, Blacks joining urban Mennonite churches, 1988; A Declaration of Christian Faith and Commitment, MCC, 1950; Article in The Torch, 1987, on headship veiling, I Cor. 11; Anabaptist Conference program, 23-26 Jul 1949, Laurelville Mennonite Camp, Mt. Pleasant, PA
Christianity Today article on Anabaptists in the ReformationAnabaptist Theology & HistoryDrawer 1Issues of the Reformation: Then and Now, Christianity Today - October 24, 1980
Covering pattern, by Lois ConradAnabaptist Theology & HistoryDrawer 1Covering pattern (cutouts); "Reading textile: Vernaculars of Kinship in Discourse and Dress"
450th Anniversary of the Anabaptist Movement Anabaptist Theology & HistoryDrawer 1the 450th Anniversary of the Anabaptist Movement 1525-1975 - Eastern Mennonite College
The Radical Reformation: The Anabaptists; Vol. IV, No. 1
Anabaptist Mennonite Heritage Study 1525-1975
"America's Anabaptists: Who Are They" by John L. Ruth in Christianity Today
25 Anabaptist Distinctives
A Declaration of Christian Faith and Commitment at Winona Lake, Indiana Nov. 9-12, 1950
Anabaptist Conference, Laurelville Mennonite Camp - July 23-26, 1949
Great Mennonite Trek, The, to Central Asia, late 1800'sAnabaptist Theology & HistoryDrawer 1The Great Mennonite Trek to Central Asia, late 1800's, A Documentary: flier and letter by Jesse Z. Nathan
Mennonite Census, 1982Anabaptist Theology & HistoryDrawer 11982 Mennonite Census; a Summary of Findings
Mennonite Recipes, by Christine KayAnabaptist Theology & HistoryDrawer 1Article: "Mennonite Recipes," by Christine Kay, 1980
"[The] Mennonites' Dirty Little Secret..." by John D. RothAnabaptist Theology & HistoryDrawer 1"The Mennonites' Dirty Little Secret [Muensterites]: What Christians could learn from Menno Simons and how he rescued the Anabaptist Movement" by John D. Roth, Christianity Today, 1996
Old and New Anabaptists Together... by Sheldon BurkhalterAnabaptist Theology & HistoryDrawer 1Old and New Anabaptists Together for Revitalizing the Mennonite Church" by Sheldon Burkholder Conference Minister in the Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference - December 20, 2008
"Practices that Need to be Maintained to Preserve Biblical Principles," by John R. MumawAnabaptist Theology & HistoryDrawer 1Practices that Need to be Maintained to Preserve Biblical Principles," by John R. Mumaw
"Union in a Common Faith..." by V. Gordon OyerAnabaptist Theology & HistoryDrawer 1"Union in a Common Faith: The 1920 merger of the Western District Amish Mennonites and the 'old' Mennonites," by V. Gordon Oyer
Fraktur ManuscriptArt, Culture, & MusicDrawer 1"In the Beginning Was the Word: Dutch - Prussian - Russian Mennonite Manuscripts in North American Collections..." by Tom Graff, with related illustrations; another essay on fraktur
"Hymnal: A Worship Book," 1992, Rebecca Slough, ed., etc.Art, Culture, & MusicDrawer 1Mennonite Hymnals: 1895, Hymns and Tunes; 1927 Church Hymnal, 1969 The Mennonite Hymnal; 1992 Hymnal: A Worship Book
Oregon Sacred Festival ChoraleArt, Culture, & MusicDrawer 1Programs & Articles on programs led by Louis A. Lehman
Pennsylvania DutchArt, Culture, & MusicDrawer 1Pennsylvania Folklife, July 1963; Low German Sayings; "Mennonites and Wheat;"
"Frey's Pennsylvania Dutch Grammar" by J. William Frey
Quilts and QuiltingArt, Culture, & MusicDrawer 1• Crazy for Quilts article
• Chicago Tribune March, 1985 article
• A Timeless Tradition, Pennsylvania Dutch Quilting
"...Status of Musical Activities in the (Old) Mennonite Denomination..." by Roy Roth; etc.Art, Culture, & MusicDrawer 1Survey Questionnaire, Report and related information - Fall 1970; misc. music and items related to senior singers activities
Valley Men's ChorusArt, Culture, & MusicDrawer 1• Programs: Kings Messengers, c1950's; Valley Men's Chorus, nd; Mid Valley Men's Chorus, May 2009
• attendance records and other related materials
West Coast Men's
Art, Culture, & MusicDrawer 11978 & 1985 programs
Doctorian, SamuelBiographical notesDrawer 1"My Life Story" and other materials
Dyck, PeterBiographical notesDrawer 1• JUNO Message Center, Peter Dyck Life Story, 2010
• Meet the storyteller for Quarter 4
Friedmann, Robert familyBiographical notesDrawer 1"I Knew the Robert Friedmann Family," by G. S. Stoneback
Hatfield, MarkBiographical notesDrawer 1"Mark O. Hatfield, Oregon's first statesman, dies Sunday at 89" by Jeff Mates, The Oregonian; "Remembering Hatfield: A Mentor, a Friend, a Familiar Face in Silverton" by Ken Hector and Vic Gilliam from Our Town, Mt. Angel, Oregon Sept. 15, 2011
Herr, HansBiographical notesDrawer 1• HANS HERR, ©1970 by Lancaster Mennonite Conference Historical Society [2copies]
Simons, Menno Biographical notesDrawer 1"Menno Simons (1496-1561)" from The Mennonite Encyclopedia
Ten Boom, CorrieBiographical notesDrawer 1• It's Harvest Time!; numbers 36/37 December '65 - March '66
Gleason CemeteryCemeteriesDrawer 1• correspondence between Joel Daniels and Margaret Shetler concerning the Gleason cemetery about 1 mile north of Ninety-One School on Meridian Road
Hutterthal Cemetery, Freeman, South DakotaCemeteriesDrawer 1• 5 page 1978 listing for Hutterthal Cemetery just west of Freeman, South Dakota by members Bertha Krause, Rose Marie ZHarshman and Martha Brohman
Myrtle Creek, Oregon, CemeteryCemeteriesDrawer 1"Resurrecting Myrtle Creek: Biographies of some of the people who are buried in the Myrtle Creek Cemetery," article in Sunday Oregonian 11 Jan 2009
Obituaries from the Dakota Freie Presse, 1903-1947CemeteriesDrawer 1• 5 page listing
Oregon Commission on Historic CemeteriesCemeteriesDrawer 12005-2007 program & grant information
Taylor-Whiteson Pioneer Cemetery, Yamhill, ORCemeteriesDrawer 11-page listing through 1963; 1948 Yamhill Co. area obituaries
Archives as Ministry..." by Colleen McFarlandChurch MinistryDrawer 1Archives as Ministry: An Anabaptist Approach to the Historical Record" by Colleen McFarland, 2012
Augsburger, Myron, Crusade for ChristChurch MinistryDrawer 1Crusade for Christ, 1955 report; Revival Hymns
Biking - NorthwestChurch MinistryDrawer 1• bikemovement articles: Mennonite Weekly Review and Portland Mennonite Church
Brunk RevivalsChurch MinistryDrawer 1Revival Fires; Revival Fires in Manitoba; "Being Filled with the Spirit; A Personal Testimony," by Edna Beiler, Grantsville, Maryland; Brunk Tent Revival Songs and Choruses
Choice BooksChurch MinistryDrawer 1• Choice Books comes to Oregon; Ray Yoder, McMinnville, Oregon
Church PlantingChurch MinistryDrawer 1• "Growing Churches, Promoting Church Planting and Church Growth Among Mennonites," April 1991; articles by Wally Fahrer, Kenos and Marie Ho, Herbert L. Brown and Steve Ratzlaff
Derstine, C. F., Gospel Tent Meetings flier, 1939Church MinistryDrawer 1• Flyer for C. F. Derstine, Gospel Tent Meetings, Portland, OR, Aug 1939
Congregational Discipling: A Vision...Church MinistryDrawer 1"Congregational Discipling: A Vision for an integrated approach to education," a large poster on discipling, worship, mission, and community featuring various Mennonite churches and Leaders, ca. 1989
Evangelism and OutreachChurch MinistryDrawer 1• Alive '85 Denver Colorado, 1985
• "During the Week Witnessing" by N.E. Kauffman
• numerous articles and papers on Evangelism
Fellowship of Concerned MennonitesChurch MinistryDrawer 1• The FCM Informer: May/June '91, July/August '91 and May/June '94
• Report of Basic Biblical Beliefs Conference, Berea Mennonite Church Cannelburg, Indiana, Harold Lindsell, featured speaker
• The Four-Hundred-First Prophet by Vance Havner
• 1980 Year of Prayer Calendar
• brochures: Introducing The Fellowship of Concerned Mennonites & Constitution and Bylaws of the Fellowship of Concerned Mennonites
Giving Project, TheChurch MinistryDrawer 1• Celebrating God's Generosity brochure, 1997
Hammer, Howard, Tent RevivalsChurch MinistryDrawer 1Invitation to Hammer Tent Revivals, Apple Creek, OH
Mennonite Marriage EncounterChurch MinistryDrawer 16 panel brochure for Mennonite Marriage Encounter, 1984/85; hand written flyer for Mennonite Marriage Encounter, Salem, OR, Feb 1995
Mennonite Renewal ServicesChurch MinistryDrawer 1Mennonite Renewal Services Newsletters: Jul-Aug 1978, Sep-Oct 1979, Jul-Aug 1980;
Empowered Summer 1985; Empowered Newsletter Summer 1990, Fall 1990/Winter 1991;
Welcome to the New Empowered Newsletter, Summer/Fall 1991; related brochures & documents

NursingChurch MinistryDrawer 1• This Month at Hesston College, Commencement,June 1968, incl. portrait of nursing class
• Nursing in Lebanon, Oregon, 1958
Palmer, Ralph, Cit;y tract ministryChurch MinistryDrawer 1postcard featuring Ralph & Martha Palmer ministry
Prison MinistryChurch MinistryDrawer 1• 1988 Gospel Express Prayer Calendar
• Prison Bible Ministry, New Life Foundation, Sep 1977
• Gospel Echos Northwest Prison Ministry: Reaching Out, March, July, & September 1992;
• Sharing Christ in Prison, Feb/Mar 1990
• Gospel Echoes Team of Canada, ca. 1987
• Gospel Echoes Team Prison Ministry...throughout the U.S. and Canada
• Redemptive Thoughts May/June 2008
• Sunday Oregonian newspaper article 12 Jul 1992 on ministry to children of inmates
Rejoice MeetingsChurch MinistryDrawer 1• Flyers: '75, '76, '77, '78, '79, '85, '88, '89
• Renewal Among Mennonites: New Empowerment For Ministry, May/June 1990
• related reports and papers
Retreat CentersChurch MinistryDrawer 1Reports, brochures & programs from:
• The Hermitage, Three Rivers, MI
• Christian Retreat, Ogema, MI
• The Orchard, Lawrence, MI
StewardshipChurch MinistryDrawer 1• Handbook for "The Christian Family and Money Management"
• Parents Children and Money, A Spending Plan Checklist
• Stewards of the Gospel" by A. Grace Wenger
• Stewardship Facts 1964-65
• "Youth Stewardship Needs Direction" by Daniel Kauffman
• Selected Christian Stewardshio Audio-Visual Aids
• related flyers and documents
Teaching at churchChurch MinistryDrawer 1• Bible Lessons for Kindergarten Children: #10 & #11
• Called to Teach Workshop, 1980 @ Western Mennonite School
• Why You Must Believe All Students Can Learn
• Jubilee, God's Good News
Youth MinistryChurch MinistryDrawer 1• Program Director's Guide to: 'Mark Me Down That Way!'
56 page notebook, studies in the Gospel of Mark
• related letters & documents
Alberta-Saskatchewan ConferenceConferences/FellowshipsDrawer 11963 A-S District Annual Conference program
Allegheny ConferenceConferences/FellowshipsDrawer 1"Along the Banks of Jacobs Creek: A Symposium on Mennonite Congregational Life, 1790-1890," program, 1990
Conference of Mennonites in CanadaConferences/FellowshipsDrawer 11996 letter from Genl. Secy. Helmut Harder
This We Believe! CMC staff
Young Adult Discipleship Adventure brochure
Conservative Mennonite ConferenceConferences/FellowshipsDrawer 11974 CMC Report
Brotherhood Beacon - May 1976
Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite ChurchConferences/FellowshipsDrawer 12006 Directory
Franconia ConferenceConferences/FellowshipsDrawer 1Doctrinal Statement... 1956
Rules & Discipline 1933 & 1940
"A Mennonite Response" to the Revolution 1776-1976
FMC booklet Nov. 1981
Franconia Conference News July-Aug 1983

Illinois Mennonite ConferenceConferences/FellowshipsDrawer 1Illinois Mennonite Church and SUnday School Conference program, 1928
IMC Yearbooks,1976-1979 & 1984
IMC Constitution 1984
Evanston Mennonite Fellowship & Friends, 1984
Community Mennonite Church Directory, 1985, Markham, IL
other misc. items
Indiana-Michigan ConferenceConferences/FellowshipsDrawer 1IMC Sunday School Conf. program, 1932
IMC Annual Sessions program, 1958
other misc. programs, 1935-1958
The Gospel Evangel, Sep-Oct 1951, Mar- Jun 1977
Iowa-Nebraska Mennonite ConferenceConferences/FellowshipsDrawer 1INC Church and Workers Conf. program 1958
INC WMSC History 1893-1989
INC Annual Reports, 1996
Missouri-Kansas ConferenceConferences/FellowshipsDrawer 1M-K Mennonite Conference programs, 1940 & 1946
M-K Church Conference Report; Constitution and Discipline, 1942; undated Mission Board Constitution
Mountain States Mennonite ConferenceConferences/FellowshipsDrawer 12005 MSMC Assembly program, reports booklet, By-laws draft & related items;
2005-6 Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp program calendar; 2006 MSMC budget;
List & map of MSMC congregations
North Central Mennonite ConferenceConferences/FellowshipsDrawer 1NCMC programs, Jun 1948 & 1950 & an undated earlier one; District Mission Meeting program, 1952
Ohio Mennonite ConferenceConferences/FellowshipsDrawer 1Various OMC programs, 1917-1952
Ontario Mennonite ConferenceConferences/FellowshipsDrawer 1MCO program 1945; OMC programs 1951 & 1953
Church and Mission News, Jan, Mar, May, Sep 1948 & Mar-Apr 1949
South Central Mennonite ConferenceConferences/FellowshipsDrawer 1Various SCMC programs, 1943-1951 & undated
"Conference Messenger" May-Jun 1948; SCC Messenger May-Jun 1991
Conference Sermon by Roy D. Roth: "Spiritual Concern," 1958
South Pacific Mennonite ConferenceConferences/FellowshipsDrawer 1Various SPMC programs & reports, 1942-1960
SPMC Constitution and Discipline, undated
SPMC Reports 1958
SPMC Directory 1960
Southwest Messenger Sep 1960
Misc. Seventh Street Mennonite Church (Upland, CA) items, 1947-1959
Virginia Mennonite ConferenceConferences/FellowshipsDrawer 11995 VMC Assembly program, Tours;
Report of VMC Committee to Study the Revised Standard Version;
50th Anniversary of the Warwick Mennonite Community, Homecoming program, 1947
Western District Amish Mennonite ConferenceConferences/FellowshipsDrawer 1WD A.M. Conference Proceedings 1911; Conference Report 1916
Western District Conference of Mennonite Church USAConferences/FellowshipsDrawer 1Misc. WDC items, 2005-2012 & undated
Western Fellowship ChurchesConferences/FellowshipsDrawer 1Bible Conf. 1997 program (Harrisburg, Porter, & Tangent, OR)
Western Fellowship Meeting programs, 1997 & 2003
Los Angeles Street Meeting Report/LA Newsletter Oct 2009
BaptismDoctrinesDrawer 1"Believer's Baptism" (Foundation Series for Youth, Yr. 4 Quarter 1 Unit B)
Confession of FaithDoctrinesDrawer 1The Schleitheim Confession; Confession of Faith of the General Conf. of Mennonite Brethren Churches; Mennonite Confessions of Faith, 1917, 1927, 1939, 1941, 1963;
Junior Catechism, by Chester K. Lehman, 1944;
"Inter-Mennonite Confession of Faith," First drafts, May 1992, and Draft Articles 1993; "Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective," 1995 - plus Summary Statement & Unison Readings
Doctrinal IssuesDoctrinesDrawer 1"Premillennialism," by John L. Stauffer;
"Questionable Statements Regarding the Atonement;"
"The Eternal Security Teaching," by J.L. Stauffer;
"Training Ministry Teams: A Manual for Elders and Deacons," by Anne Stuckey, and other items relating to elders
Doctrinal StatementsDoctrinesDrawer 1"Bible Doctrines Briefly Stated," by Daniel Kauffman, 1922;
Bible Doctrines -One-,by John E. Coffman, 1936;
"A Book of Standards," Mennonite Genl. Conf., 1940;
Mennonite General Conference statements on: The Nurture and Evangelism of Children; Christian View of Marriage; Peace, War and Non-resistance;
Christian Separation and Nonconformity to the World; Recreation; Theology of Christian Experience; Communism and Anti-Communism; The Way of Christian Love in Race Relations; Peace and the Christian Witness
"How We Understand and Use the Bible," by JC WengerDoctrinesDrawer 1"How We Understand and Use the Bible;" "Mennonite Theological Stance;" Editorial, "The Message of the Mennonite Church;" and "A Working Bibliography, Anabaptist-Mennonite Tradition;" Comparative Theology table; all by J.C. Wenger; "The Thomas of Imbroich Ballad," Translated by J.C. Wenger; "The Martyrdom of Joseph and Michael Hofer, 1918"
Mennonite Church PolityDoctrinesDrawer 1Mennonite Church Polity (undated); "The Background and Heritage of the Mennonite Church," by John Horsch (undated)
Statement of Christian Doctrine of the Mennonite Church" (36 lessons), by Jess KauffmanDoctrinesDrawer 1Outlined in 36 Lessons designed for individual study
Study of New Testament Eldership in the Life of the Apostolic Church," by John P. OyerDoctrinesDrawer 1"The Ministry of Oversight, A Study of NT Eldership..." by John P. Oyer
Everence (formerly Mennonite Mutual Aid)Financial OrganizationsDrawer 22010 flier; 2015 Board election brochure
MEDA: Mennonite Economic DevelopmentFinancial OrganizationsDrawer 2Mennonite Business and Professional People's Directory 1976; The Business Person, the Christian and the Life of the Church, 1982; Stewardship of the Gospel: A Business Person's Perspective, 1982; MEDA Corporate Statement, 1989; misc. fliers, brochures, meeting programs, letters, etc.
Mennonite FoundationFinancial OrganizationsDrawer 2Annual Reports, 1988-1990, 1994; Money Matters [Jun 1983-Dec 1996; Giving Matters, Dec 2000; misc. brochures, fliers, advice for wills, planned giving, etc.
Mennonite Mutual AidFinancial OrganizationsDrawer 2MMA plan for organization (ca. 1944?); plan booklet (ca. 1963?); misc. brochures, newsletters, plan booklets, board election brochures, annual reports, 1982-2010 & undated
Schowalter FoundationFinancial OrganizationsDrawer 2ca. 1964 booklet describing the Foundation
HHH- Hochstetler, Jacob, Family AssociationGenealogy, Family specific genealogy societiesDrawer 2Misc. Jacob Hochstetler Family Association items, including 2003 and 2013 National Gathering fliers

Ropp Historical SocietyGenealogy, Family specific genealogy societiesDrawer 2Ropp Historical Society Newsletter - Aug 2001
Schmucker, Smoker, SmuckerGenealogy, Family specific genealogy societiesDrawer 22006 reunion annoucement/program flier
Yoder, Hans, FamilyGenealogy, Family specific genealogy societiesDrawer 21996, 2012, 2014 National Reunion items
Computer programs on GenealogyGenealogy, How to...Drawer 2Information on Tim Janzen website; GeneSys systems, Family Search systems;
Gen-Book systems
How to do research on family historyGenealogy, How to...Drawer 2Misc. items on how to do family history research, including Family History Center (LDS); Courthouse Research; Family research how-to, compiled by Margorie Nofziger
Oral InterviewsGenealogy, How to...Drawer 2Questionnaire for oral interviews
Oregon State ArchivesGenealogy, How to...Drawer 2List of vital records housed in the Oregon State Archives; Regional Archives System of the National Archives
Resources Available for Genealogical ResearchGenealogy, How to...Drawer 2Misc. listings and descriptions of resources, including
"Genealogical Roots in the MHL" - Goshen College Bulletin May 1986
Resources for ArchivesGenealogy, How to...Drawer 2Misc. items on archival storing, preservation and salvage, including "Preserving Books: Acid Wars and Other Battles" and "Conservation and Preservation of Library Materials (bibliography) by Kathryn Hamilton Wang; 1992 Society of American Archivists Publications Catalog; "Paper and Its Preservation;" "Procedures for Salvaging of Water-damaged Library Materials;"
U.S. Vital Records, Census catalogsGenealogy, How to...Drawer 21985 U.S. Vital Records Catalog, U.S. and Special Census Catalog
Archives/Library Collection PoliciesHistorical ResearchDrawer 2Policies from Mennonite and other historical societies
Church Historian (local)Historical ResearchDrawer 2"Preservation of Historical Materials in the Church," by Averill Christman;
"The Work of the Local Church Historian," by Melvin Gingerich;
"Guidelines... for Placing Materials in Archives,"
"Managing Mennonite Memory: Congregational Archival Records," by Dennis Stoesz
Amish & Mennonite Heritage Center, Inc., Berlin, OHHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2Brochures, Fall 2012 & undated
Brethren in Christ Historical Society, Grantham, PAHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2Correspondence
BICHS Constitution 2007
BICHS Newslette Fall 2006
California Mennonite Historical SocietyHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2Annual Meeting flyers: 1992, 1994, 1996, 1997, 2003, 2008; misc. other items
Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies - Tabor College, Goessel, KSHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2Alexanderwohl Mennonite Church brochure; Mennonite Heritage Museum brochure; CMBS Newsletter [Fall 1996-Spring 1998]; Invitations/flyers for Annual Dinner Meetings, 2006, 2011, 2014, 2015
Chrisholm Societies, Trenton, OHHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2Chrisholm Newsletter, Jun 1994 - Apr 1995; The Friends of Chrisholm letters, Apr 1995 - 2001; Chrisholm Time(s), Nov 1997 - Fall 2001; The Future of Chrisholm, 1996; misc. fliers and brochures
Delaware Mennonite Historical SocietyHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2DMHS Newsletter, Summer 2006
Directory of Mennonite Archives and Historical LibrariesHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 21990 Directory and mailing list; 1997 correspondence
Evangelical Mennonite Conference Archives- Steinbach, Manitoba, CanadaHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 22000 brochure and accompanying memo
General Conference Mennonite Church Heritage, 1989-1993Historical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2General Conference Heritage Nos 1-3, 5, 7-8, Dec 1989-Nov 1993
Grantsville, MD: Penn Alps, The Casselman, etc.Historical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2Brochures for The Casselman and Penn Alps Spruce Forest Artisan Village; Penn Alps Restaurant menu; Proposed Yoder House Project brochure and related items
Heritage Historical Library - Aylmer, Ontario, CanadaHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2HHL Library guides; map of the Aylmer, Ont, Amish community
Illinois Mennonite Historical SocietyHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2Mennonite Heritage Center brochure; Chronology of the IMHGS, 1969-1989;
Membership directories: 1984, 1987, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994-95, 1996-97, 1999-2000; IMHGS 25th Anniversary Program, 1969-1994; misc. correspondence & publicity items
Iowa Mennonite Historical SocietyHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2Correspondence; brochure for the dedication of marker at Lower Deer Creek Church, 1982; Listing of Amish and Mennonite Churches in Iowa, 1998
Kauffman Museum, North Newton, KSHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2Kauffman Museum brochure; Guide to the Exhibits
Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society (LMHS)Historical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2LMHS brochures; "The Grandaddy of Farmers' Markets," by Shirley Moskow; Family History Conference Programs, 1996, 1999-2000, 2002-2004, 2008, 2010-2011, 2013-2016; Newsletters, correspondence, book lists, etc.
Menno-Hof -Shipshewana, INHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2Brochures; misc. correspondence & publicity materials; newsletters "Menno-Hof Reunion," Winter 2000-Spring 2012
Menno Simons Historical Library & Archives, Eastern Mennonite University Library, Harrisonburg, VAHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2Brochure; Announcements of death of Irvin B. Horst, 1915-2011
Mennonite Heritage Centre, Winnipeg, Ontario, CanadaHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2Brochures, book lists & publicity materials, etc., 1987-1996; "In Celebration of 125th Anniversary of Mennonites in Manitoba!" (Winnipeg Free Press special supplement, 24 Jul 1999
Mennonite Heritage Museum - Goessel, KSHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2Brochures
Mennonite Heritage Series FoldersHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2The Hans Herr House;" "Mennonite Meetinghouses"
Mennonite Heritage Village, Steinbach, Manitoba, CanadaHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2Annual reports, 1990 & 1991; brochures & booklets; information on Steinbach, Manitoba; booklists & publicity items; Preserving Our Heritage, Apr 1995
Mennonite Historians of Eastern PennsylvaniaHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2Brochures & promotional items; An Index and Description of the Mennonites of Southeastern Pennsylvania, 1683-1983;
Mennonite Historical Assn. of [the]Cumberland Valley, Chambersburg, PAHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2Membership application; 1994 request for collection development help
Mennonite Historical Library, Goshen, INHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2Brochure; "Future Directions in Anabaptist-Mennonite
Scholarship," 2006 Conference Program; etc.
Mennonite Historical Society/Committee of the General Conference (Mennonite Church)Historical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 21949 Constitution & Report; Historical Committee newsletters, Dec 1987-Jun 1994, Dec 1998-Oct 2012; Mennonite Historical Society brochures; misc. promotional items; etc.
Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta, Calgary, Alberta, CanadaHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2Library & Archives Policies & Procedures, & Appendices, Summary of Accessions, & Annual Report, Apr 2003; Brief history and cemetery map of Mount View Mennonite Church; brief Mayton area history; misc. newsletters, promotional materials, items, etc.
Mennonite Historical Society of Britsh Columbia, Abbotsford, BC, CanadaHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 22001 Annual Report; Summer 2003 Newsletter; "Women without Men: Mennonite Refugees of the Second World War," by Marlene Epp, 2001 book review and 2002 program flier; etc.
Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario, Waterloo, Ontario, CanadaHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2Member news, event announcements & programs, 2006-2011
Mennonite Historical Society (the Netherlands)/Doopsgezinde Historiche Kring Historical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2Brochure (in English)
Mennonite Library and Archives - North Newton, KSHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2Circulation & Photocopying Policies (n.d.); 2005 www homepage printout;
'Gleanings form the Threshing Floor' MLA newsletter, Aug 2000, Sep 2001, &
Oct 2004; 2003 correspondence with Margaret Shetler of PNMHS;
Mennonite-Polish Friendship Assn., Fresno, CAHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2Mennonite-Polish Studies Association Newsletter, Jan 2016, & accompanying announcement letter; "Legacy Recovered, the Mennonite-Polish Friendship Association," by Peter J. Klassen, 2004
North American Mennonite Archivistes and Historical Librarians (NAMAL)Historical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2NAMAL Minutes, 9 Nov 1977; 1989 NAMAL program; NAMAL Newsletter, Summer 1990; misc. communications, 1989-1995

Ohio-Michigan-Illinois-Indiana Genealogical Association (OMII) Historical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 22002 Correspondence with Margaret Shetler of PNMHS
People's Place, Lancaster County, PAHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2Brochures and other promotional items; Winter-Spring 2000 newsletter
Stark County Mennonite & Amish Historical Society, OhioHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2Dinner meeting announcement, Hartville, OH (no year given)
Swiss Community, Bluffton College, Bluffton, OHHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2Promotional material for Swiss Heritage in Decorative Arts exhibition, 1996; Henry Smith Mennonite Historical Library 1989 description
Valley Brethren-Mennonite Heritage Center, Harrisonburg, VAHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2Brochures, fliers
Young Center for Anabaptist & Pietist Studies, Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, PAHistorical Societies, MennoniteDrawer 2Misc. program & conference announcements, etc., 1994-2013; Young Center News, Fall 2005, Fall 2006; "Roots and Promise, Interpreting a Distinctive Heritage" (2008)

A.G.L.L. Genealogical ServicesHistorical Societies, Non-MennoniteDrawer 2Misc. undated AGLL promotional items; AGLL"Genealogy Bulletin," Mar-Apr 1997
American Association for State and Local History (AASLH)Historical Societies, Non-MennoniteDrawer 2Misc. AASLH promotional & informational items, 2002-2008 & undated
Bend Genealogical SocietyHistorical Societies, Non-MennoniteDrawer 22003 correspondence with OMHGS
Clark County, WA Genealogical SocietyHistorical Societies, Non-MennoniteDrawer 21994 & 2003 Conference promotional materials
Columbia Gorge Genealogical SocietyHistorical Societies, Non-MennoniteDrawer 2Registration forms for 1994 & 1995 workshops
Cottage Grove, OR Genealogical
Historical Societies, Non-MennoniteDrawer 21994 Seminar program
Genealogical Council of OregonHistorical Societies, Non-MennoniteDrawer 2Misc. GCO informational & promotional materials, 1994-2010
Genealogical Forum of OregonHistorical Societies, Non-MennoniteDrawer 2Misc. GFO promotional materials, 1991-2011 & undated
Germans from Russia Heritage Society (GRHS), Bismarck, NDHistorical Societies, Non-MennoniteDrawer 2"Who are the Germans from Russia?" by Clarence Bauman (1994); GRHS Newsletter, Dec 1994; misc. promotional & informational items, mostly undated
Historical Societies in Oregon--Names & addresses, 1996Historical Societies, Non-MennoniteDrawer 21996 & undated listings of Oregon historical societies
Kansas Council of
Genealogical Societies, Topeka, KS
Historical Societies, Non-MennoniteDrawer 2"Forgotten Settlers of Kansas" promotional materials (undated)
Kidron Community Historical Society, Kidron, OHHistorical Societies, Non-MennoniteDrawer 2Bit o' Vit, Kidron Community Historical Society Newsletter, Jan 1994, Oct 1999, Oct 2001, Jan 2003; undated order form
Lebanon Genealogical Society, Lebanon, ORHistorical Societies, Non-MennoniteDrawer 2Undated brochures, list of "Research Aids"
Linn Genealogical Society, Albany, ORHistorical Societies, Non-MennoniteDrawer 2Brochures; 1999 letter to OMHGS proposing newsletter exchange
Local History and Genealogy LIBRARIANHistorical Societies, Non-MennoniteDrawer 2Undated state by state listing of genealogical indexes; Local History and Genealogy LIBRARIAN newsletters #3,5, & 6, (2001-2002)
Lutheran History Center of the West, Concord, CAHistorical Societies, Non-MennoniteDrawer 22004-2011 correspondence with OMHGS regarding listings in their "Religious Archives and Manuscript Repositories in the Western United States"
Marion County Historical Society, Salem, ORHistorical Societies, Non-MennoniteDrawer 2Apr 2004 correspondence regarding a survey of historical/cultural organizations
Mormon Family History CentersHistorical Societies, Non-MennoniteDrawer 21992 list of NW Family History Centers
National Genealogical SocietyHistorical Societies, Non-MennoniteDrawer 2Program and registration forms for NGS 1996 & 2001 Conferences
New England Historic Genealogical SocietyHistorical Societies, Non-MennoniteDrawer 2NEHGS Brochure, undated; 1994 program announcement, "NEHGS in the Pacific Northwest"
Oregon Genealogical Society, Eugene, ORHistorical Societies, Non-MennoniteDrawer 21988 OGS Brochure; Conference and seminar programs, etc., 1997-2014
Oregon Historical Cemeteries Association, Inc., Portland, ORHistorical Societies, Non-MennoniteDrawer 2Jun 1993 newsletter, brochure; 1994 symposium announcement, etc.
Oregon Historical Society, Portland, ORHistorical Societies, Non-MennoniteDrawer 2Undated brochures; Oregon Heritage Task Force: "A report on the state of Oregon's Heritage," 1995; etc.
Palatines to AmericaHistorical Societies, Non-MennoniteDrawer 21994, 1996 Conference programs; Palatines to America Genealogical Society News, 1993-2001; 2002-2005 Press releases & Conference announcements; "The Palatine Immigrant," Dec 2003, undated brochures & fliers
Sweet Home Genealogical Society, Sweet Home, ORHistorical Societies, Non-MennoniteDrawer 220th Annual Genealogy Wworkshop, 2000, incl. detailed listings of Library holdings
Willamette Valley Genealogical Society, Salem, ORHistorical Societies, Non-MennoniteDrawer 21987 flier; WVGS Newsletter Sep 1996; 1996 Conference announcements & program
Clinic - Adriel SchoolInstitutionsDrawer 2Adriel Action" Sep 1984
Hospital - Lebanon Community Hospital
InstitutionsDrawer 2Administrator's Report, by Allen Erb, 1959; "Should You Be a Hospital Chaplain?" by Millard Osborne, 1961; "History of Lebanon Community Hospital," by Peg Hatfield, 1975; 1990 Annual Meeting packet;[Amos] "Conrad's Vision Lives at LCH - Pulse, Dec 1994; "Mennonite Participation in the Lebanon Community Hospital," by Gene Kanagy, 1999; 50th Anniversary booklet, 2002; Numerous clippings and news articles, etc., 1952-2008
Hospital - Mennonite General Hospital, Aibonito, Puerto RicoInstitutionsDrawer 2The Foundation Echo," Nov 1958: "The Mennonite Medical Witness"
Hospital - Mennonite Hospital School of Nursing, LaJunta, COInstitutionsDrawer 2MHSN catalogs, 1942-43, 1944-45, 1948, 1950, 1951, 1954-56
Hospital - Salem Hospital, Salem, ORInstitutionsDrawer 2Salem Hospital Messenger," Spring/Summer 1996; "Salem Hospital's Mennonite History," by Lorraine Kauffman, 1999; clippings, etc. 1961-1995
Retirement - Dallas Mennonite Retirement Community, Dallas, ORInstitutionsDrawer 2
"Dallas Church Plans Care Center," Statesman Journal, Aug 1995; "Retirement Home Expands," Statesman Journal (undated); 2005? flyer/ad
Retirement - Fairview Mennonite Home, Cambridge, Ontario, CanadaInstitutionsDrawer 2Undated promotional booklet
Retirement - Glencroft, Glendale, AZInstitutionsDrawer 2Promotional materials, 1987-2009; "Foundations," Summer 1997-2008; 2007 & 2008 annual reports
Retirement - Greencroft, Goshen & Middlebury, IndianaInstitutionsDrawer 2Undated promotional materials; Annual Reports, 1999 & 2006
Retirement - Meadows Mennonite Home & Retirement Center, Chenoa, ILInstitutionsDrawer 2Round Robin and Family Bulletin, vol. XXXIII, Winter 1984
Retirement - Pleasantview Home, Kalona, IowaInstitutionsDrawer 2Undated promotional brochure
Retirement - Sunnyside Village, Sarasota, FLInstitutionsDrawer 2Promotional material, 1985 & undated
Retirement - Wiley Creek Community, Sweet Home, ORInstitutionsDrawer 2Ca. 1997 promotional materials; Mary Ellen Lind named Senior Community Manager, 1997; Various news clippings, 1997-2001
"Equipping"Mennonite OrganizationsDrawer 3"Equipping" 2000 issues & evaluation form
Mennonite Association of Retired PersonsMennonite OrganizationsDrawer 31992 Inter-Mennonite Conference on Aging program; PAGES newsletter 1996-2010 (incomplete); 2008 Mennonite Sports and Fitness Classic program; 2 undated communications
Mennonite Board of Cong-
regational Ministries
Mennonite OrganizationsDrawer 31975 & 1990 brochures; Minutes of MBCM Commission on Congregational Education & Literature, 1974; Minutes of MBCM Comm on Congregational planning & Resources, 1974; Minutes of MBCM Comm on Evangelism, June 1975; "MBCM is Ten,"1982; "MBCM Resources for Congregational Mission," 1984; Statement of MBCM Task, 1985; Bibliography on Death & Dying, 1985; The Case for MBCM 1986; Memo, Feb 1987;"Steps to Planning Family, Marriage & Singles Ministry," by Clare Schumm, 1987; MBCM Board Minutes, Jun 1990, Mar & Jun 1991; "THE PARISH PAPER," Jan-Apr & Oct-Dec 2000 issues; "The Small Group Shepherd," winter 2000; New Life Ministries Reports, "Being Proactive Makes the Difference" 2000 and "The Changing Face of Worship," 2001; "At Home with the Family with John & Naomi Lederach," Video Series Leader's Guide (undated)
Mennonite Board of Edu-
Mennonite OrganizationsDrawer 3John Fretz Funk, 1835-1930 (biographical booklet); 1951 & 1952 annual meeting programs; "Unique Education for a Unique People," 1973; ca. 1975 brochure; Mennonite Church News and Notes, Oct 1982 issue on education; LARK News Fall 1996; ca. 2000-2001 Opening Doors materials; other 2001 program announcements
Mennonite Board of Missions and CharitiesMennonite OrganizationsDrawer 31926 Junior Mission Investment and Savings Fund brochure; 1945,1949 & 1957 annual meeting programs; 1964 Missions Week packet materials; 1997-2001 comparative giving reports & accompanying letter; undated brochure for "The Peacemakers;"
Mennonite Committee on
Industrial Relations
Mennonite OrganizationsDrawer 3Conference on Industrial Relations [and Mennonite Community Life] programs, 1946, 1948, 1950 ,1951; "A Statement of Concerns," 1951; Conference on Christian Community Relations programs, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1957, 1959
Mennonite MediaMennonite Church USADrawer 3Media Links, Fall 2003-Fall 2010; Links@MennoMedia, Mar 2006-Mar 2009; Links@ThirdWayMedia, Jun 2010; 2006-2009 & undated promotional materials & brochures
Business CardsMiscellaneousDrawer 3Business cards of Mennonite businesses and individuals
Lester Gahler's European Mennonite history and travel photosMiscellaneousDrawer 333 3" x 5" sepia and b&w photos from Europe trip
"Real to Reel," Gloria NussbaumMiscellaneousDrawer 3Business cards & brochure for business based on recording life stories
Tom Lions printsMiscellaneousDrawer 3Print of "Tom Lions," a painting depicting a concept of a scene of the Hochstetler Massacre of 1757
Article: "Development of Mission Interests & Ways in Which Oregon Mennonites Have Worked at Mission" --by Margaret ShetlerMissionsDrawer 3Talk prepared for 14 Sep 2003 OMHGS meeting, 3d & earlier draft;
letter from Margaret Shetler to Wilbert Shenk accompanying 3d draft
Articles about MissionsMissionsDrawer 3"The Christian Community in Mission," by John Friesen; "The Church Does Not Exist for Mission," by Walden Howard; "A Theology of Evangelism," by Paul M. Miller
Belize NewsletterMissionsDrawer 3Belize Newsletter, from Hummingbird Mennonite Church/Hummingbird Gospel Mission,
Jan 2007-May 2009
Choral Reading: Christ for South Asians--Mennonite Publishing HouseMissionsDrawer 3Youth Program Suggestions No. 2: "God builds the church in South Asia," by A. Grace Wenger
Council of International MinistriesMissionsDrawer 3"Christian Conduct in Situations of Conflict," pamphlet #1
Eastern Mennonite Board of Missions & CharitiesMissionsDrawer 3Annual Reports, 1951-1954; Mission Yearbooks, 1956 & 1959
Friends of the WolofMissionsDrawer 3Friends of the Wolof Newsletter, Mar 2003; Sep 2008 letter from Irene Bornman, about to retire from Wolof service in Senegal, to Lebanon Mennonite Church
Gospel Echoes Prison MinistryMissionsDrawer 3National and Northwest Gospel Echoes fliers, news items, etc., 1991-2016; undated brochures; includes portraits of Jim Eigsti & family
Hope Mennonite Missions (Hopewell Church)MissionsDrawer 3Newsletters: 1996-2015; Summer 2000 prayer reminders brochure
"Introduding Our Navaho Mission," by Stanley ShenkMissionsDrawer 3"Introducing our Navaho Mission," by Stanley Shenk
Japan MissionariesMissionsDrawer 3Undated map of Mennonite missions in Japan and page of portraits of Mennonite Missionaries: Lee & Adella Kenagy, Ruth and Rhoda Ressler; Don & Barbara Reber; Ruth Bean; Maria Lichti; Joe & Emma Richards; Carl & Esther Beck; Ralph & Genevieve Burkwalter; Eugene & Luella Blosser; Don & Dorothy McCammon; Summer 1958 page with information and photos from Lee & Adella Kanagy & children
Kansas City Mennonite Children's HomeMissionsDrawer 3Kansas City Mennonite Children's Home News, Spring 1957-Sep 1959
Latin American FellowshipMissionsDrawer 3News bulletins & letters, ca. 1955-1965.
Letters from Brazil by Alice & Peter SawatskyMissionsDrawer 3Letters, 1955-1961
Letters from Mexico by Rosana RothMissionsDrawer 3Rosana Roth Letters from Mexico, 1979-1985; Nov 1987 Raul & Vanita Tadeo Letter
Mennonite BroadcastsMissionsDrawer 3"Informer," Dec 1961; "News from Mennonite broadcasts," Feb 1969
Mission Studies on Mennonite churches in Latin AmericaMissionsDrawer 3Mennonite Churches in: Colombia; Paraguay & Uruguay; Brazil; Peru, Bolivia, &Panama; Argentina; & Honduras,
Northern Light Gospel MissionMissionsDrawer 31991 publicity on & from the Merle & Carolyn Schantz family; Dec 1991-Jun/Jul 1992 In Context newsletters; 1992 NLGM calendar
United Native MinistriesMissionsDrawer 3United Native Ministries Newsletter, Jul 1989; 1989 List of United Native Ministries churches and leaders
Beacon Bible School, Dallas, OregonSchools - MennoniteDrawer 3Yearbooks: Beacon Lights, 1941-1942, 1942-1943, 1943-1944, 1944-1945
Bethel College, North Newton, KSSchools - MennoniteDrawer 3"Bethel College Administration Building, A Registered National Historic Landmark;" "Questions and Answers about the Bethel College Development Program;"
1997 Bethel College Concert Choir West Coast Tour; 2005 Bethel College Concert Choir Tour; 2000 Symposium brochure: "An Anabaptist Vision for the New Millennium, A Search for Identity;" Publication announcement for "The Military Service Exemption of the Mennonites of Provincial Prussia," by Wilhelm Mannhardt
Canadian Mennonite Bible CollegeSchools - MennoniteDrawer 3Fall 1990 CMBC Alumni Bulletin
Canadian Mennonite University, Winnipeg, Manitoba, CanadaSchools - MennoniteDrawer 32003/2004 CMU 20 page promotional booklet
Christopher Dock Mennonite High School (now Dock Mennonite Academy), Lansdale, PASchools - MennoniteDrawer 31971 booklet on Christopher Dock, published by the Christopher Dock Bicentennial Committee
Conrad Grebel University College, Waterloo, Ontario, CanadaSchools - MennoniteDrawer 32007 flyer for "Family & Sexuality in Mennonite History: an Academic and Community Education Conference"
Eastern Mennonite College/Seminary/University, Harrisonburg, VASchools - MennoniteDrawer 31943 EMU Annual; Apr 1967 EMC Bulletin; Spring 1983 Bulletin featuring Women Faculty at EMC; 1981-83 catalog for Master of Education in Christian School Instruction; 40 page booklet "Formed in Christ, Transformed to Lead," introduction to Eastern Mennonite Seminary, ca. 2001; 2000-2001 EMU promotional flyer; 2002 Mennonite Senior Sports Classic mailer; 1996, 1997 Albany, OR newspaper clippings re local EMU students Allen Kenagy, Cecelia & Jennifer Watt
Elliott Prairie Christian School, a Mennonite School 1959- (previously Bethel Grade School at a different location)Schools - MennoniteDrawer 3Brief article on Bethel Grade School in Jan 1950 "The Christian School, by Lois Roth;" Aug 1977 letter from teacher Dwight Strubhar to school families and friends; 2012-2013 School calendar; Observations prepared for 2017 meeting to consider financial issues; Christmas programs: 2001, 2002, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2019, 2023; commencement/graduation programs: 1983, 2001, 2002, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017; see also a separate file in yearbooks collection of 1963-2024 yearbooks

Fairview Christian School, Albany, ORSchools - MennoniteDrawer 31992-2003 articles and clippings from Albany newspapers; fliers for 2001 & 2005 annual chicken barbecue & benefit auctions; see also yearbook collection for yearbooks [Mountaineer], 1983-84, 1987-88, & 1 undated, which from internal evidence must be 1976-77
Goshen CollegeSchools - MennoniteDrawer 3• Goshen College Bulletin: Apr & Jul 1975
• Admissions Catalog: 1989-90, 1990
• Paying for College, A Helpful Guide to Financial Assistance: 1990-91, 1991-92 • Heritage Newsletter: Jul 1996; Jul & Nov 1997; Spring Summer, & Fall 1998; Dec 2000; Apr 2001
• Family Business: Spring 2001; Spring & Fall 2002
• 2010 articles on GC lifting 116 year ban on National Anthem
• oldest GC Alum Rose Hutchinson articles
• Viola Zehr King's account of experiences working at Goshen College
• assorted brochures, flyers, musical tour programs, memos, etc., 1948-2001 & undated
Lake Creek Mennonite
Schools - MennoniteDrawer 3Apr 1991 Albany Democrat-Herald photo of softball fans Doris & Carla Zehr, Esther Schrock & Melody Eveleth; see also yearbook collection for "The Acorn," 1958
Mennonite SchoolsSchools - MennoniteDrawer 3"Hesston, Goshen, EMC: Why I Believe in Mennonite Colleges," by Dave Graybill, & other articles in Mennonite Church News and Notes, Oct 1982; Johnstown Mennonite School Program of Song tour program, undated; 1947, 1950 & 1956 Mennonite Parochial/Day School meeting programs; "The Historical Background of Christian Day Schools in the Mennonite Church," by Daniel M. Glick, 1946
Nampa Mennonite Christian Day School, Nampa, IDSchools-MennoniteDrawer 3Photos of 1947-8 and 1950-1 classes
Rosedale Bible Institute, Irwin, OHSchools - MennoniteDrawer 3Undated RBI Handbook & 1977-1978 Catalog; "RBI Perspective," Nov 1991; Daily Prayer Guide (listing faculty and staff), ca. 1992-1993
Rosthern Junior College, Rosthen, Saskatchewan, CanadaSchools - MennoniteDrawer 3Very brief history; 2002 Spring Tour Chorale program
Tabor College, Hillsboro, KSSchools - MennoniteDrawer 3"To A Higher Plane of Vision: Tabor College, the first 75 years;" "The Tabor College Connection," Summer 2011; 2011, 2016 Homecoming brochures; "Pray for Tabor" cards featuring Logan Whitney, Ashton Bowen; Press releases & announcements, 1996-2005
Bear Creek School, Molalla, ORSchools - Non MennoniteDrawer 3The Bulletin (Molalla, OR) March 16, 1977 with school photos, 1941, 1942 & 1943, all identified; copy from newspaper of photo of new school and students (1907) with names
Brown School, near Canby, ORSchools - Non MennoniteDrawer 3Copies from newspapers of 1899/1900 and 1920 school photos, with names
East Linn Christian Academy, Lebanon, ORSchools - Non MennoniteDrawer 3Nov 1990 benefit concert announcement; several dozen newspaper clippings with photos and articles, 1992-2003, most covering school sports
Eby School, Clackamas County, ORSchools - Non MennoniteDrawer 3Copies from newspapers of 1913 photo of Eby School & students, some named; & of Winter 1915-16 photo of Eby School
Elliott Prairie School before 1959...Schools - Non MennoniteDrawer 3Copies of Mar 1937 & Oct 1940 school photos from newspaper, most identified.
School purchases by Mennonites in 1959 and became Elliott Prairie Christian School, which see
George Fox College/University, Newberg, ORSchools - Non MennoniteDrawer 3"My College: Memories of Long Ago," by Daisy Newhouse Read, 20 pp; program for George Fox College "Singing Men," 4 Mar 1956
Gladtidings SchoolSchools - Non MennoniteDrawer 3Copy of 1941 school photo from newspaper, with names
Hubbard Grade SchoolSchools - Non MennoniteDrawer 3Original sepia 4" x 9-1/2" school photos: Oct 1942 primary, most identified; Apr 1944 5th & 6th grades, without names; Oct 1944 3rd & 4th grades, most unidentified
Lebanon Christian SchoolSchools - Non MennoniteDrawer 324 Apr 1996 photo from Lebanon Express newspaper clipping to publicize "Shrew" on dinner theater menu
Meridian SchoolSchools - Non MennoniteDrawer 321 Mar 1983 Oregonian article "One-room school remains center of community life"
Messiah College, Grantham, PASchools - Non MennoniteDrawer 3Messiah College Bridge, 15 Feb 1980; 2003 Annual Schrag Lectures program, Nancy R. Heisey, speaker
Molalla Union High SchoolSchools - Non MennoniteDrawer 3Copy from newspaper of photo with names of 1927-28 sophomore class
Needy School, Clackamas County, ORSchools - Non MennoniteDrawer 3Copies from newspapers of school photos for 1914 or 1915 (no names); 1922, 1923, 1928, & 1929, all identified; copies with brief information on the town of Needy
Ninety-One School (New)Schools - Non MennoniteDrawer 3History, 1947-1994; 9 b&w class photos, 1949/50 to 1956-57; Newspaper stories, 1980 & undated; 4 color class photos, 1961-1963/64; "Loney Yoder's Last Class Has
18 Members:" copy of 6th grade class photo, 1955 or 1956 from newspaper
Ninety-One School (Old)Schools - Non MennoniteDrawer 31935 school photo, many students identified
Rural Dell School, Clackamas County, ORSchools - Non MennoniteDrawer 3Copies of photos from newspapers: ca. 1911 photo of school and students, a few names; 1967 and 1970 graduating class photos with names
Salem Academy, Salem. ORSchools - Non MennoniteDrawer 31982 Auction booklet; 23 Apr 1983 newsletter
Santiam Christian School, Adair Village, ORSchools - Non MennoniteDrawer 36 news clippings 1991-2000
Union Biblical Seminary, Yeotmal, IndiaSchools - Non MennoniteDrawer 31972-74 Prospectus
Wellsprings Friends School, Eugene, ORSchools - Non MennoniteDrawer 323 Nov 1995 Albany Democrat-Herald article "A new course charted at Wellsprings school"
Whiskey Hill SchoolSchools - Non MennoniteDrawer 3• "Speak Up!" by Fred Kuhl, story of the name Whiskey Hill; "Oregon Geographic Names" entries for Whisky Hill, Pudding River
• 1921-2 brochure with photo of building, list of students & staff names
• ca. 1921-22 photo of students with Mr. Troyer, no names; 2 poses apparently from a different year ca. 1921-22 with Mr. Troyer, 4 students named
• undated school photo with teacher Loney L. Yoder, ca. 1923 or late teens-1920
• 1923-4 photo of students & Loney Yoder, with names
• 1927-8 photo of students & Loney Yoder, with names
1929-30 photo of students & two female teachers, with a few names
• early 1930s? photo of students & Loney Yoder, no names
• 1936 primary students, with names, teacher Doris Coyne
• 1937 advanced students, 2 poses, with names, teacher Loney Yoder
• 1938 school photo with names, teachers Miss White & Loney Yoder
• 1939 school photo with names, teachers Miss White & Loney Yoder
• 1940 school photo with names, teacher Loney Yoder
• 1944-5 school photo with names, teacher Loney Yoder
• ca. 1944-6 school photo with names, teacher Loney Yoder
• 1947 school photo with names, teachers Mrs. Troast & Loney Yoder, from newspaper & original
Yoder School, Yoder, ORSchools - Non MennoniteDrawer 3Poor copy of newspaper photo of 1929 5th - 8th grade students, with names
China Educational ExchangeServicesDrawer 32 undated newsletters
GAMEO- Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia OnlineServicesDrawer 32005 letter with photo announcing Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online to launch; undated later release "GAMEO bolstered by new content"
Mennonite Aid Plan of the Pacific CoastServicesDrawer 3Rules and Regulations, 1940 & [1922-]1946; Minutes of 1952 Conference; Story of Mennonite Aid Plan of the Pacific Coast; 1993 annual report & financial report; [1922-]2011 Annual Report; Brochures, etc.; Pacific Mennonite Aid Society Rules & Regulations, brochure. etc.
Mennonite Business Associates 1974 DirectoryServicesDrawer 31974 Directory
Mennonite Credit UnionsServicesDrawer 3Association of Mennonite Credit Unions in North America brochure, ca. 1990;
Illinois Mennonite Federal Credit Union Proposal & 1988, 1989 fliers
Mennonite Economic Development AssociatesServicesDrawer 3Oct 2003, Oct 2004 Newsletters "The MEDA Store;" Gift catalogs 2006?-2012; 1988- 1989 clippings, including "Millionaire Mennonites not Uncommon" by Amy Beth Graves from The Dalles Chronicle, 25 Jun 1999; etc.
Mennonite Your WayServicesDrawer 31989 membership application brochure for 1990-1992; ca. 1995 map & list of places to visit; 1996 invitation for listings 1997-2001; 2002 tours brochure
Oregon Mennonite Residential ServicesServicesDrawer 3Undated brochure & mission statement; Letters to "friends" of OMRC, etc., 2001-2012; Executive Director's Reports, 2011-2013; 2006 Board Policy, 2011-2013 Board minutes, & 2013 Board members list; color photos of 9 houses, 2012; 2007 "Bike Oregon's Willamette Valley" fundraiser brochure; undated Ambassador job description
Senior Christian Fellowship (Oregon)ServicesDrawer 3Programs and activities, 1970-1997
SOOP (Service Opportunities for Older People) (part of Mennonite Mission Network)ServicesDrawer 3SOOP Newsletter, Fall 2010 - Spring 2016
TourmaginationServicesDrawer 3Newsletters 1986-1997, 2006-2010
Venture ClubsServicesDrawer 3Venture Club News, May 1992 & Sep 1993
Voluntary ServiceServicesDrawer 3Gulf Breeze (Gulfport, MS), Feb-Apr 1951; Agape newsletters, Apr 1959-Jul 1962, May/Jun 1977; Smoke Signals (N. Alberta), 1964-1965; 1966 & 1976 Directories;
List of Glencroft VSers, 1972-1986; Aug 2001 letter to Blue Diamond VS alumni; undated MVS informational brochure
Wellness SeriesServicesDrawer 3Mennonite Mutual Aid brochures on Wellness, Fitness, Stress, Exercise, Eating, Environment, Mental Health, Relationships, Coping with Life, Spiritually well
YES (Youth Evangelism Service), British Columbia, CanadaServicesDrawer 31997 Abbotsford YES program flier
AbortionSocial IssuesDrawer 3"Abortion: Resources for Study and Discussion," comp. by Ted Koontz, ca. 1974; 1975 Mennonite General Assembly Summary Statement on abortion; 1977 General Conference Abortion Packet; "Now shall the Desert Bloom" brochure by Cathryn R. H. Passmore; 12 Jul 1992 Oregonian clipping: "Mennonites practice their faith caring for children of inmates"
ADNet (Anabaptist Disabilities Network)Social IssuesDrawer 3Undated Mission Statement, etc.; "Resources for Ministry with Persons with Disabilities" (ca. 1984); Newsletters and other communications from Anabaptist Disabilities Network, 2003-2010
AIDSSocial IssuesDrawer 3A Cure for Aids," 1989 Rod and Staff tract
AlcoholismSocial IssuesDrawer 38 copies of "The White Ribboner," 1939-1948, East Washington WCTU; "Drinking, Distinction or Delusion?" undated booklet by B. Charles. Hostettler
Amnesty/Draft Resisters/Non-CooperationSocial IssuesDrawer 3Reports of 1969 General Conference in Missionary Evangel, Summer 1969; "Why I Resist," undated paper by Sam Steiner; 1973 Mennonite Church General Assembly statement, "Amnesty: A Peace Church Concern; "Renewing a Tradition of Radicalism: The Draft Resistance Movement and Mennonite General Conference, 1969," by Jacob E. Geyer, 2011
Capital PunishmentSocial IssuesDrawer 3"Mennonites and Capital Punishent," by Marcus Smucker, 1978; "Truth, Scripture, Jesus and Capital Punishment," by Bob Snyder, 1997; Nashville 2001 Delegate Actions/Congregational Follow-up Resources for Death Penalty Resolution;
various other related papers
Commission on Home Ministries (General Conference Mennonites)Social IssuesDrawer 31996-1997 & undated brochures, etc., including The Small Group Shepherd, Summer 1997
"Communication Skills & Conflict Resolution"Social IssuesDrawer 325 page Leader's Guide to communication and conflict resolution, by Barry C. Bartel,1983
Divorce & RemarriageSocial IssuesDrawer 3Family Life Task Force, April 1, 1976 concerning divorce & remarriage; "And they Shall Be One Flesh, 1976"; "...A Study and Recommendation for Discussion at the Portland Mennonite Church," by Marcus G. Smucker, 1977; Report of Commission on Divorce Study, CMA Council, 1977; Statement on Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage, 9 Sep 1980
Family Life in Mennonite Congregations, Areas of Concern, 2-8-74Social IssuesDrawer 354 pages of responses from across the church to: "The greatest needs of Mennonite congregations in the area of Christian family Living are..."
HealthcareSocial IssuesDrawer 3"The Healthcare Professional in the Healthcare Scene in Regard to the Homeless, Helpless and Hopeless," by Dottie Kauffman, R.N., 1987; 2002 clipping, "Mennonites seek insurance exemption"
HomelessnessSocial IssuesDrawer 32005 Bend Bulletin clipping on homeless in Deschutes County; 2008 Albany Democrat Herald clippings on Lebanon homeless
HomosexualitySocial IssuesDrawer 3"Where Charity and Love are Found, God is There;" various papers and brochures on homosexual issues and the Christian Church
HospitalitySocial IssuesDrawer 3Workshop (overheads) on Biblical Hospitality and the Vital Church, by Fred Bernhard, 2000
Human SexualitySocial IssuesDrawer 3"Human Sexuality in the Christian Life," 1984, and two responses to it from
Allen J. Yoder and Sanford Shetler
HungerSocial IssuesDrawer 3MCC list of Resources on World Hunger, 1983; Food First newsletters, 1983;
Bread for the World paper on organizing a local group (undated)
Inter-Mennonite Council on AgingSocial IssuesDrawer 3
Packet of resources for "How to Observe a Sunday or Sabbath on Aging in Your Congregation," 1983; Numerous brochures, booklets & fliers on aging, ca. 1985-87; Program for 1992 Inter-Mennonite Conference on Aging
LeadershipSocial IssuesDrawer 3"Which Lord?"-Leader's Guide, 1974; "On the Choosing of Congregational Leaders," 1974; "Who takes the Lead? Men? Women? Both?"- Paul L. Kratz, 1983; Five papers presented at Consultation on Mennonite Leadership Polity, Apr 1984 by Paul M. Zehr, Duane Beck, Irvin D. Weaver, Herbert Schultz, & Ralph Lebold
Letters to the Editor on isuesSocial IssuesDrawer 3Letters to Albany Democrat Herald and Salem Statesman Journal of numerous subjects, 1997-2002
Manual on Military Tax WithholdingSocial IssuesDrawer 3Findings Committee Report on the theme 'In Search of Christian Civil Responsibility,' to General Conference, Feb 1979; "Fear God & Honor the Emperor, A Manual on Military Tax Withholding for Religious Employers," 1988, 88 pages; etc.
Mennonite Creation Care Network, Wolf Lake, INSocial IssuesDrawer 3Undated brochure about Mennonite Creation Care Network
Mental HealthSocial IssuesDrawer 3Brochures, booklets & newsletters from various mental health facilities & agencies, 1949-1997
New Age MovementSocial IssuesDrawer 3"The New Age Examined," by Donald R. Jacobs
Nonconformity IssuesSocial IssuesDrawer 3Pieces on a variety of subjects, from bike helmets to cutting hair, to prayer veiling to Christian freedom...
OccultSocial IssuesDrawer 3"Freedom from the Occult" (undated)
ProstitutionSocial IssuesDrawer 3"An Ecumenical Study of Prostitution ... in ... Portland, Oregon," and cover letter, 1987; "Prostitution in the U.S.," 1990
Social IssuesDrawer 31969 Presentation by James Forman, "Manifesto to the White Christian Churches and the Jewish Synagogues in the [USA] and all other racist institutions," and Recommendations for the Mennonite Church in response; "A Church of Many Peoples Confronts Racism," and "Stewardship pf the Earth Resolution on Environment and Faith Issues," 1989 Mennonite Church and General Conference statements
[The] Reformational Understanding of family & marriageSocial IssuesDrawer 3Paper by E.L. Hebden Taylor, ca. 1968, 41 pages
ROTC (Reserve Officers' Training Corps)Social IssuesDrawer 3"ROTC programs raise a ruckus," 1995 Statesman Journal article.
Secret SocietiesSocial IssuesDrawer 3The Advocate, a Newsletter for American Christians published by Good Information Advocats, Vol. 1 No. 1., July 2007
Urban IssuesSocial IssuesDrawer 35th Annual Urban Issues Retreat: "Why I am a Mennonite," 1989 program
Women's Concerns & Causes, Folder 1Social IssuesDrawer 3Various papers on women's issues generally and on roles of women in the Mennonite Church and ministry
Women's Concerns & Causes, Folder 2Social IssuesDrawer 3Various materials on women's issues, especially on women as leaders and on roles of women in the Mennonite Church and ministry
Women's Concerns & Causes, Folder 3Social IssuesDrawer 3Various materials on women's issues, especially on women as leaders and on roles of women in the Mennonite Church and ministry
Women's Concerns & Causes, Folder 4Social IssuesDrawer 3Various materials on women's issues, especially on women as leaders and on roles of women in the Mennonite Church and ministry
Women's Concerns & Causes, Folder 5Social IssuesDrawer 3Various materials from "Persons Becoming," Project of MCC Peace Section Task Force on Women, on roles of women in society and in the Mennonite Church and ministry
Women's Concerns & Causes, Folder 6Social IssuesDrawer 3Five items on roles of men and women in society and the Church
Doctorian, SamuelSocial IssuesDrawer 3"My Life Story" S Doctorian
"Doctorian Holy Land Message"
Repudfiated- GH clipping 8/2/60
Geyer, Jacob: "Draft Resistance @ 1969 Mennonite General Conference,"Social IssuesDrawer 3Paper of 37 pages on Draft Resistance at Turner Mennonite Gen Conf -1969
Miscellaneous notesGeneral Historical InformationDrawer 2
Resources for Archives: Preservation Management InstituteGeneral Historical InformationDrawer 2
Commission of home MinistriesPacific District ConferenceDrawer 2
HistoryPacific District ConferenceDrawer 2
Oral InterviewsHistorical ResearchDrawer 3Questionnaire for Oral interviews
Mennonites in Oregon, A Survey by Deborak K. BeachyMennonitesDrawer 1An Independent Study done under the auspices of the University of Oregon Medical School, September 1975
Includes A Working Bibliography by J.C. Wenger
Mennonites in the Northwest. 1976-2000 (update of Apart and Together)MennonitesDrawer 1A 10 page paper presented by Margaret Sgetler as part of a class in Anabaptist-Mennonite History for the Pacific Northwest Mennonite Theological Center, on May 13, 2000, at Peace mennonite Church, Portland, Oregon.
Mumaw, John R: "Practices that need to be maintained to preserve Biblical principles"MennonitesDrawer 1Practices that need to be maintained to preserve Biblical principles" by John R. Mumaw
Old Order MennonitesMennonitesDrawer 1• Meet the Mennonites, A Pictorial Presentation
• The Old-Order Mennonite Directory
The Great Mennonite Trek to Central AsiaMennonitesDrawer 1Letter from Jesse Nathan requesting support for the Great Trek Documentary
The Portland Mennonite CommunityMennonitesDrawer 1Investigation Of An American Religion; The Mennonite "Community in the Portland Area" by Kay W. Shoemaker; May 11, 1989; 23 pages
Union In A Common FaithMennonitesDrawer 1Union In A Common Faith; The 1920 Merger of the Western District Amish Mennonite Conference and the "Old" Mennonites" by V. Gordon Oyer
Institute of Mennonite StudiesSchools - MennoniteDrawer 3
Sauder Museum -
Archbold, Ohio
Tourest AttractionsDrawer 3Brochures
Indiana AttractionsTourist AttractionsDrawer 3Dutch Village, Nappanee, IN
Quilt Designs, Goshen, IN
Amish Acres, Nappanee, IN
Amish Country, Northern IN
Rittenhouse Mill
Philadelphia, PA
Tourist attractionsDrawer 3Booklet: ''The Rittenhouse Mill and the Beginnings of Papermaking in America"
Info on Rittenhousetown
Amish & Mennonite Heritage Center - Berlin OHMennonite Historical SocietiesDrawer 3AMHC Newsletter fall 2012
'Behalt' Cyclorama - flyer
Baden- WurtembergEuropean MapsDrawer 4
Roman Empire, First CenturyEuropean MapsDrawer 4
StrasburgEuropean MapsDrawer 4
BrochuresMennonite Central CommitteeDrawer 4
CorrespondenceMennonite Central CommitteeDrawer 4
Et Cetera ShopMennonite Central CommitteeDrawer 4• articles and reports related to the Lebanon MCC Et Cetera Shop
• 2007 Annual Ten Thousand Villages report
• "Discover A World of Difference" Ten Thousand Villages
• Fairly Traded Handicrafts from Around the World", Ten Thousand Villages
Fall Festival: 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989,1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999Mennonite Central CommitteeDrawer 4
Festival for World Relief: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012Mennonite Central CommitteeDrawer 4
House Against HungerMennonite Central CommitteeDrawer 4• July 1995 Salem Statesman article referencing Joyce Yoder
• application and promotional information
IVEP (International Visitors Exchange Program)Mennonite Central CommitteeDrawer 4
Material AidMennonite Central CommitteeDrawer 4• 1944 program of Gifts In Kind
• 2002 "Christmas Baby Bundles for North Korea" flyer
• Haiti Earthquake flyer
MCCMennonite Central CommitteeDrawer 4
MCC - IdahoMennonite Central CommitteeDrawer 4
MCC ClippingsMennonite Central CommitteeDrawer 4
Northwest MCC NewsletterMennonite Central CommitteeDrawer 4
Oregon AssemblyMennonite Central CommitteeDrawer 4
Pennsylvania Mennonite Relief Sale, 25th AnnualMennonite Central CommitteeDrawer 4• 20 page newsletter
• 30 page list of 276 sale items
PLOWMennonite Central CommitteeDrawer 4
Reports, Sales, MiscellaneousMennonite Central CommitteeDrawer 4
ResourcesMennonite Central CommitteeDrawer 4
Service BulletinMennonite Central CommitteeDrawer 4
West Coast MCC Relief Sale, Reedley, CAMennonite Central CommitteeDrawer 4• Restated Bylaws of West Coast Mennonite Relief Sale, Inc.
• Sale reports for 1988, 1989, 1990 & 1992 sales
West Coast Mennonite Men's ChorusMennonite Central CommitteeDrawer 4
Mennonite General BoardMennonite ChurchDrawer 4Jan.1991 Memo
Pardoners in Mission Map
Mennonite Educational AgencyMennonite Church USADrawer 4MEA Fact Sheet
Mennonite MenMissionsDrawer 4Join Hands program
Mennonite WomenMennonite Church USADrawer 4
Prayer Guide, Prayer VineMennonite Church USADrawer 4
Evolution of Pennsylvania CountiesOther MapsDrawer 4
South AmericaOther MapsDrawer 4
Winnipeg, ManitobaOther MapsDrawer 4
World Conference membershipOther MapsDrawer 4
Associated Mennonite Bib-
lical Seminaries (AMBS)
Schools - MennoniteDrawer 4See collection on shelf:
1861 Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Kansas, Nebraska, ColoradoUnited States MapsDrawer 4
1885: Northern Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, OregonUnited States MapsDrawer 4
Glendive and Billings, MontanaUnited States MapsDrawer 4
Illinois state University CampusUnited States MapsDrawer 4
Migration Trails mapUnited States MapsDrawer 4
Habitat for HumanityMissionsDrawer 5Habitat activities in NW
Sports ActivitiesMiscellaneousDrawer 4Clippings of HS sporting events
Mennonite Mutual Aid (MMA)ServicesDrawer 5Promotional Material
"Mutual Aids" newsletter,
Mennonite Retirement Plan
"Stewardship Solutions" and
other stewardship resources "Dialogue on Disabilities -
Vol. 22 Issues 1&2
MMA Annual Reports: 2000,
2001 & 2005
Drift Creek Camp, 1992Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Eastern Mennonite College, 1975Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Board of Missions
thru 1992
Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Board of Missions, 1993Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Board of Missions, 1994Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Central Committee, 1994Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Central Committee, 2001Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Central Committee, 2007Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Central Committee, 2008Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Central Committee, 2009Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Mission Network, 2002Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Weekly Review, 1975Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Weekly Review, 1976Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Weekly Review, 1977Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Weekly Review, 1978Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Weekly Review, 1979Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Weekly Review, 1980Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Weekly Review, 1981Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Weekly Review, 1982Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Weekly Review, 1983Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Weekly Review, 1984Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Weekly Review, 1985Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Weekly Review, 1986Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Weekly Review, 1987Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Weekly Review, 1988Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Weekly Review, 1989Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Weekly Review, 1991Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Weekly Review, 1992Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Weekly Review, 1993Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Weekly Review, 1994Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Weekly Review, 1995Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Weekly Review, 1996Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Western Mennonite School, 1994-95Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Western Mennonite School, 1996-97Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Western Mennonite School, 1997-98Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Western Mennonite School, 1998-99Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Western Mennonite School, 1999-2000Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Western Mennonite School, 2000-2001Calendar CollectionDrawer 5
Mennonite Church General Board- prior to merger, 1991Mennonite ChurchDrawer 4Who are the Mennonites?
Giving map
Sister Congregation Program

Mennonite Church Polity Mennonite ChurchDrawer 4Pamphlet: Background and MC Politys
Mennonite Church USA
General Board -1991->
Mennonite Church USADrawer 4'Who are the Mennonites?'
Bulletin Inserts 1980-2009
Immigration, what church is
Clipping- Mennonite Groups
complete Merger. Jul 2001
Board Minutes 1993-1994
Visioon 95 Goals
'Guidelines for Discipline
Regarding Ministerial
Credentials'. 1993
Mennonite Church U.S.A.Mennonite Church USADrawer 4Bulletin inserts 1980-2010
Clipping "Mennonite Groups
will complete Merger"
Who are the Mennoniotes?
1001 Friends of OregonOregonDrawer 5'Landmark' - Summer 1986
(Friends of Oregon Farm land)
Albany (city)OregonDrawer 5-Albany History
-Newspaper clippings
-1981 C of C Calendar
Albany Regional MuseumOregonDrawer 5Newspaper Clippings
-Jerry Brenneman museum
Aurora Colony InformationOregonDrawer 5Centennial 1856-1956
Aurora Colony Music Concert
John Giesy house
Stories of Dr. Wiliam Keil (2),
Henry T. Finck, colony and
its constitution, Interview
with John Kraus Sr.,
Robert Bogue, Harmony
Connection, Colony
Religion, George Schuele,
Letters of William Keil,
Clark Moor will, John
Roebling, Christopher
Covered lHistorical Bridges
of Oregon
OregonDrawer 5Clippings
Elliott Prairie CommunityOregonDrawer 5Dateline of EP Community
Photos of EP church and
Eugene (City)OregonDrawer 5"Eugene and its Government"
City map
Ghost Town Publishers, Junction CityOregonDrawer 5List of books published
Hubbard HistoryOregonDrawer 5Founding of Hubbard by
Clark Moor Will
Oregon Commission on
Historic Cemeteries
OregonDrawer 52007-2008 Grant Cycle
2007 Program
Lebanon (City)OregonDrawer 5Clippings
Lebanon Schools
Community profile and
Lebanon Business &
Professional Directory
Linn CountyOregonDrawer 5Maps
Newcomers Guide
Area Profile 1988
1964 Flood clipping
2007 Tornado clippings
'Peacemaker'Linn County
Mediation newsletter
Mid-Willamette ValleyOregonDrawer 5'Things to do in Mid-Valley'
Heritage sites and tours
'Christian phone directory'
Clipping: Grass Seed farming, Flax growing, E-Coli at Lakeside Dairy
1940 Hop Field photo
Myrtle Creek CemeteryOregonDrawer 5Oregonian clipping 2009
Needy, Town ofOregonDrawer 5History of town(2)
Melvin Werner obit
Grant B Dimick story
Oregon Cultural TrustOregonDrawer 5Correspondence and brochures
Cultural Trust Strategic plan
Oregon Historian Landmarks - Eastern OregonOregonDrawer 5Eastern Oregon Historic Landmarks booklet
Oregon Historic Preservation Plan - 1996OregonDrawer 5-Goals and Objectives 1995
-Plan - 1996
Oregon Historical QuarterlyOregonDrawer 51992 & 1993 Quarterly
'The Quiet Pacifists: Oregon's Old Mennonites,
1914-1945 by David Peterson
Oregon Parks and RecreationOregonDrawer 5Information on OPR
Cemetery Commission and
Oregon State LibraryOregonDrawer 5Brochure
Oregon State UniversityOregonDrawer 5'A Portrait of Poverty in
Oregon' 1999 OSU
Extension Service
Oregon TrailOregonDrawer 5OT - Fort Boise to The Dalles
Oregon WritersOregonDrawer 5'Ready for War: Oregon
Mennonites from Versailles
to Pearl Harbor' D.Peterson
'God's Blessing & Kingdom'
by Les Yoder
Spirit of the Garden,Holy
Ground' - Mary Beth Lind
'Seeing the City' - Gene
Oregon, State ofOregonDrawer 5Travel Guides
'Oregon Wildlife Week' 1967
Polk CountyOregonDrawer 5Polk County Centennial 1947
TangentOregonDrawer 5Clippings: 'A tale of Tangent'
and 'Class Reunion'
WaldportOregonDrawer 5Waldport Heritage Museum brochure
Yoder, OregonOregonDrawer 5The Oregon Trail tabloid:
'Yoder Mill' and
'The Yoder Store'
Oregon Historical Quarterly
Winter 1981. p341-351
Yoders at Yoder, OregonOregonDrawer 5'Early Yoder Residents'
'1880 Census Records for
Clackamas County'
Early Amish and A.M.settlers
1990 Census for Clackamas
Smyrna Cemetery records
Seaside Signal LeisureMay90
'Amish Roots ion PA and ILL.
'Bishop Jonathan Yoder Fam.'
'Yoders of Yoder...Amish
Mennonite Connections'
'Early Yoder Residents'
Margaret Shetler notes and
'Mahala's Journal' notebook
(behind this folder in file)
West Coast Women's MeetingsConcerns & CausesDrawer 2Letters and retreat notes
Oregon Heritage CommissionOregonDrawer 5OHC brochure
Needs Assessment 2001
OHC Newsletters
Heritage programs
Materials from 1970sPeace and JusticeDrawer 6• Communication Skills and Conflict Resolution Student Guide by Barry C. Bartel
• Strike Declared, 61 arrested - University of Oregon Emerald, Apr. 24, 1970
• LIFEWORK No. 4, 1979
• A Christian declaration on Capital Punishment, General Conference Mennonite Church , July 1965
• Koinonia Partners, We must have a new spirit
• American Atomic Bomb Survivors, A Plea for Medical Assistance
• Citizens of Christ's Kingdom, A Peace Education Resource Guide for Congregational Leaders
• PLAY-GROUND book and lyrics by Robert Hostetter; music by Randy Zercher, Wendell Amstutz, Steve Conrad
Materials from 1980sPeace and JusticeDrawer 6• Security in the Nuclear Age, Corvallis, Oregon, Nov. 20-22, 1982
• Special Alert, Treatment of Prisoners in Israel
• CPT Newsletter, July 1981
• Celebration of Conscience, Aug. 3-5, 1990
• Mennonite Christian Leadership Foundation Newsletter, July-Sept. 1987
• Peace & Justice Committee Minutes, Jan. 22, 1989
• MCC Report, Feb. 15, 1980
• God and Ceasar - The Non-Resistant Fall, 1989
• COPRED, Peace Chronicle, Apr. 1982
Materials from 1990sPeace and JusticeDrawer 6• The Way of Love - Reba Place Fellowship & Plow Creek Fellowship
• The New Abolitionist - In the Name of God, let us abolish Nuclear Weapons
• Peacemaker's Pledge composed by a group of Pax Christi members
• Taxes for Life - Christian Peacemaker Teams
• Conciliation Quarterly
• Interagency Statement re: UN Sanctions on Iraq July 24, 1991
• A brief bibliography for Christian attitudes toward war and peace
• A Covenant od North American Mennonites on behalf of Our Sisters and Brothers in War-Torn Central America
• The Ministry of Reconciliation: Christ's Church as Reconciling Community
• Keep the Faith Share the Peace, May 1996
• A Matter of Faith - A Study Guide for Churches on the Nuclear Arms Race
Peace and Justice resourcesPeace and JusticeDrawer 6• Pacific Northwest Peace Gathering, Oct. 26-28, 2006, Albany, Oregon
• Olive Branches 2003, Vol. 1 No. 2; 2004 Vol. 2 No. 1 & 2
• 2000 Peace Sunday Worship
• Choosing Peace, Practicing Faith in Public, Oct. 28-30, 2004
• Keep the Faith Share the Peace, Feb. 2000 Peace & Justice Committee Newsletter
• PJSN Takes Learning Tour on the Arizona Border; Newsletter Oct. 2005
• Peace Sunday Offering, Feb. 2000
• Does Your Church Need Resources For Handling Conflict and Building Healthier Communication?
• Peace and Justice Resources, Sept. 2003
• What Can One Youth Do Foe Peace?
• Peace the Ultimate Trick
Refugees - Sanctuary MovementPeace and JusticeDrawer 6• "What's Wrong in Central America and What To Do About It" by Phillip Berryman
• Nicaragua, MCC Report, Jan. 1984
• Basis for Sanctuary
Advocate, ThePeace StudiesDrawer 6• The Advocate, A Newsletter for American Christians, published by Good Information Advocates July 2007, Volume 1, No. 1
• letter of invitation from Bruce Leichty
American Friends Service Committee (APSC)Peace StudiesDrawer 6• American Friends Service Committee poster
• numerous undated information mailings
AmnestyPeace StudiesDrawer 6• Amnesty Information Service; March 1973 Interreligious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors [NISBCO] Resources for Amnesty Education
World War II - Cascade Locks, Oregon C.P.S CAMPPeace StudiesDrawer 6• Wyeth's Conchies Fight With Shovel - Objectors at Columbia River Camp Are 'In' for the Duration--Even If They Won't Defend Their Country
• Oregon's C.O. Camps Waldport & Wyeth (Cascade Locks) by William Eshelman and Charlie Davis
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors (CCCO)Peace StudiesDrawer 6• The Objector, a magazine of conscience and resistance; Spring 2002, January 2005 & July 2005
• CCCO News Notes: Spring 2005, Fall 2005, Spring 2006, Fall 2006
• CCCO Newsletters: Sept. & Dec. 2003; April & July 2005; April, July & Oct. 2006; Feb., May, Sept., Dec. 2007; Mar. May & Aug. 2007
• September 2003 CCCO's Expanding Programs for A World at War
• 2003-4 CCCO Annual report
Christian Peacemaker TeamsPeace StudiesDrawer 6• CPT Signs of the Times: Jan. 2009; Mar.-Aug. 2009; Apr.-June 2010; Jan.-Mar. 2011; Apr.-June 2011; July-Sep. 2011; Oct.-Dec. 2011
• Peacemaker's Resource Booklet, Sep. 1981
• CPT Annual Reports: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
• numerous assorted information documents
Conscientious Objection/ObjectorsPeace StudiesDrawer 6• Documentary Focuses on Conscientious Objectors
• Objectors to War - Oregon Stories of World War II Conscientious Objectors
• The Good War and those who Refused to Fight It
• WWII Pacifists Served, Too, In Oregon - In a little known chapter, conscientious objectors contributed at Civilian Public Service's Camp #21 in Cascade Locks
World War II - Camino, California C.P.S CampPeace StudiesDrawer 6• Camp Camino Reunion, July 13-15, 1990 Including letter of invitation, program and list of Camp Camino CPSers
Dove TalesPeace StudiesDrawer 6
I-W ServicesPeace StudiesDrawer 6• Parents and the Draft
• The Denver Post-Mortem - To Dissect and Diagnose the Denver I-W Unit: Jan. 1954, Apr. 1959, July 1960
• I - W Personnel Listing, January 15, 1960; prepared for Annual Meeting of Mennonite Central Committee, Jan 22-3, 1960
Juhnke, James, "Mennonites and Democracy"Peace StudiesDrawer 6• "Mennonites and Democracy: Shaped by War and Rumors of War" by James C. Juhnke - 14 page Essay
Lombard Peace CenterPeace StudiesDrawer 6• Lombard Mennonite Peace Center: Proposal - revised September 19, 1982
• Mennonite Peace Centers, J.R. Burkholder, Oct. 15, 1984
• A Survey of Mennonite-Related Peace Centers compiled by J.R. Burkholder, Oct. 1984
• We've A message to take to the City - DMF: A Vision as Big as Dallas, John Longhurst
• Forming A Congregational Peace Group - General Outline & Tenets
• Waging Peace, What four Mennonite churches are doing by Mark Siemens
• Lombard Mennonite Peace Center: Development of the Vision
• Lombard Mennonite Peace Center 1988 Annual Report: A Summary
• Community Resource Center; West Gill Place, Denver, Colorado
• Lombard Mennonite Peace Center: Summary of Outreach Activities, 1986 Annual Report
• How to start a Congregational Peace Ministry compiled by Mark Siemens
Mediation Services of Linn CountyPeace StudiesDrawer 6• Jan. 2002 & Mar. 2003 Newsletters
MilitarismPeace StudiesDrawer 6• 1987 1040 Peace Tax Form
• Growing in Stewardship and Witness in a Materialist World
• Statement to our Mennonite Churches on the Persian Gulf Situation, adopted by Mennonite Church Generak board, Nov. 17, 1990
• If My Marine Son is Killed by Alex Molnar
Miscellaneous Peace IssuesPeace StudiesDrawer 6• LIFEWORK publications Number 1 & Number 2, 1979
• World Peace Tax Fund and New Call to Peace Making Newsletters
• How to Avoid Death & Taxes, Institute for World Order
• Mark Hatfield Articles
• COPRED Membership list & newsletters
• New Abolitionist Covenant
• Dr. Helen Caldicott on The Effects of Nuclear Radiation
• numerous other varied Peace related materials
Mock, Melanie Springer, "A Soldier of the Lord"Peace StudiesDrawer 6• "A Soldier of the Lord" - 7 page essay by Melanie, April 2003
• "A Soldier of the Lord" - 17 page document by Melanie for the Fall PNMHS Newsletter
New Call to PeacemakingPeace StudiesDrawer 6• "A Call To A Peacemaking Lifestyle" - A working Document prepared by The New Call to Peacemaking Lifestyle Task Force, August 1977
• The Biblical and Theological Basis of Peacemaking
• "Building the Institutions of Peace" A Working Document, Feb. 1978
• Report of Northwest Regional Conference - New Call to Peacemaking at Camp Collins, Oregon, May 12-3 1978
• COPRED Peace Chronicle, Dc. 1979
• Turning War Taxes into Dollars for Peace, A Question of Conscience
• Making Conflict Constructive with John Paul Lederach
• "Evangelism Good News or Bad News" by David Augsburger
• Assorted New Call to Peacemaking documents
Nonresistance, War and PeacePeace StudiesDrawer 6• Shalom Phamplets: 2. What Is A Christian?, 3. What Did Jesus Teach Us?, 4.What Has The Church Done?, 5.What Are The Issues?, 6. How Do You Decide?
• Herald Press Booklets: 1.Why Men Fight, 2.Why Be A Christian, 3.Christ and War, 4.Christians and he State, 5.The Churches and War, 6.Is There a Middle Road?
• Other booklets: The Way of Peace, The Background and Heritage of the Mennonite Church, War and the Christian Conscience, The Christian Nonresistant Way of Life
• "A Statement of Concerns" adopted at a Study Conference on Christian Community Relations, July 24-27, 1951
• "Peace, War and Military Service, A Statement of the Position of the Mennonite Church" - Resolutions adopted by the Mennonite General Conference at Turner, Oregon, August, 1937
• "Ten Terrible Weeks in S. A. - summary report by Evangelical Confederation of Columbia
• "Peace and the Christian Witness" a statement adopted by Mennonite General Conference, Aug. 23, 1951
• Nonresistance Conference July 4, 5 1945 sponsored by Mennonite Commission for Christian Education and the Peace problems Committee
• "Student Aid for Nonregistrants" approved by the Mennonite Church General Board, August 1, 1983
• "Seig Gives Views on Universal Military Service" University of Washington Bulletin, June 1945
Pax NewslettersPeace StudiesDrawer 6• Number 1, Oct. 2000; Number 2, Apr. 2001; Number 3, July 2001; Number 4, Sep. 2001; Number 5, Mar. 2002
Peace EducationPeace StudiesDrawer 6• Bicentennial Studies for the Church, The Congregational Peace Education Program Inter-Mennonite/Brethren in Christ
• Christians and the Bicentennial, Mennonite Central Committee
• Ideology of Growth, MCC Peace Section
• New Call to Peacemaking, a cooperative effort of the Church of the Brethren, Friends & Mennonites
Peace Literature and ClippingsPeace StudiesDrawer 6• The Objector, July 2005
• Olive Branches, Vol. 3, No. 2: PJSN in Charlotte 2005, Leo Hartshorn
• Olive Branches, Vol. 4, No. 2: Pacific Northwest Regional Peace Gathering, Leo Hartshorn
• Letter from Bill Alberts, Nov. 28, 1969
• Mennonites Okeh 'Non-Cooperation' with Military: A Brief Statement on Mennonite Draft Resistance by J. Devon Leu, Jonahon Lind, Douglas Baker; Why I Resist by Sam Steiner; Letters by Jonathon and Mathew Lind to their Draft Board, May 1969
• The Military Psychiatrist
• TIME, Oct. 1969 THE NATION: Strike Against THE War & Four Faces of Protest
• Missionary Evangel, Summer, 1969: "We Listened To Them" and reports from PNW congregations
• Gospel Herald, Oct. 1969 Editorial " Draft Resisters at General Conference", "A Discerning Brotherhood" by Norman Derstine; "Conference Response to Conscription and Militarism" and Letter to the President
• A Collection of related Newspaper articles
• Christian Mental Health "What's Cooking on the Back Burner?
• 1989 Voting Profile
• "The Nuclear Winter" by Carl Sagan
• The Way of Christian Love in Race Relations
• "This Way to I-W" by John R. Martin and Edna Beiler
• Assorted Peace related flyers, brochures & booklets

Peace Tax FundPeace StudiesDrawer 6• Peace Tax Fund Quarterly Update - National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund & The Peace Tax Foundation, issue/2001 & issue iii/2001
• National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund, No. 3 Fall 1991
• WPTF Newsletter Winter 1984
• For the Sake of Conscience, The Peace Tax Fund Bill, a series of 6 brochures
Selective Service FormsPeace StudiesDrawer 6• Classification Questionnaire
• Selective Service System - Special Form for Conscientious Objector
• Selective Service System - Application of Volunteer for Civilian Work
• Selective Service System - Order to Report for Civilian Work and Statement of Employer
• Selective Service System - Special Report for Class I-O Registrants
Smith, Jasper W". "Non ResistancePeace StudiesDrawer 6• 16 page article on non-resistance from the perspective of history and theology as it relates to Anabaptists
• Order of the Holy Family brochure, Corvallis, Oregon
War TaxesPeace StudiesDrawer 6• "The Christian and the Payment of Taxes used for War" Willard M. Swartley, July, 1985
• Military Tax Withholding by Church Organizations, August, 1988
• Mennonite Church General Assembly Resolution on CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTION TO MILITARY TAXES, August, 1983
• Pacific Coast Conference agenda for April 1989 meeting to process the General Board's recommendation to General Assembly Normal '89 about withholding taxes from their employees
• Report of the April 1, 1989 meeting
• Stages of Conscientious Objection to Military Taxes - Church of he Brethren
• Options for Tax Re-Direction by John Schwiebert
World War IPeace StudiesDrawer 6• World War 1 Conscientious Objector experiences of My Father, Orie Conrad by Amos Conrad
• World War I Vets remember mud, bullets and flu, note thinning ranks by Joan Kropf
• The Martyrs of Alcatraz, Religious Persecution in the Land of the Free
World War I PhotosPeace StudiesDrawer 6• Mennonite Conscientious Objectors in Ft. Lewis WA
World War II Articles on CPSPeace StudiesDrawer 6• Actor Reaches Camp [WYETH]
• Civilian Public Service, an introduction prepared by Luke Birky Sept. 992
• Oregon Public Service Camps by Clarence Hartzler, Albany, Oregon
• Alyernative Service Work Camps in Canada in World War 2 by John L. Fretz
• CPS Days by Lester Kropf
• Frank Morris CPS experience
• God's Grace, Provision and Direction, A CPS Wife's Adventure by Jeanne Roth
• The Martin G. Brumbaugh Unit in Puerto Rico, A Civilian Public Service Project by Andrew W. Cordier
• C.P.S. Men Study Relief Administration at Columbia University
• Celebration of Conscience, A Celebration of fifty years of the continuing witness against war --- and the witness must never end by L. William Yolton and Titus Peachey
• Into the Fire, Conscientious objectors of World War II were smoke-jumping pioneers by Lynette Hintze The Daily Inter Lake
• CPS article by Mike Friesen of The Bulletin, Bend, Oregon picture of Lloyd Eason, Allen Snyder and Rufus Franz
• A Year of Civilian Public Service, July, 1942, and three years in Civilian Public Service, May 1994 - MCC Akron, Pennsylvania
• Mennonite Civilian Public Service Camps, bulletin of information, May 1941
• The Church and Returning C.P.S. Men by Harold S. Bender, 1946
• Dear Civilian Public Service Friends by Atlee Beachy Sept. 25, 1995
Calvary PublicationsPublishing, Books, and PapersDrawer 6Three issues of Calvary Messenger
• January 1975
• April 1975
• May 1977
Cascadia Publishing House (formerly Pandora Press)Publishing, Books, and PapersDrawer 6Two letters to Archivist Margaret Shetler: Nov. 2002 & March 2003
Several Pandora Press Newsletters
Christian Light PublicationsPublishing, Books, and PapersDrawer 6• News Releases: Mar. 1980; Mar. 1981; Dec. 1982; July & Nov. 1983; July 1984; Dec. 1986; Oct. 1989; Jan. 1991; Apr. & May 1994; Mar. 1998, Aug, & Nov. 1998; Mar. May & Nov. 1999; and Summer 2000
• July 1990 Special Prayer Request
• ALIGHT, Walking As Children of Light, September - October, 1991
• Companions: April 1982
Christian Learning ResourcePublishing, Books, and PapersDrawer 6A promotional notice on two new resources
Festival QuarterlyPublishing, Books, and PapersDrawer 6• "Pickin's the best of Festival Quarterly's first six years"
• Festival Quarterly Video Guide
Gospel GleanersPublishing, Books, and PapersDrawer 6• Vol. VII, No. 5, Part I - Sunday, May 6, 1934 issue of Gospel Gleaners
Johns Hopkins University PressPublishing, Books, and PapersDrawer 6• Publication featuring "New and selected books on Anabaptist Groups"; save 15% until 12/3/'95
Kreider, Alan and EleanorPublishing, Books, and PapersDrawer 6"Swearing and Truth-Telling Documents", March 18, 2012
Lind, Millard - writingsPublishing, Books, and PapersDrawer 6ISIAH STUDY series
1 The Prophet and His People
2 History by Decision
3 The Servant Songs
4 God Serves the Servant . . .
5 . . . That The Servant Might Serve
6 God's People and Their Problems
7 God's People as Suffering Servant
8 God's Great Servant---Hope of the World
Masthof PressPublishing, Books, and PapersDrawer 6• The Palatinate __ where fine wines gently caress the palate, Zum Wohl. Die Pfalz
• Letter to OMHGS - 10.20.1995
• Masthof Bookstore's Grand Opening Announcement, May 24-5, 1996
• "Preserving Your Research" document
• "American Folk Toys" flyer
• Henry J. Kauffman's Books, 2 flyers
• Mennonite Your Way document
• Masthof Book Store catalogs: Jan. 1996 & Jan. 2005 supplements
• 3 undated Masthof Press book lists
• Mennonite Family History, back issues
• European Heritage promotions: May 1-17, 2001 & May 2-21, 2002
Mennonite EncyclopediaPublishing, Books, and PapersDrawer 6• Letters by Hope Lind & Moses D. Evers related to revision of The Mennonite Encyclopedia
• drafts of proposed encyclopedia entry for most of the Mennonite churches in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana & California
Mennonite Publishing HousePublishing, Books, and PapersDrawer 6• Words of Cheer
• With Help from Friends
• Tools in His hand - 1948
• Illustrated Catalogs; 1915-16, 1921-22, 1925-26 & 1927-28
• From generation to generation Investing in Christian Literature
• Growing Together, A.J. Metzler
• Annual Reports: 1967 & 1972
• 50 Years of Christian Literature Service
• Congreational Use of Curriculum Materials 03/31/92 and 05/18/92
• MEMO Nov. 1993 & Mar. 1996
• August 2008 - The Mennonite needs your help, Everett J. Thomas
Mennonite Publishing NetworkPublishing, Books, and PapersDrawer 6• Mission statement by Ron Rempel, Executive Director - undated
Mennonite/Christian EvangelPublishing, Books, and PapersDrawer 6• Jubilee Missionary Number, The Mennonite and the Christian Evangel; Vol. II, No. 22; Hillsboro, Kansas, Nov. 19, 1935
Mennonites in the Media - clippingsPublishing, Books, and PapersDrawer 6• Simplicity of a flower; complexity of a fantasy - Mary Lou Goertzen
• A New Chance 'to make peace'; Victims, thieves work out restitution plan in county program
• U.S. professor [ Frank Regier] freed in Beirut
• House built to aid paraplegic
• The Mennonite Pilgrims; Mennonite children in Seminole
• Six Part Harmony, the Knox Brothers
• What Gandhi Means Today
Pandora Press (now Cascadia Publishing House)Publishing, Books, and PapersDrawer 6• A letter and 6 promotional notices on DreamSeeker Books
Poisoned PenPressPublishing, Books, and PapersDrawer 6• Three Can Keep A Secret, Judy Clemens
Wenger, J. C. "How We Understand and Use the Bible"Publishing, Books, and PapersDrawer 6• 17 page document "How We Understand and Use the Bible" by J.C. Wenger Goshen Biblical Seminary
• The Thomas of Imbroich Ballad, No. 23 in the Ausbund Translated by J.C. Wenger
• A Working Bibliography (English Only) Anabaptist-Tradition by J.C. Wenger
• Gospel Herald Editorial, August 25, 1970 "The Message of the Mennonite Church" by J.C. Wenger
• The Martyrdom of Joseph and Michael Hofer, 1918; translated from German by Franz Wiebe, 1974
• Mennonite Theological Stance by J.C. Wenger
• Comparative Theology by J.C. Wenger
Willamette E.S.D. PressPublishing, Books, and PapersDrawer 6• Letter and Flyer for Willamette Education Service District, July 2006
Victim Offender Reconciliation Program
Peace StudiesDrawer 6• VORP of Linn County
• VORP of the Central Valley
• The Christian as Victim by Howard Zehr
• Mediating the Victim-Offender Conflict by Howard Zehr with a case study by Earl Sears
• VORP of Linn County Newsletters
Amnesty InternationalPeace StudiesDrawer 6• numerous, assorted undated information documents
Osborne, MillardPublishing, Books, and PapersDrawer 6• The Responsibility of Christian Freedom
Taylor Whiteson Pioneer Cemetery; Yamhill County, OregonCemeteriesDrawer 4• Many Amish Names Listed
Pleasant View Community ChurchYale WashingtonDrawer 6
Tualatin Valley FellowshipNW Mennonite CongregationsDrawer 6